More than 600 students celebrated in style as they graduated as part of Edinburgh College’s class of 2023 at the McEwan Hall last week (2 November).
Students were joined by over 1,800 proud family members and friends who watched as their loved ones crossed the McEwan Hall stage to receive their certificates of achievement.
Graduates from across the College’s curriculum areas were honoured during three ceremonies throughout the day, graduating in subjects across each of the College’s faculties: Health, Wellbeing and Social Science; Tourism, Hospitality and Business; Engineering and Construction; and Creative Industries.

Across the three ceremonies, the College’s best-performing students were also commended by Principal Audrey Cumberford, receiving awards for academic excellence.
Prizes were also awarded on behalf of the Edinburgh College Board of Management to students who have exceeded expectations throughout their College journey.
In addition, around 14 members of College teaching staff were also presented with professional development awards during the ceremonies – celebrating the wealth of CPD opportunities available to staff to support them in their role of educating more than 28,000 students each year.

Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford said: “Graduation is a special time of year, providing an occasion to celebrate all of our students’ hard work and determination shown throughout their time at College.
“The class of 2023 have shown a great commitment and dedication to their studies which will stand them in good stead for whatever they decide to do next. Armed with a college education, I have no doubt that they will go on to achieve great things.
“On behalf of the College’s governing body, management team, tutors, and support staff, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of them. I wish them the very best as they move forward in their further studies and chosen careers.
“Here’s to you, class of 2023!”