Centipede to spread Christmas cheer with photo event

Muirhouse Centipede Project have come up with a ‘cracker’ of an idea …

Love at first sight?
Love at first sight?

12.12.12 Hope-Peace-Love-Joy Photographic Event

Take a digital photograph some time during the 24 hours of 12/12/12 that captures something of the Advent themes of Love, Joy, Hope or Peace. Send your photo, together with your name and age and 100 words or less telling us about your photograph to centipedephotos@gmail.com no later than 31 December 2012.

Prizes for the best in categories pre-school age; primary school age; secondary school age, 18-65, and 65+.

An exhibition of the entries and winners will be held in the North Edinburgh Arts Centre in early spring 2013.

They came, they saw, they planted!

They came from schools, from projects, from churches and from nice warm houses – they came from all over Muirhouse on a mission: to plant thousands of bulbs on Muirhouse Avenue.

The gardeners braved chilly winds and showers over Friday and Saturday to plant their bulbs. The fruits of their labours won’t be seen until springtime – but it’s sure to be worth the wait!


Reminder – Muirhouse planting tomorrow!

The Muirhouse Centipede has been in touch asking us to remind readers that there’s a touch of ‘guerilla gardening’ taking place in Muirhouse Avenue tomorrow.

Working with the city council and North Edinburgh Arts, Muirhouse Centipede project has organised a community bulb planting weekend tomorrow and Saturday and they could do with a hand – the green-fingered group has no less than 9000 spring bulbs to plant on Muirhouse Avenue!

Working with local artist Natalie Taylor, Friday’s session is from 1 – 3pm and on Saturday it’s 10am – 2pm. Many hands make light work, and your labours will help produce a beautiful ‘painting’ come the Spring

Hot drinks and biscuits will be available for everyone who joins in, and groups from Craigroyston Primary School, Oaklands School and Muirhouse Millennium Centre have signed up to kick off the project tomorrow – come and join them!

For further information call North Edinburgh Arts on 315 2151 or visit www.northedinburgharts.co.uk

A Moment of Peace Day

A Moment of Peace Day 

Sister Anne from St Pauls RC Church Muirhouse and Centipede Project are delighted to welcome everyone in North Edinburgh to “A Moment of Peace Day.” Sister Anne has put a lot of time and effort in to arranging this in conjunction with the Centipede Project; she is someone who is passionate about North Edinburgh and how the community coming together can make a big difference. 

Date for the Diary: “A Moment of Peace Day” 

Tuesday 9th October 10. 30am – 2.30pm 

North Edinburgh Arts – 15a Pennywell Court 

Free snack lunch will be provided

 All Welcome

Sister Anne is hoping that people will take a few hours out their busy lives and join her and others in a calm environment for a while. This free event will have meditation sessions as well a fun aspect with Laughing Yoga and more.

Why not come along to this fantastic event and enjoy the calm environment? You can either join us all for the full event 10.30am – 2.30pm or stay for as long as you like.

Sister Anne would like to thank the Centipede Project for their support, for more information on the Centipede Project visit www.centipedeproject.co.uk or email centipedeproject@gmail.com

Robert Pearson

The Muirhouse Centipede’s on the march!

The Centipede Project, the community regeneration initiative launched in Muirhouse in March, has received a welcome boost with news that the project has been awarded funding to help take plans forward.

Linda Dunbar, Locum Minister at Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church, organised the initial consultation event held in the church. That event generated a number of great ideas – the favourite being a community gardens project – and now it seems that those ideas have taken a step closer to becoming a reality.

Linda said: ‘We have had great news at the Centipede Project – we have been awarded £5000 Pilot Project funding from the Church of Scotland’s Parish Development Fund, so we are now gearing up to develop some of the ideas for the Community Gardens project. We hope to send out more information by the end of the month, but in the meantime a new Facebook page – Marvellous Muirhouse – has been set up for people, groups and projects to promote their activities and to celebrate all the good things going on in Muirhouse and surrounding areas. You can find the page at https://www.facebook.com/MarvelousMuirhouse so please:

  • log on and ‘Like’ the page
  • post on the page to tell everyone about your activities.
  • pass the information on to all your contacts.

This has the potential to be a great networking resource; if you want to see a similar page and how the networking has taken off, have a quick look at Glorious Govan on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/#!/GloriousGovan.”

The Muirhouse Centipede is on the march!

The Muirhouse Centipede's on the march!

The Centipede Project, the community regeneration initiative launched in Muirhouse in March, has received a welcome boost with news that the project has been awarded funding to help take plans forward.

