West Pilton’s Christmas Fair

Hate to use the ‘C’ word when it’s only October, but …


West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre are holding their annual Christmas Fair on Saturday 28 November from 12.0 -2.0pm.

Anyone wishing to take a table, particularly those selling Christmas crafts, should call Linda Chandler at the Centre on 551 3194.

Fancy that – free fun FACE fundraising fair

WesternGeneralF.A.C.E. are holding their Christmas Fair at the Western General Hospital (Edinburgh Cancer Centre) on Saturday 7 December from 11am – 3pm. There are a variety of stalls, entertainment, refreshments and fun for all the family – and entrance is FREE!

F. A. C. E. is a fund founded in 1990 and is part of the Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation. F. A. C. E. originally stood for Fighting against Cancer in Edinburgh but now provides help for cancer clinics throughout the South East of Scotland.

F. A. C. E. is based in the Western General Hospital and is run by volunteers; there are no paid employees or offices as F. A. C. E. tries to minimise costs to allow as much of the funds raised to help create a positive environment for patients undergoing treatment for cancer. To make the time in hospital more comfortable – not just for patients, but their family and friends.

The group was scheduled to hold a gala fundraising dinner at the Balmoral Hotel earlier this month, but the big event had to be cancelled – so your support for the Christmas Fair on 7 December is even more important!