Carry On Tramworks!

Construction site preparation works for Edinburgh’s Trams to Newhaven project will restart tomorrow (Monday, 1 June) in line with the Scottish Government’s Phase 1 pre-start site preparation.

Work on the project was stopped at the end of March to comply with Scottish Government guidance and to protect the safety of workers and residents during the coronavirus outbreak.

Following the First Minister’s announcement on 21 May of a phased return for construction sites, plans have been drawn up in line with Scottish Government safety guidelines and industry best practice to ensure the safety of workers and the public. At a briefing on Thursday the First Minister confirmed that site preparation could begin.

In advance of the main work beginning, works to prepare construction sites and project offices will include the introduction of infection control stations, additional water stations and toilet facilities for workers within the site and in the project office, and ensuring all office workspaces and facilities are set up appropriately.

Other works on site will include the removal of the protective in-fill material that was used to ensure the work site remained safe and protected during the shutdown.

Measures to protect workers’ health will include daily briefings, continuous on-site inspections and health and safety ‘ambassadors’. The numbers of workers on-site will be kept to a minimum and the majority of project office staff will continue to work from home.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “Following updated advice from the Scottish Government, we will be carrying out site preparatory works on the Trams to Newhaven project from Monday, 1 June.

“The safety of workers and the public is of utmost importance during this time and all works will be undertaken in compliance with the Government’s guidance on construction working and to allow physical distancing.

“The tram team have put in an enormous amount of hard work with our contractors to take us through this challenging period and it will take some time to fully remobilise sites. The implications of COVID-19 are unlikely to be understood for some time but we continue to work to mitigate the impact as we progress with the project.”

Depute Leader Cammy Day said: “The Trams to Newhaven project is being delivered for the future of our city and is one of a number of schemes that are crucial to the sustainable, long-term development of the city, helping decarbonise the way we travel.

It is exactly the kind of investment we need post-COVID-19 to ensure Edinburgh is a thriving, forward-looking place for people to live and work in and will help to encourage much needed affordable housing, jobs and investment into North Edinburgh.”

Alejandro Mendoza Monfort, Director of Sacyr Farrans Neopul, the main infrastructure contractor, said: “SFN are delighted that we can restart our works on the Trams to Newhaven project. We understand the importance that this project will have for Edinburgh’s future and are committed to ensuring that we continue to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus 19. During this pause period, concentrated efforts have continued behind the scenes to develop and test a series of robust systems and procedures, whilst ensuring the highest level of health, safety and wellbeing can be provided.

“We have used this time to adapt to our new working world and developed new operating procedures that provide information, guidance and site-specific measures that will be implemented when conducting works to mitigate the impact, so far as reasonably practicable, of the virus.”

Mike Thomson, Director of Morrison Utility Services, said: “We are very pleased to be able to begin to prepare to restart this important project for Edinburgh.

” The safety of colleagues and the public is paramount and MUS has been working closely with the City of Edinburgh Council and SFN to ensure that our working practices are fully compliant with the guidance given by the Scottish Government, while also looking at ways in which we can mitigate the impact of the recent enforced shutdown.”

Once the construction industry is given the approval to move to Phase 2, works on the existing sites will recommence and the Leith Walk construction site will be established as planned prior to site shutdown.

Any commencement of main works will be subject to the Scottish Government giving approval to move to Phase 2 of their construction guidelines which states: ‘soft start to site works (only where physical distancing can be maintained)’.

The project team has been working on plans to mitigate the impact of the enforced shutdown as a result of COVID-19 on the programme and budget. Despite the current circumstances, the project continues to operate within its £207.3m budget. The project is paid for by borrowing monies that are repaid over a 30-year period through future revenues from customers.

While work on the latest phase of the Edinburgh tram project gets back underway, SIX YEARS ON there’s still no sign of a long-awaited report on the shambolic first phase.

