European Movement in Scotland urges Scottish Government to retain College of Europe bursaries

The Scottish Student Awards Agency (SSAA) is proposing to stop providing bursaries for students based in Scotland to study at the prestigious College of Europe.

The College provides post-graduate education and training for high achieving students. Many go on to be senior civil servants at the European Commission or be elected to the European Parliament.

Others become specialists in areas like trade, environmental law and foreign and defence policy with governments across Europe and with international organisations globally.

College of Europe graduates can be found in bodies like the Oragnisation for Economic Development and Cooperation, NATO, UN and World Bank, and holding senior posts in leading private sector businesses. 

Chair of the European Movement in Scotland (EMiS), David Clarke, says: “We urge the Scottish government to think again about ending the bursaries for Scotland domiciled students to attend the College of Europe.

“This is a world class training ground for the brightest and the best. Cutting our ties with the College will be another great blow to our talented young people and have a lasting negative impact on Scotland’s relationship with the EU for decades to come. That’s bad for trade, bad for business, bad our universities and for our international relations. And bad for our ties of democracy, culture and friendship.”

The Scottish Government supported three places a year for recent graduates of Scottish universities. The cost is around £120,000 a year. The position is different in England where up to 28 British civil servants can get UK government funds to meet the cost of attending the College of Europe.

EMiS says continuing to support students from Scottish universities will deliver positive benefits for Scotland for decades to come.