Climate cash windfall for MY Adventure

West Granton-based social enterprise MY Adventure is to receive almost £98,000 from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund. MY Adventure is one of eight Edinburgh-based projects to receive a share of the £9.9 million fund which supports local action to tackle climate change. Continue reading Climate cash windfall for MY Adventure

Joanna’s fruity report!

Holyrood Apple Day brings together schools, community groups and orchard enthusiasts from across Scotland to enjoy the display of 100s of Scottish heritage apple varieties which grow well here. It offered the chance to taste apple juice and Edinburgh’s new cider – Morningcider – made with Edinburgh’s finest local apples  (writes JAMES McGINTY). Continue reading Joanna’s fruity report!

Community groups share £1.7 million Climate Challenge funding



A community project to help Sikh households reduce energy use and carbon emissions is among 26 projects sharing £1.69 million Climate Challenge Funding, Climate Change Minister Aileen McLeod announced today.

Guru Nanak Gurdwara’s Sangat Climate Change Initiative will cut the carbon emissions from the Gurdwara through the installation of energy efficient measures including insulation, LED lighting and secondary glazing.  Additional project activities will help households of the Sikh Community in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas to reduce energy use and carbon emissions through home energy advice including multilingual resources. The project has been awarded £144,994.

The Climate Challenge Fund provides financial support for community groups to run projects to tackle climate change and help reduce their community’s carbon footprint.

Climate Change Minister Dr McLeod said: “Climate change impacts on every person on the planet and I know that the projects announced today will make a real and lasting difference at a local level. We all have our part to play in tackling climate change and I welcome the efforts being made by hundreds of communities the length and breadth of Scotland to tackle the impacts of a changing climate within their areas.

“Since the fund was established in 2008, we have invested £66.3 million in 756 community projects. Due to unprecedented demand for support, the fund is now closed to new applications. We will now review the success of the fund and consider how we can continue to support communities and our transition to a low carbon Scotland in future.”

Derek Robertson, Chief Executive at Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “Keep Scotland Beautiful has managed the Climate Challenge Fund on behalf of the Scottish Government since the Fund was established in 2008. In that time we are very proud to have supported over 500 community groups across Scotland to take local action on climate change.

“The full allocation of the Climate Challenge Fund shows an appetite from community groups across Scotland to tackle climate change at a local level. We look forward to supporting the latest groups awarded grants and to enabling many more community groups to take climate action in the future. We see it as part of our work to help make Scotland clean, green and more sustainable.”

The full list of CCF funded projects is:

The Leamy Foundation’s Carbon Sprouts project will establish a community growing space at St Mungo’s Episcopal Church in Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire.  Additional carbon cutting activities include workshops to help the local community reduce food waste and to promote local and seasonal food. £63,649

Guru Nanak Gurdwara’s Sangat Climate Change Initiative will cut the carbon emissions from the Gurdwara through the installation of energy efficient measures including insulation, LED lighting and secondary glazing.  Additional project activities will help households of the Sikh Community in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas to reduce energy use and carbon emissions through home energy advice including multilingual resources. £144,994

Glasgow East Women’s Aid’s Let’s Grow! project will establish a safe, community-led allotment where women and children in the East of Glasgow who have experienced domestic abuse can grow fruit and vegetables.  As well as reducing local carbon emissions through increased production of local food the project will include workshops to help reduce food waste and to encourage consumption of seasonal and local produce. £30,523

Creetown Initiative Ltd’s Reuse Matters project will offer upcycled alternatives to traditional fashion and home goods in Mid-Galloway and the Machars.  In doing this the project will reduce landfill waste and associated carbon emissions.  The project will offer a free collection service using an electric vehicle and weekly workshops where the local community can learn how to upcycle items. £50,424

Too Good to Waste is a project run by Greener Kirkcaldy to build awareness, skills and opportunities for the local community to reduce waste by reducing, reusing and repairing.  The project will carry out programmes of practical events and workshops in the community, backed up by community-based social marketing activities and engagement with other local community groups. £75,337