The Edinburgh Tram Inquiry was commissioned by Scottish Ministers and in June 2014, the Inquiry was formally announced by then First Minister Alex Salmond. The Inquiry is chaired by Lord Hardie.

The Edinburgh Tram Inquiry aims to establish why the Edinburgh Tram project incurred delays, cost more than originally budgeted and through reductions in scope delivered significantly less than projected.

The official terms of reference for the Inquiry are to:

  • Inquire into the delivery of the Edinburgh Tram project (‘the project’), from proposals for the project emerging to its completion, including the procurement and contract preparation, its governance, project management and delivery structures, and oversight of the relevant contracts, in order to establish why the project incurred delays, cost considerably more than originally budgeted for and delivered significantly less than was projected through reductions in scope.
  • Examine the consequences of the failure to deliver the project in the time, within the budget and to the extent projected.
  • Review the circumstances surrounding the project as necessary, in order to report to the Scottish Ministers making recommendations as to how major tram and light rail infrastructure projects of a similar nature might avoid such failures in future.



Waterfront development: green light for ‘Western villages’

450 affordable homes set for waterfront as construction restarts

The first phase of housing for the latest development of Granton Waterfront was given the go ahead by councillors this week.

Granton Waterfront regeneration is expected to lead the way in sustainable development as part of Edinburgh’s commitment to be net zero carbon by 2030.

A £1.5m contract will now be awarded to CCG (Scotland) Ltd to take forward designs for planning approval for an affordable housing development to include around 450 high quality homes, following agreement by the City of Edinburgh Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee yesterday.

Over the coming months the Council will be engaging with the community to develop the designs for the detailed planning application.

As part of this early programme of works for Granton Waterfront,  the Council is planning to refurbish the Granton Station building, an Edwardian former railway station, into a modern business space and is exploring the potential to light the area’s former gasholder in a joint project with Edinburgh College, turning the latter into a focal point for the city.

The wider proposals will create one of Europe’ s largest coastal city parks linking Granton Harbour to Cramond and Lauriston Castle, reconnecting the city with its waterfront and providing the opportunity for residents and visitors to enjoy spectacular views across the Forth while experiencing enhanced leisure and outdoor activity.

The plan is also set to deliver on exemplar urban design centred around climate resilience, leading the way in future sustainable development and growing the economy in an inclusive way.

The proposals will bring around 3,500 new homes of which at least 35% will be affordable, a school, medical centre, creative and commercial space, new cycling and walking routes and enhanced sustainable transport connections with the city, making a significant contribution to Edinburgh’s target to become a net zero carbon city by 2030.

With an overall gross development value of around £1.3bn, the Council is committed to investing around £196m to accelerate the regeneration, attracting significant public and private sector funding to deliver the vision.

Council Leader Adam McVey, said: “As we start the recovery from this pandemic this development is a fantastic start to building the homes our residents need.

“Our waterfront development significantly contributes towards our shared goal of a better and more sustainable Edinburgh together so it’s great news that the first phase of this vibrant new neighbourhood for Edinburgh is now going ahead.

“We’re absolutely committed to reaching our target to build 20,000 affordable homes in the city as well as investing £2bn in new Council homes over the next decade. We’re also committed to becoming a net zero carbon city by 2030 and Granton Waterfront will contribute greatly to all of these goals.

Depute Council Leader Cammy Day, said: “The award of these contracts is a welcome message for the north Edinburgh community and the construction industry.

“The first phase of housing will provide hundreds of affordable homes and going forward the regeneration of this area will create hundreds of new jobs linked to growth of new services, business, leisure and creative industries and will strengthen the retail and small businesses that already exist.

“This is only just the start of this exciting development for the city and I look forward to seeing the plans brought forward by CCG for what will become one of Scotland’s leading sustainable communities.

Calum Murray, Director, CCG (Scotland) Ltd, said: “The City of Edinburgh Council is to be congratulated for the support it has afforded the construction sector during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“By progressing with the Western Villages project they are helping to build essential economic resilience and mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic for key stakeholders and the supply chain.

