Millennium Centre Funding Crisis: Public Meeting Tonight


It is looking like NO councillors will attend but Peter, Brenda, Stacey and hopefully our chair will be on the panel to take and answer your questions the best they can, we will take a list of your questions and make sure they are sent to the relevant department within the council or to the councillors

We will have a petition to request the centre receives at least one years funding to help us to stay open.

We have been told that the budget is already set in stone but we are asking for any monies left from the 24/25 budget as we already know we wouldn’t be even a thought in the new 25/26 budget

We have been told this isn’t possible but two years ago funding was found for us so we don’t see why they can’t do this again

If you can come along to the meeting please do – and sign our petition!

Thank you

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