What kind of Scotland do YOU want?

As you might know, Community Learning and Development (CLD) in Edinburgh has agreed to prioritise educational activities around next year’s referendum on Scotland’s independence – arguably the biggest decision that people in Scotland have been called on to make.

The Edinburgh Active Citizenship group (EACG) is running a series of free public seminars in the run up to the‘Big Vote’.

The first, ‘What kind of Scotland do we want to live in?’ is on Thursday 21st March, 7pm-8.45pm in the Godfrey Thomson Hall, Moray House. 

Our speaker is James Robertson, award-winning poet and writer of fiction. His novels, which often have political themes, includeJoseph Knight, The Testament of Gideon Mack and And the Land Lay Still. His next book, to be published in June, isThe Professor of Truth.

Come along to hear what James Robertson has to say, voice your views and raise your own questions. Bear in mind that 16 and 17 year olds will be entitled to vote too, so please also encourage the participation of youth groups/young people you know or work with.

Nancy Somerville

Community Learning & Development, City of Edinburgh Council

Tel: 0131 558 3545
