How could Holyrood committees work more effectively?

How could our committees work more effectively?

The Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee is looking at what changes need to be made to ensure that these can deliver their key role in holding the government to account.

Ensuring committees are structured and equipped to deliver their key role in holding the Scottish Government to account is being considered by the Scottish Parliament’s Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.

The inquiry will look at issues such as the size of membership, remit of committees and the impact, if any, of introducing elected conveners. It will also explore how committees evaluate their work and the approaches to pre and post legislative scrutiny.

Now the Committee has launched two call for views so that those who engage with committees can have their say on what changes need to be made.

Speaking as the call for views launched, Committee Convener Martin Whitfield MSP said: “The Scottish Parliament is a relatively young legislature. But that does not mean that we do not need to reflect on our practices and procedures to make sure they are meeting the needs of the Scotland in which we find ourselves today.

“Committees play an essential role in the work of the Parliament. Scrutinising legislation and holding the Government to account are vital. But we want to know if there are changes that need to be made to make these work more effectively.

“We know, for example, that elected conveners are in place in other parliaments in the UK and beyond, but what impact might they make at Holyrood? And would changes to the remits structure and size of committees have an impact on how they do their work.

“We want to hear from you if you have worked with or given evidence to a committee about what practices and procedures you think needs to change.”

Committee effectiveness is about looking at how committees work and whether there are things which could help them work better.

The Committee will consider three themes a part of its inquiry:

  • Structure
  • Elected Conveners
  • Evaluation

The Committee is expected to hold oral evidence sessions over the next three months and publish its report with findings and recommendations in the autumn.  

More information can be found on the Committee’s webpage.

The call for views is open until 22 April 2025.

Have your say:

Parliament committees to scrutinise National Planning Framework

Policies governing the development of Scotland’s cities, towns and rural areas until 2045 are to be scrutinised across several Scottish Parliament committees.

The fourth National Planning Framework sets out the Scottish Government’s strategy for Scotland’s long-term development and a series of national planning policies, which will guide decisions on every application for planning permission submitted in Scotland. It also identifies 18 “national developments”, intended to support the delivery of the strategy.

Now, for the first time this session of Parliament, a number of Parliament committees will work together to scrutinise the proposals. They want to hear from you about how communities should be planned, with a view to tackling major issues such as the climate emergency and nature crisis, while supporting community wealth building and wider sustainable economic growth.

This includes hearing about what your ideal community would look like, how public and open space can be used to stay healthy, and how we can future proof our places while supporting recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Ariane Burgess MSP – Green

Speaking as the Committees launched their scrutiny, the Convener of the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee, Ariane Burgess MSP said: “The National Planning Framework aims to have a huge impact on the way we live in Scotland.

“This ambition is clearly to be welcomed. But it is important we take the time to ensure these bold claims can be realised and that the people of Scotland have the opportunity to get involved in the proposed transformational change in how we live and work.”

The Convener continued: “The Framework is wide ranging and detailed and it is important that the Parliament has the chance to scrutinise this fully.

“To do this, this work will take place across a number of Parliament committees. Each of these committees will use their expertise and knowledge to assess the practical impacts of the Framework as well as how this could be improved to ensure real, lasting and meaningful change.”

Members of the public are invited to give their views on the Framework via: 

The deadline for responses is Monday 10 January 2022.

The National Planning Framework was introduced to Parliament on 10 November 2021. The Scottish Parliament has 120 days to report on the Framework. 

More details of the Committee’s consideration of the Framework can be found at: