NHS Lothian staff working across a number of Children’s Outpatient services at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children have been busy packing, ahead of the move of the first children’s clinical services to the new facilities at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People.
This move is being delivered in a phased approach, and already a number of administration teams have migrated and settled into their new environment.
Alongside the provision of outpatient face to face appointments, NHS Lothian will continue to make use of video call technology ‘Near Me’ for a number of appointments, offering greater flexibility as well as reducing the need for families to travel to attend in person.
The move plan, which was agreed with the full involvement of clinical teams, is not only helping to free up space at the existing Royal Hospital for Sick Children site, but is enabling NHS Lothian to continue to deliver paediatric clinics in a way which fully adheres to and supports social distancing.

Susan Goldsmith, Finance Director and Executive Lead for the project, said: “It is exciting to see the first of our Children’s services move to their new home at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People. We have reached a significant milestone in this project’s journey, which is important to acknowledge and celebrate.
“While delays to the opening of the new facility have been well publicised, I hope that as each service moves and appointments commence; patients, visitors and staff will be able to see just how impressive the facilities really are.
“Reaching this stage in the project has required a tremendous amount of work from the contractors on site, as well as our own project and clinical teams and for that I would like to say a huge thank you.”
While the first outpatient services settle into their new home, work on the final stages of the remedial and enhancement work in other areas of the building continues. Once this has been completed, and following final commissioning, the second phase in the move of NHS Lothian’s Children’s services will take place.
At this point, those services still situated at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children site will also move to the new building.
Lothian MSP Miles Briggs said: “It is terrific that staff are finally able to move across to the new facilities at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, based at little France.
“This move has been a long time coming and I wish all NHS Lothian staff the best at their new home.”
How do I know where my child’s appointment will be?
Your appointment letter will tell you where your child’s appointment is being held. If it is to be held at the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, you will also receive a phone call to make sure you know where you are going.
Is there parking available?
Parking is available on site. Parking stewards will direct you to the most appropriate car park. A small number of spaces are also bookable in advance, but these are reserved for patients with the greatest need, based on clinical priority.
My child has an appointment at the RHCYP, how do I find out the latest travel information?
For the latest travel information, including up to date details on parking facilities, we encourage you to visit the following website – https://www.nhslothian.scot/GoingToHospital/Locations/RIE/Pages/default.aspx
With COVID ongoing, is it safe to bring my child to hospital?
Yes. We have separate areas for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and for those who have not. There are also a range of enhanced infection control measures in place, such as staggered appointment times to limit the number of people in any one area of the building, physical distancing within waiting areas and enhanced cleaning in consulting rooms between each patient.
My child has an appointment in August, does this automatically mean it will be in the new building?
No. Although most outpatient services are moving over the coming weeks, some will remain at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children site at Sciennes, until the new building is ready to be opened to all services, including inpatients. This is because some services need access to other clinical support, which will not be moving until the whole building is open. Departments that will not be moving at this stage include, but are not limited to: Pain, Respiratory (asthma, allergy, CF), Cardiology, Haematology Oncology, Plastics and Plastics dressings clinic.
Does the move mean that the reported problems in the building have been fixed?
Our project team, as well as the contractors on site, are continuing to work on the final stages of the remedial and enhancement work. Once this has been completed, and following final commissioning, the second phase of the move will take place.
Why has everything not moved across to the new building?
Remedial and enhancement work is still taking place at the new building, which means that some services cannot move at this time.
If my child has an emergency, where do I go?
Children’s Emergency Services remain at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Sciennes. If you need to access this service, you should continue to do so at the old site. There are no Emergency Services at the new building within the Little France site at this time.
It has been reported that the RHCYP building will be opening in Autumn 2020, are things on track for then?
Our project team, as well as the contractors on site, are continuing to work on the final stages of required remedial and enhancement work. As part of this, we are due to imminently receive the final works programme. Once this has been received and discussed with the services involved, an opening date for the full building will be announced, alongside more detailed plans for the migration of the remaining Children’s services.