80th anniversary of D-Day: First Minister to attend ceremonies in Portsmouth and Normandy

First Minister John Swinney will represent the people of Scotland at national commemorations honouring the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Today (Wednesday 5 June) he will attend the main UK ceremony in Portsmouth, to celebrate the work of UK and other forces at the port city from which the Allies left for the beaches of Normandy.

Tomorrow (Thursday 6 June) he will attend the first ever National Commemoration ceremony to be held at the British War Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer, France, to pay tribute to all who served in the Normandy Campaign.  

In Scotland, a National D-Day 80 Commemoration Concert is being held in Edinburgh, supported by the Scottish Government. Minister for Veterans Graeme Dey will be in attendance.

The First Minister said: “Scotland owes a great debt of gratitude to all those who served during the Second World War, especially to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

“Were it not for the actions of these brave men and women 80 years ago, we would not enjoy the freedoms which we now take for granted.

“It is important that current and future generations continue to learn of the events that took place in Normandy so that we ensure such a conflict is never repeated.

“The Scottish Government is wholehearted in our commitment to supporting our Armed Forces, veterans and their families in Scotland.

“We will never forget those who have, and continue to, lay down their lives in the service of their country.”

Scotland’s Salute to D-Day 80 takes place at the Usher Hall on 6 June. The Scottish Government provided £22,000 funding towards the concert.

Find out more about events to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Defence Secretary marks D-Day anniversary

Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, spoke in Ver-sur-Mer, during an international ceremony at the British Normandy memorial to mark the 79th anniversary of D-Day yesterday:

Mr. Minister, Your Excellency, veterans, ladies and gentlemen.

Before coming here my officials drafted a speech they thought I might want to deliver.

It celebrated the heroes, objectives captured and the units.

And if I had not served myself I would have no doubt I would have delivered it.

But what I wanted to say today was that this day belongs as much to the ordinary soldier, sailor, airman as it does the outstanding.

Because the 6th June was an achievement of the platoon commanders, the non-commissioned officers, the private, and the airman and then naval rating.

Because it is they who had to conquer first the fear.

Who had to sort order from chaos, and who in the end had to stand up and walk towards the guns.

It was they who had to inspire their section or troops.

They who had no certainty of survival.

Each man on 6 June would have to have rationalised the potential death they faced with themselves.

That was the first obstacle on the day to overcome.

And once that fear was overcome the task of turning the vast enterprise that was Operation Overlord could commence.

As we celebrate the victory of the Allied forces on these beaches 79 years ago today, we should reflect that at this very moment there are men and women of Ukraine trying to overcome that same fear and trepidation.

In assembly areas and on start lines along the vast front, each individual will be mentally preparing themselves for potential death or victory.

They will be experiencing that same anxious feeling in the stomach. They will be trying to think of their home in the same way those Allies who had come from so very far away to this beach, on this day, 79 years ago.

They will be looking to their friends beside them and their Corporals for encouragement or reassurance.

The fear that many of us have witnessed first-hand will be somewhere behind the eyes.

They will be doing what the Free French did so powerfully on this day. They will be fighting for their lands, their soil.

They will be fighting for Europe to be free.

We should not underestimate the challenge it is to go forward under fire.

Attacking is a very different task from defending.

The memorials here today remind us of that.

We must be grateful as a generation that on that day of days courage was on our side.

That despite all the chaos, and fear and noise, it was the ordinary who grabbed their rifle, overcame fear and fought for us all.

The coins you want to find in your loose change this D-Day

50th ANNIVERSARY: Decimal currency was introduced in the UK on 15th February 1971

The Royal Mint has posted the mintage figures for the calendar year of 2019, providing the only official guide to the rarest coins in circulation. 

In 2019 over 500 million coins were released into circulation, including three new 50 pence designs celebrating Arthur Conon Doyle’s iconic Sherlock Holmes, and Paddington the Bear at St Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London.

The figures were revealed ahead of the 50th anniversary of Decimalisation, which takes place today (15th February 2021) and saw the introduction of many of the coins used today. 

The changeover inspired thousands of people to become coin collectors, and over the decades the 50 pence grew to become Britain’s most collectable coin.

The shape of the 50 pence made it the ideal canvas for special commemorative designs, and over 70 events, anniversaries and individuals have been celebrated on circulating 50 pence pieces.

The famous 2009 Kew Gardens 50p (top) remains the most coveted coin in circulation, with a mintage of just 210,000. Other rare designs include the 2011 Olympic 50p’s and the highly collectable Peter Rabbit 2018 coins.

The Royal Mint’s Director of UK Currency, Mark Loveridge, said: “The 50p was introduced as part of decimalisation and has grown to become Britain’s favourite coin. The innovate shape of the coin makes it perfect for commemorative designs, and over the years we’ve commemorated many iconic occasions, events and individuals on a 50p.

“Coin collecting remains as popular as ever, and we were delighted to release a number of special designs into circulation in 2019. The Kew Gardens remains the most coveted coin, with a mintage of just 210,000 but it’s always exciting to find a special design in your change. As we approach the 50th anniversary of decimalisation, we are proud that this iconic work of art remains in the nation’s pocket.”

In addition to making coins for the UK, The Royal Mint is also the world’s largest export mint and produced around three billion coins and blanks for 30 countries in 2019-20.

Rarest 50p designs released into circulation in 2019

50P SHERLOCK8,602,000

Rarest 50p designs in circulation:

2009KEW GARDEN 210,000
2011OLYMPIC JUDO1,161,500
2018PETER RABBIT1,400,000
2018FLOPSY BUNNY1,400,000
2011OLYMPIC TENNIS1,454,000

The full mintage figures can be found on The Royal Mint’s website: https://www.royalmint.com/currency/uk-currency/mintages/

France to honour Tony Delahoy

France’s top honour for ‘Mr NEN’

Tony Delahoy

North Edinburgh’s Tony Delahoy (above) is one of nine Normandy veterans to receive France’s top honour, the Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur, at a ceremony on board the French frigate Aquitane tomorrow.

Tony will become a chevalier of the Legion d’Honneur at the ceremony at Leith’s cruise liner terminal which will also be attended by the French consul and Edinburgh’s Lord Provost Donald Wilson.

The veterans will be presented with France’s highest honour for their role in liberating the country in the Second World War in June 1944.

Tony has been a staunch supporter of the North Edinburgh News (NEN) since it was launched as The Commune over thirty years ago and over that time has contributed hundreds of letters and articles, both in print and more recently on our blog.

Back in July Tony shared his D-Day experiences with NEN readers in an article entitled ‘Normandy Remembered’, and I’m delighted to share this once again (below).

Many congratulations, Tony!



I was a dispatch rider for the 219th battery of the regiment – my motor cycle was a BSA 500cc, a really good machine. My personal armament was a pistol and a sten machine gun.

On the night of 4/5 June 1944 my Unit, the 55th Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery, moved from Great Yarmouth to London docks to embark for France. After sailing down the Thames we joined other ships in the Channel and moved towards France.

After a couple of hours there was a submarine alert but nothing developed; however during the night the ship was later by enemy planes. Their bombs missed the ship but a second attack was made and the ship was hit by a huge electrically-guided bomb. Fortunately this failed to explode – a fantastic escape for everyone! I like to think it was the resistance workers who sabotaged the bomb! The ship stopped for a time, of course, and destroyers stood by to help if necessary.

When we finally reached the coast of France the ship was attacked again, but not hit. I wondered if it was possible the enemy knew our ship was carrying important anti-tank guns?

On scrambling down the nets into the landing craft I found that the pilot of the landing craft was my next door neighbour from home – what a place to meet!

As a dispatch rider my job from day one – and throughout the campaign – was to keep contact with the guns. Finding them in different locations meant many hours of lone travelling on the bike, making a reconnaissance of areas to make sure we knew where the enemy were and at the same time making a mental note of the route taken.

The front line is not a straight line, so it is easy to get into enemy-held areas and coming under fire for doing so! When we were just to the south of Caen I had to reach a gun position – to do this I had to cross a large field, but on leaving the site I was usually targeted by enemy mortar shells. Fortunately these always fell behind me: on subsequent visits to Normandy the gun crew told me they used to bet on which shell would hit the target!