Awaz – The Voice of the Community’s Swap Shop and Climate Challenge Programme will help the South Asian community residing in the G41 area of Glasgow to reduce carbon emissions through tackling waste and improving energy efficiency.  Monthly project activities include swap shops and a climate challenge programme to increase knowledge of energy efficiency, reducing, reusing and recycling. £52,153

Fyne Homes Ltd’s Energy Action for Tenants: Fyne HEAT project will help their tenants in Bute, Cowal, Mid Argyll and Kintyre to efficiently heat their homes.  Tenants will benefit from energy efficiency advice provided by project staff and volunteers to support them to reduce home energy use, bills, carbon emissions and fuel poverty levels. £83,306

Green Feet is a project run by Food Fruition to help communities in Partick, Hyndland and surrounding areas reduce carbon emissions through growing their own food and reducing both food waste and car journeys.  A new community growing space will be established at Dyce Park and support will be available to aid home growing and to tackle food waste.  Further project activities include a car club and cycle training. £25,608

The St Bryce Kirk Centre in Kirkcaldy will upgrade lighting, insulation and draught-proofing to slash the Centre’s energy consumption and carbon emissions through the Action On Energy project.  The project will also offer a series of activities including household energy audits and fuel efficient driver training to help the local community reduce their own energy consumption and carbon emissions. £57,740

The West Lothian Financial Inclusion Network’s Energy Advice Project will support vulnerable groups and those in fuel poverty to reduce bills, energy usage and carbon emissions.  Project activities include home energy advice visits, seminars and roadshows in locations including Livingston, Bathgate and Armadale. £34,369

Al-Meezan Ltd’s Climate Change Grow and Recycle project will reduce local carbon emissions associated with food miles and waste being landfilled.  A local growing space will be established at the Al-Meezan garden in Glasgow City.  Workshops will be offered to support the community growing their own, reducing food waste, composting and recycling. £54,587

Giffnock Recycling Bike and Food Waste Reduction is a project run by local Community Interest Company Big Green Feet in partnership with Giffnock Business Improvement District.  The project will collect food waste from local shops, restaurants and cafes by cargo bike instead of lorry and transport it to a new anaerobic digester where it will be converted into compost.  The project will also raise community awareness of food waste through Giffnock Business Improvement District events and a marketing programme developed with local shops and restaurants. £54,142

Fyne Futures Ltd will run the Isle of Bute Closed Loop Food Chain project to reduce carbon emissions associated with food miles.  The project will create local community growing space, offer home growing training, a pilot food waste collection service and accredited composting training. £37,066

Heart of Scotstoun Ltd’s A Greener Scotstoun project will offer practical learning opportunities and training to help local residents grow their own produce, eat more healthily, reduce food waste and increase recycling efforts.  A community garden and polytunnel will be established at Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre in Glasgow with food waste from the cafe providing a local source of compost. £73,600

Dr Spence Memorial Hall Committee’s Udny Energy Efficiency project will install energy efficient measures at Udny Green Hall, in Ellon, Aberdeenshire to reduce energy use, costs and carbon emissions.  Further project activities include workshops and home visits to inspire hall users and local households to reduce their own energy use. £150,000

Linktown Community Action Centre’s Philp Hall Energy Challenge project will install energy efficient measures in the Philp Hall Community Centre in Linktown, Kirkcaldy, making the building easier to heat, thus reducing its running costs and carbon emissions.  The project will also offer local householders the chance to save energy in their homes through home energy advice visits, an exhibition and workshops with groups that use the Hall. £58,310

Edinburgh World Heritage’s Green Heritage Project Part III will work with local communities both within and outwith the World Heritage Site in Edinburgh to reduce carbon emissions and create a more resilient and educated community with regards to sustainability.  The project will also include energy efficiency DIY workshops, a sustainable food project in partnership with the National Library of Scotland, the creation of a Green Map with the University of Edinburgh and a new growing space in Huntly House courtyard. £41,638

Lanarkshire’s Community Climate Challenge is a project run by Lanarkshire Sports Club to reduce local carbon emissions associated with sports related activities.  The project will encompass a sports kit and footwear recycling scheme, an eco-friendly bulk laundry system and the promotion of a car share initiative to change people’s travel habits long-term. £89,561

Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project (MECOPP) will support informal carers and those with a disability or long-term condition in Edinburgh and the Lothians to adopt a low carbon lifestyle through its Heat of the Moment project.  Project activities include home visits and workshops to improve levels of home energy efficiency and recycling and to reduce food waste.  As well as reducing carbon emissions and raising awareness of climate change the project aims to help tackle fuel poverty. £78,942

Living Active and Going Green is a project run by Andalus to install energy efficient measures at the Andalus building in the West End of Glasgow to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.  Measures to be installed include roof insulation, LED lighting and double glazed windows.  The project will also offer energy efficiency advice to help local people save energy in the home and will promote use of lower carbon travel to the Andalus building. £98,816

Soulriders Cycling Association Scotland’s community-led Life-Cycle project will promote cycling within the BME community in Greater Glasgow.  The project will help the community to reduce their car usage in favour of cycling or car sharing for short journeys, thereby leading to a reduction in carbon emissions.  Project activities include cycle safety training, maintenance workshops, route planning assistance and a establishment of a bespoke car sharing scheme. £115,647

Cycling Links is a Recyke-a-bike project run by Fallin Community Enterprises in Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire that will work with schools, businesses and the wider community to help lead a shift away from car journeys to lower carbon cycle travel.  Project activities include cycle training, bike maintenance classes, bike loan, fun community events and support for schools and employers to work towards ‘Cycle Friendly’ status. £149,063

Mull and Iona Sustainable Transport is a project run by Mull and Iona Community Trust to reduce the number of single occupancy car journeys on the island.  The project will establish a lift share system and promote other lower carbon travel options such as a community minibus and cycling, particularly on routes not served by public transport.  The project will also work to increase electric car use on the island by converting a vehicle to showcase and loan. £69,833

Small Steps Big Changes is a youth-led project to help young people throughout Tweeddale in the Scottish Borders live a more low carbon life.  The youth steering group will be supported by Tweeddale Youth Action.  Cycle training and maintenance classes will encourage travel by bike instead of car with bikes previously destined for landfill being reconditioned.  Further project activities include a programme of awareness raising events to promote consumption of lower carbon, local and sustainable food. £66,110

RIG Arts Ltd’s Green Screen Scotland project will reduce landfill waste and be led by eco-committees at three Inverclyde primary schools.  Pupils will learn how to reduce food waste and how other items previously destined for landfill can be upcycled into art and also create an animation information pack about their activities for other schools in Inverclyde. £45,082

Get Green Group is a youth-led project to reduce local carbon emissions and is supported by Lambhill Stables, a community-owned charity and emerging Development Trust, based in North Glasgow.  A community garden and food education activities will promote local, lower carbon food while cycle training and maintenance workshops will encourage a shift towards active travel.  The project also aims to reduce waste through reconditioning bikes destined for landfill and making art and jewellery from salvaged materials. £104,224

All change! Climate funding for Leith projects

£2.86 m to local communities to help tackle climate change


Two Leith-based community projects are among thirty-three organisations from across the country to receive grants from the latest round of Climate Challenge Funding announced today.

The Fund has helped communities throughout Scotland reduce, reuse and recycle their waste, increase the energy efficiency of homes and community buildings, encourage active travel and the use of low-carbon transport, and promote and produce local food.

Leith Schools Food Project will receive almost £109,000 and The Himalayan Centre Climate Change Hub will receive over £70,500 from the fund.

Leith Schools Food Project, run by Leith Community Crops in Pots, will reduce food-related carbon emissions through the establishment of community growing space at three local primary schools and initiatives to encourage production and consumption of local, lower carbon produce.  Additional project activities include a programme to help reduce food waste and encourage composting. (£108,966)

The Himalayan Centre Climate Change Hub will operate from the Himalayan Centre for Arts & Culture in Leith, Edinburgh. Advice will be available to help the local community reduce home energy use and carbon emissions with the hub also providing a meeting space to learn more about climate change. A bike pool and cycle training will support lower carbon travel while swap shop events will re-use items that would have been destined for landfill. (£70,510).


