Disability supporters urged to respond to Edinburgh's budget consultation

LCIl logo

Local Disabled People’s Organisation Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) has responded to the City of Edinburgh Council’s (CEC) budget consultation and is encouraging other organisations and individuals to do the same.

CEC budget consultation 2015-16-Nov. 14

The organisation’s full response (see above) , acknowledges the financial pressure under which local authorities are operating but highlights the risks associated with implementing savings proposals which directly impact disabled people, people with long term conditions or older people and/or the organisations supporting them.

Of the council’s 69 savings proposals 25 directly target these services, and taken together represent 32% of the total of the overall suggested savings – almost ONE THIRD.

LCiL argues that  In a tough financial environment disabled people, people with long term conditions and older people are the first ones to feel the impact on their quality of life and on their ability to remain active and visible in their community. Targeting cuts to the very services that support them to live independently, and to remain members of their communities, would just lead to more exclusion and marginalisation, and increase the gap between those who have and who have not.

LCiL’s Chief Executive Florence Garabedian said: “There is still time to change the views of those who have proposed these savings and for CEC to explore the negative consequences which these could have on disabled people – people with long term conditions and older people.

“We urge those who are part of this constituency, and their supporters, to make sure their voices are heard before the consultation ends on 19 December.”

scales 2

The City of Edinburgh Council has published a range of materials about the budget consultation which you can access on the Consultation and Responses Section of the E-library, including:

For further details you can access information on their website at: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/budget

For an overview of the budget proposals visit here: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20200/budget_and_finance/1136/budget_proposals_for_2015_2016

Deadline for responses is: 19 December 2014.

Granton CC to hold Drop-in Day

RWCC (2)

Granton & District Community Council are holding a Drop In event:

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

on Tuesday 9 December

between 10 am – 7 pm

We will be there so that people can drop in and comment on the budget proposals that the council are discussing. To support this we are in the process of undertaking a partial leaflet drop of the area that not only advertises the event but provides details of our web site, twitter and telephone contact number. This forms part of our engagement strategy going forward.

Granton flyer Poster Budget

Dave Macnab

Secretary, Granton and District Community Council


Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrantonDistCC

Letter: Muirhouse & Salvesen CC supports the NEN

Dear Dave,

Members of the Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council wish to convey a vote of thanks on behalf of members of the community on the latest issue of the NEN.

The local people’s newspaper has been much missed over the past few years in keeping people in touch with happening in their local community, especially for older people of the community and those who find it hard to get out. Great to see it coming through our letter boxes once again.

We look forward to your December issue which is sure to be filled with local happenings and interesting articles.

We wish the team all the best and are looking forward to more regular issues into the New Year.

Our Community Council support the NEN in its venture and would be happy to assist in any way it can.

Roy Douglas

Chairperson, Muirhouse & Salvesen Community Council

Living in Harmony double-date


The Living in Harmony Forum meets tonight

Tuesday 25 November from 5.30 -7.30pm

at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

The group has also set a date for a Chat Café at Granton Youth Centre next month – see below

community chat cafe poster december


Rachel Farrier (Development Worker, Living in Harmony)

Pilton Community Health Project

Women: Breaking the Mould at Royston Wardieburn




Breaking the Mould is a new project which aims to record and celebrate inspirational women from North Edinburgh who have made a difference to the lives of others locally, nationally, internationally. The North Edinburgh project is looking to find women from the community who have ‘broken the mould’, and who will be featured in an Edinburgh wide publication.

We are trying to find out and learn more about local women of North Edinburgh, who did/ are doing amazing and remarkable things for their community and who we feel can inspire women and girls today and in the future. To do this we are discussing women from the North Edinburgh area who are or were engaged in a range of social and political campaigns, including women’s involvement in the recent Scottish Independence Referendum. Other areas of women’s activism that will be looked at are throughout the 20th century looking at the 1960s and 70s, the war years and the women’s suffrage movement.

At the moment we are chatting about what we mean by a women having ‘broken the mould’.

The group of women meet every Wednesday from 11 – 1pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. A free crèche is provided for participants’ children. Free Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.

If you would like more information or to join the group please call Lynn McCabe at Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 or Janette Bond, from the Workers’ Education Association on 225 2580.

Flyer B New Breaking the Mould NorthEd NEW

Talking walking (and cycling) in Inverleith


Walking, cycling and sustainable transport were the themes of Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s annual community conference held at Broughton High School last night.

Active travel, in particular encouraging walking and cycling to school, features high on the list of community priorities in Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s hot-off-the-press local community plan for 2014 – 2107, so the conference theme was well chosen.

