Following performance improvements in relation to the delivery of Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Psychological Therapies, NHS Lothian Health Board has been de-escalated to Stage 2 of NHS Board performance escalation framework.
Robust measures will remain in place to ensure NHS Lothian continues to receive support to help maintain improvements.
NHS Lothian was originally escalated to Stage 3 for mental health performance in July 2019.
The improvements to CAMHS and Psychological Therapies has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of children, young people and adults waiting to start treatment compared to the period prior to escalation.

Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: “Escalating a health board is never done lightly and, following progress to improve the provision of mental health services, care and support, I am pleased that we are now able to de-escalate NHS Lothian. This is a positive step forward.
“Staff have worked hard to support the improvement work while delivering high quality patient care. It has been a challenging time for them, as well as patients and families, and support for the Board will continue to improve services even further for patients.”