The role of my regiment, which was part of the 49th Infantry Division, was to protect the infantry and to destroy the enemy Panzer tank divisions, preventing them breaking through to the landing beaches and so splitting the front in half. This they tried very hard to do: in the area roughly halfway between the cities of Caen and Bayeux bitter fighting took place around Tilly sur Suelles, Cristot, Fontenay le Pesnel, Rauray and Villers Bocage. Our Division suffered great casualties: a monument to the 49th Division, whose insignia is the polar bear, is to be seen just outside the town of Fontenay le Pesnel (below).


Many escapades on my motor cycle took place in those areas. The enemy left snipers behind to do as much damage as possible and to act as observers; observation of movements brought down concentrated mortar shelling.

Two things cannot be described in writing: the sheer volume of noise of a battle and the terrible stench of dead cattle all around. 

The city of Caen, with it’s road network south of the city, was vitally important for both sides. Many Panzer divisions were concentrated in the area, so after the battles mentioned above our anti-tank regiment moved to the Caen area by way of Pegasus Bridge.

The weather, which had been wet for a few days, turning the ground into deep mud, turned hot, drying the ground out quickly. This meant that any movement raised a cloud of dust, resultng in heavy shelling from the enemy.

My job continued, finding the location of guns; a lonely and sometimes frightening hours-long experience. Night time journeys were more so, but mental notes of a route made during daylight were of great benefit in keeping out of trouble.

The Demouville, Cagny, Freemental Mesnil and Frenouville areas were heavily fought over. During one night time reconnaissance I came upon a chateau near Frenouville which I hoped was deserted. After carefully looking and listening, I decided to stop there in the kitchen and get some sleep. During the night I heard voices – I couldn’t tell whether ours or theirs – but thankfully they went on their way. It was a patrol, but whose I will never know – and thankfully they didn’t spot my motorbike hidden in the hedge!


Throughout July and August we fought our way south of Caen (above) and with the Americans moving from west to east the enemy was practically trapped. My division then attacked east to reach the River Seine to attack and capture the port of Le Havre: it was vital for supplies and the enemy knew it …

These experiences, mine and hundreds of others – from Normandy and Belgium and Holland too – have led to many of us old comrades returning year after year. Most veterans have returned to Normandy to take part in official ceremonies, particularly at the 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th and now 70th anniversaries of D Day 1944, remembering those who died fighting fascism.

Also to visit graves of comrades in beautifully kept cemeteries throughout Normandy. And to see and feel how much the restoration of freedom has meant and means to each succeeding generation; to get an understanding of the sacrifice and courage of the peoples of France, Belgium and Holland during their four years of occupation – and their elation on being liberated.

The most important result of the veterans returning for 71 years, I feel, has been the bringing together of hundreds of thousands of people from countries everywhere, not to glorify war but to celebrate the necessity of peace.

As a focal point the ability of veterans to continue visiting Europe is diminishing, so each generation must be that focal point and guard their future by understanding the events and mistakes that led to World War.


I was invited to write the foreward to Rene Vos’ ‘Sporen uit het Verleden 1940 1945’, a book about the occupation of Holland as I was involved in the liberation of that area too. I’ve reproduced it below: 

Citizens of Cranendonck Community,

To remember and to celebrate is not to glorify militarism but to show the united will of the people for a peaceful world.

It is important that events of the 1930s and 1940s are told to each generation so they can avoid the ‘mistakes; made during that period: the ‘mistake’ of tolerating racism, the ‘mistake’ of ignoring the fascist states’ determination to expand their control over others, all of which led to world war.

It was the ordinary people of all lands who finally defeated that evil; it is the ordinary people of all lands, armed with the knowledge of the past, that will safeguard the future.

Tony Delahoy

D-Day: liberated people deserve tribute too

d day 3

Dear Editor


Every year, D-Day 1944 is celebrated, particularly in Normandy where the people express gratitude for their liberation by organising many ceremonies.

Tremendous efforts are made and much  kindness and respect is shown to those veterans attending. It is very moving to be on the receiving end of such friendship, particularly when so much devastation was inflicted on Normandy during those summer months of 1944.

There are very many monuments, commemorative sites, museums, etc. maintained to express this continuing gratitude, but I have long thought that the Allied governments should erect a suitable tribute dedicated to the people of Normandy for their endurance, courage and sacrifice. It is long overdue but should be done.

I believe this tribute would attract the support of many sections and ages of the UK population, particularly as 2015 will be the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

d day liberation