Announcing the awards, Climate Change Minister Aileen McLeod said the awards will support local communities to take action on climate change and move to low-carbon living.

Dr McLeod said: “Climate change is one of the most serious challenges to global society and the natural environment both at home and abroad. We know that reducing greenhouse gas emissions isn’t easy, but the Scottish Government takes climate change extremely seriously. This is why we have set the most ambitious global targets to cut emissions.

“Some of the best initiatives to reduce carbon are devised and delivered at a local level. That is why I’m delighted to announce the latest round of grant awards. Beyond doubt, the Climate Challenge Fund is making a real difference in our transition to a low carbon future.

“To date we have invested £64.4 million in the Climate Challenge Fund and helped 527 community led organisations across the length and breadth of Scotland tackle climate change at a local level.”

Derek Robertson, Chief Executive at Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “We congratulate the latest projects to be awarded Climate Challenge Fund and Junior Climate Challenge Fund grants and look forward to working closely with them in the implementation of their projects.

“Keep Scotland Beautiful is very proud to support community action on climate change through our management and development of the Climate Challenge Fund on behalf of the Scottish Government and see it as part of our work to help make Scotland clean and green, today and tomorrow.”

Other city projects to receive good news today are Community Alliance Trust’s Magdalene Community Food Growing Project (£119,251) and central Edinburgh student-led co-operative SHRUB (The Swap and Reuse Hub) who receive over £87,000.

For all full list of successful applicants see below:

Climate no challenge to Leith initiative

An initiative to transform the former Dr Bell’s School into a community arts centre has been given the green light and awarded over a quarter of a million pounds Climate Challenge funding. Himalayan Centre Edinburgh will receive £255, 837 to support a community initiative to establish a low-carbon, sustainable centre for arts and culture in the disused B-listed building in Great Junction Street which closed as a swimming pool in June 2009.

Energy efficient measures will be installed as the building is renovated, while the second year of the project will see a Community Engagement Officer and five Climate Champions focusing on a community climate initiative, which will work with local people to reduce their daily carbon footprint.

The Leith initiative and a project to grow and sell produce in Ormiston are the first ever revenue-generating Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) projects.

The Ormiston Grows Green project has been awarded a £281,290 grant to help residents grow and sell their own vegetables, raise awareness of food waste and cut their carbon footprint.

By generating an income from their activity, it is hoped both projects will not only become self-sustaining – the Leith initiative includes plans for a café/restaurant – but can also reinvest in further low-carbon action.

Climate Change Minister Paul Wheelhouse announced the latest round of CCF awards during the Scottish launch of Climate Week on Monday. In total 13 projects from the Scottish Borders, South Lanarkshire, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Highland, Perth & Kinross, Stirling and Fife will share £2.1 million funding.

Mr Wheelhouse said: “Climate change remains one of the most serious threats we face as a global community and we must all take action if we are to play our part in tackling the problem. Climate Week is the ideal platform to showcase the positive and practical efforts being made across Scotland to reduce emissions – and that’s exactly what our Climate Challenge Fund is doing.

“Today’s announcement marks new milestones for the CCF. For the first time we have projects that have the potential to become self-sustaining thanks to being able to generate an income from their activities. And we also welcome the 400th community to the CCF family which is a strong signal of the level of support and commitment from our local communities.

“We know that the Climate Challenge Fund has captured the imagination of people across Scotland. By widening the scope of the fund, we have empowered and inspired even more communities to develop exciting projects that cut their carbon footprint and embed significant changes into community life. This will bring wider social and economic benefits to improve the quality of lives in their communities.

“No single individual, group or even nation can solve the problem of climate change. But, by working together and with everyone playing their part, we can make a real and lasting difference to ensure a low-carbon, more sustainable Scotland becomes a reality. With over 436 events taking place across Scotland for Climate Week, there will be lots of opportunities for people to come together and share ideas on the best ways to tackle climate change, and I’d encourage everyone to get involved if they can.”