Around fifty delegates attended the event which was hosted by Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership convener Councillor Nigel Bagshaw, who spoke enthusiastically of the considerable health and environmental benefits of choosing to walk or cycle rather than take the car.

Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Convener Cllr Lesley Hinds outlined the city council’s current transport systems, ongoing initiatives and future plans before delegates broke into workshop groups to discuss: ‘What are the challenges to making walking and cycling better in Inverleith?‘ and ‘What are potential solutions to improve and increase walking and cycling, including how can we make best use of local greenspace?’

A full conference report will follow, meanwhile here are some images taken during the event:













Muirhouse & Salvesen Community Council

JAMES McGINTY reports on Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council’s annual general meeting:

ccThe Community Council held their Annual General Meeting in Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre on 20 October. Eight people were present to hear Chairperson Roy Douglas welcome everyone, gave the apologies for the four councillors and introduce guest speaker Christine Mackay, manager of the Total Craigroyston project.

Mr Douglas then stated that “during the meeting we would be looking at the year past and the year ahead.”  The Chairperson later laid out in the form of a document the aims and goals of the Community Council and listed the achievements for 2013/14.

He highlighted the community council’s input to the Pennywell & Muirhouse Master Plan and new Health Partnership Hub and the support given to local groups and organisations in the Muirhouse.

These groups and organisations to benefit from the Council’s support were:

  • The Centipede project (The Old Kirk and Muirhouse Church) started by Linda Dunbar, who has now moved on to a new position within the Church of Scotland.
  • The highly acclaimed Community Shop in Pennywell shopping centre.
  • My Adventure and the forthcoming £200 donation to the bothy project in the borders from the Community Council.
  • Assisting Friends of Linear Park and finally cleaning up the lane between Salvesen and the Waterfront.

The Financial Report was then discussed and approved.

christineGuest speaker Christine Mackay (above) then gave an in depth report on the Total Craigroyston project and conducted a question and answer session centred on this far reaching and ambitious Project.

WPCWPC Helen Lyon (above) gave a police report, highlighting the area’s problems and the steps towards alleviating them.

All in all, a very well structured and transparent AGM, but we would ask members of the community to come along and give more support to what is your own communities’ council – especially as more powers are being handed down from the City of Edinburgh Council.

James McGinty

Muirhouse & Salvesen Community Council

Inverleith Community Conference: still time to book your place

Inverleith’s annual community conference takes place on Thursday 30 October from 6 – 9pm in Broughton High School. The theme of this year’s event is ‘increasing walking and cycling in Inverleith‘ – and there’s still time to book your place …


Come join us on Thursday 30th October from 6-9pm at Broughton High School to find out about tips, advice and support available to help you get started, to share your thoughts on how we can get people in Inverleith walking and cycling more, and what the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership can do to make this happen!

The evening will include marketplace where organisations and businesses will be on hand to showcase their work and services and offer tips and advice to take up or increase your walking and cycling. Then we will have a chance to share views, discuss issues and consider solutions to increasing physical activity in Inverleith. Teas, coffees and biscuits will be provided.

Email Anne Brown to book your place here

or book quickly and easily here through eventbrite

Email Elaine Lennon for more information.


Granton and District Community Council meets on Monday


Granton & District Community Council meets on Monday 27 October at 7pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North.

Guest speaker is Total Craigroyston project manager Christine Mackay. All welcome.

For further information visit http://grantonanddistrictcommunitycouncil.com/

Agenda _Oct 2014_Final

Local Community Plans launch 27 October

Neighbourhood Partnerships – Making it happen

Forth NP logo

INPlogoFollowing extensive consultation, the Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s new local community plans for 2014-17 will be launched on Monday 27 October!

These will be available online at www.edinburghnp.org.uk/forth or www.edinburghnp.org.uk/inverleith, from your local library or from your North Neighbourhood Office at 8 West Pilton Gardens.

Working with communities and partners, Neighbourhood Partnerships aim to tackle priority issues and make neighbourhoods a better place to live. They bring together the community, Police, Health, Fire, voluntary sector and elected members, and are supported by officers from the Council.

To find out how to get involved in your local Neighbourhood Partnership, visit one of our events, attend a Neighbourhood Partnership meeting or talk to us face to face.  Please call 529 5050 or email jim.pattison@edinburgh.gov.uk (Forth NP) or elaine.lennon@edinburgh.gov.uk (Inverleith NP) for more information.

You can also contact us online – tweet us your thoughts @north_team or @Edin_NPs

NPs – Making it Happen