“In so doing the City is also sustaining the delivery of necessary affordable housing which will deliver on its low-carbon objectives. CCG(Scotland)Ltd is delighted to be in the vanguard of this significant regeneration initiative.”

GRAHAM supports Women Into Construction initiative

Young women from across Central Scotland participating in the ‘Women into Construction’ programme have completed a three-day course to build a wind turbine, facilitated by leading contractor GRAHAM.

‘Women into Construction’ has been devised by Action for Children to encourage more females into the construction industry, where women currently only account for 14% of the workforce.

GRAHAM is a lead partner of the initiative and arranged for the group of young women to take part in the wind turbine project with ConStructEd Scotland at Sibbald’s training facility at Blackridge, to further develop their learning and gain practical, real life construction experience.

The hands-on course has seen the group manage all aspects of the wind turbine construction project from the ground up. Working outdoors in the elements, the team have built formwork, tested and poured concrete before erecting the turbine mast and assembling the electrics to generate power.

Each stage of construction has involved learning and using a variety of materials, tools and skills which can be put to good use in the working world when the programme ends.

Across the duration of the seven-week training programme, the young women from Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian will learn about various sectors of the construction industry; each aspiring to secure an apprenticeship in their chosen field after they graduate from the course in May.

Suzanne Stevenson, Social Impact Advisor for GRAHAM said: “There is a significant gender imbalance in the construction sector, so initiatives like ‘Women into Construction’ provide a strong platform to show just how rewarding and varied a career in construction can be.

“As a company, GRAHAM looks to provide as many opportunities as possible to the younger generation, including apprenticeship schemes and funding further education. It’s been a pleasure to watch the young women progress throughout the course and we look forward to supporting them in their futures where possible.”

Charlie Douglas, 16, from Bonnyrigg, a participant on the ‘Women into Construction’ programme said: “The ‘Women into Construction’ programme has been a brilliant experience and opportunity for me.

“I grew up watching my dad and brother work in construction and I’ve loved being able to train in the same field, as part of an all-female group. The course has made me feel far more comfortable and confident as everyone is in the same position, learning the basics together.

“The wind turbine project was a great way to get some hands-on experience and now I’d really like to take this further and explore a career in the construction industry.”

GRAHAM is a member of the “5% Club”, an organisation consisting of companies committed to ensuring 5% of their workforce over the next five years is comprised of young people on structured learning schemes.

Those interested in applying for an apprenticeship with GRAHAM in Scotland are encouraged to send a CV and covering letter to:

Local worker praised for contribution to Pennywell Living

A local construction worker has been praised for his contribution to the regeneration journey of all three phases of the Pennywell Living development.

Born and bred in Muirhouse, 59 year- old Roy has lived at Pennywell his whole life and has played a vital role in the development of the site from its inception, bringing his knowledge and connection to the community to the delivery team. Continue reading Local worker praised for contribution to Pennywell Living

Holyrood: Industry leaders must ‘take ownership’ in tackling construction challenges

Industry leaders should ‘take ownership’ when it comes to tackling longstanding challenges within the construction industry MSPs on the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee said today.

The call comes as a result of the Committee’s inquiry into Scotland’s construction sector. Continue reading Holyrood: Industry leaders must ‘take ownership’ in tackling construction challenges

Award-winning Artisan to begin new residential project in Canonmills

Artisan, awarded Scottish Property Company of the Year, but known locally for their recent award-winning New Waverly development, have instructed local contractor Hart to begin the construction of a new residential development at Warriston Road in Canonmills, Edinburgh later this month. Continue reading Award-winning Artisan to begin new residential project in Canonmills

College construction students raise the roof!

Edinburgh College construction training awards celebrate student achievement


Edinburgh College’s construction department raised the roof as students who have proved they are built of the right stuff were celebrated at the college’s annual training awards. Continue reading College construction students raise the roof!