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Tag: democracy
STOP THE COUP: Thousands of protesters expected to hit the streets today
- Hundreds of thousands expected to protest in dozens of locations this Saturday
- MPs pledge to occupy parliament as constitutional crisis intensifies
- Mass civil disobedience and disruption on the cards
- Over a hundred trade unionists call for strike action
Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in protests this Saturday against the Boris Johnson’s move to suspend parliament and ram through his Brexit agenda. Continue reading STOP THE COUP: Thousands of protesters expected to hit the streets today
Citizens’ Assembly taking shape
Ministers will produce an action plan within three months of receiving recommendations from the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland, it has been announced. Continue reading Citizens’ Assembly taking shape
Community councils asked to discuss EACC’s future role
The Edinburgh Association of Community Councils, the umbrella body set up to support the capital’s 43 community councils, is looking to become more ‘pro-active’. Continue reading Community councils asked to discuss EACC’s future role
Drylaw Telford Communtiy Council meets on Wednesday
Aamer Anwar to deliver Jimmy Reid Foundation annual lecture
Dear Friends of The Reid Foundation,
The 2019 annual lecture is now only two months away, on Thursday 10 October.
In conjunction with the University of Glasgow, the lecture will be given by Scotland’s leading human rights lawyer, Aamer Anwar. Currently, Aamer is the Rector of the University of Glasgow, as Jimmy Reid was in the early 1970s, and will give the lecture in the Bute Hall where Jimmy gave his famous rectorial address in 1972 called ‘Alienation’ and known as the ‘rat race is for rats’ speech.
The title of Aamer’s lecture is ‘The struggle for justice, equality and freedom in Scotland’.
In it, he will not only discuss the state of justice, equality and human rights in Scotland but also examine how the battle for these can be pursued in the face of opposition from the Scottish establishment.
Tickets for the lecture can be purchased here.
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
Any Reid Foundation sustaining members are eligible for a free ticket – please email us back on this address if you wish to take up this option.
Yours sincerely
Gregor Gall, Director
People’s Vote: Let Us Be Heard rally at The Meadows this afternoon
Labour MP Jess Phillips and SNP MP Joanna Cherry will join a stellar line-up of comedians at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for a People’s Vote ‘Let Us Be Heard’ rally in Edinburgh today.
They will be joined by top comics Andrew Maxwell, Grace Campbell and Fred MacAulay as well as the renowned ‘Graffiti Granny’, Hazel Jones. Continue reading People’s Vote: Let Us Be Heard rally at The Meadows this afternoon
Westminster: an anti-choice stitch-up?
The decision by both Plaid Cymru and the Greens to stand down at the recent Brecon and Radnorshire by-election has sparked a lot of talk in Westminster about political pacts (writes Willie Sullivan). Continue reading Westminster: an anti-choice stitch-up?
First steps towards a Citizens Assembly
The Scottish Government has proposed a Citizens’ Assembly on Scotland’s future, providing an opportunity for greater citizen engagement on issues facing the country. It’s early days, but an event in Edinburgh last week gave grounds for optimism. Continue reading First steps towards a Citizens Assembly
So, what IS a Citizens’ Assembly?
The Scottish Government has proposed a Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland, but what IS a citizens’ assembly?
The University of Edinburgh and Electoral Reform Society Scotland have organised a panel discussion on Monday (July 8th) from 6pm – 8pm with speakers including:
- Joanna Cherry MP QC (SNP Justice and Home Affairs spokesperson)
- Dr Jess Garland (Electoral Reform Society)
- Dr Oliver Escobar (University of Edinburgh)
- Professor David Farrell (Research leader of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly)
- Louise Caldwell (Irish Citizens’ Assembly member)
- Lesley Riddoch (Journalist)
- David Martin (Citizens’ Assembly Convener Designate)
The event has been incredibly popular, and is oversubscribed so we will be live streaming it at
We are collecting suggestions for questions for the panel. You can submit your questions here
Bookmark the link now and add the event to your calendar – don’t forget to tweet along with the stream with the hashtag #ShapingScotland
Phil Connor,
Campaigns Officer,
ERS Scotland