Linda Dunbar, Locum Minister at Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church, organised the initial consultation event held in the church. That event generated a number of great ideas – the favourite being a community gardens project – and now it seems that those ideas have taken a step closer to becoming a reality.

Linda said: ‘We have had great news at the Centipede Project – we have been awarded £5000 Pilot Project funding from the Church of Scotland’s Parish Development Fund, so we are now gearing up to develop some of the ideas for the Community Gardens project. We hope to send out more information by the end of the month, but in the meantime a new Facebook page – Marvellous Muirhouse – has been set up for people, groups and projects to promote their activities and to celebrate all the good things going on in Muirhouse and surrounding areas. You can find the page at https://www.facebook.com/MarvelousMuirhouse so please:

  • log on and ‘Like’ the page
  • post on the page to tell everyone about your activities.
  • pass the information on to all your contacts.

This has the potential to be a great networking resource; if you want to see a similar page and how the networking has taken off, have a quick look at Glorious Govan on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/#!/GloriousGovan.”

The Muirhouse Centipede is on the march!

Centipede Project’s got legs!

Around 25 people attended the initial meeting of the Muirhouse Centipede project in Muirhouse St Andrew’s church hall last week, and participants have come up with a number of ideas that could help to rebuild community spirit in the area.

A wide cross-section of groups and organisations from across the area attended the ‘blue sky thinking’ event – with a handful of ‘visitors’ from Drylaw and Pilton too!

Muirhouse St Andrew’s locum Minister Linda Dunbar said: “We were pleased to see so many enthusiastic people attend the event. They came up with some great ideas and at least two of these will be taken forward. Fablevision’s Liz Gardiner, who facilitated the day, is currently writing up a report and we will take it on from there. Time is a factor and our plan is to submit our project proposals to church authorities next month and then consult more widely on how we take these ideas forward. It was certainly a very productive first session and we’d like to thank everyone who participated on the day”.

Centipede Project's got legs!

Around 25 people attended the initial meeting of the Muirhouse Centipede project in Muirhouse St Andrew’s church hall last week, and participants have come up with a number of ideas that could help to rebuild community spirit in the area.

A wide cross-section of groups and organisations from across the area attended the ‘blue sky thinking’ event – with a handful of ‘visitors’ from Drylaw and Pilton too!

Muirhouse St Andrew’s locum Minister Linda Dunbar said: “We were pleased to see so many enthusiastic people attend the event. They came up with some great ideas and at least two of these will be taken forward. Fablevision’s Liz Gardiner, who facilitated the day, is currently writing up a report and we will take it on from there. Time is a factor and our plan is to submit our project proposals to church authorities next month and then consult more widely on how we take these ideas forward. It was certainly a very productive first session and we’d like to thank everyone who participated on the day”.

The Centipede Project – small steps to a brighter Muirhouse

It’s fair to say Muirhouse and Pennywell have known happier times. With local businesses closing down and new homes still some way off, there are few reasons to be cheerful but Muirhouse St. Andrew’s Church plan to tackle the despondency with the launch of a new initiative.  Muirhouse Centipede Project gets under way next month with an initial consultation exercise at the church on 15 March.

“It’s not been an easy time for the area and the community is weary”, said Muirhouse St. Andrew’s locum minister Linda Dunbar. “As well as the ongoing work there is a concern that, when the new houses eventually do get built, that could cause more tension too.  Local people have fond memories of Muirhouse Gala and the way everybody worked together to make it happen, and that’s what we hope we can rekindle with the Centipede project.”

There are a wide range of groups, organisations and agencies working across the area and Linda hopes that they can all join together to come up with ideas to regenerate community spirit in Muirhouse. A centipede needs to get it’s many legs working together if it wants to get somewhere – hence the name of the project.

“We’ve contacted all of the schools and organisations based in the area to invite them to an ideas day – we’ve called it ‘Imagination Pick and Mix’ – on 15 March and the response we’ve received so far has been very encouraging. We’re delighted that Liz Gardiner of Fablevision will be leading the session – Liz has worked in community settings for over twenty years and she has a great reputation for helping communities produce ground-breaking projects. We’d like the 15 March sessions to produce ideas we can take forward together as a community.”

Linda stressed that Muirhouse St. Andrew’s is not leading the project, purely facilitating it.  “We’re not the ‘head’ of the centipede; we are one of the legs like everyone else. For this to work it’s got to be ideas from the ground up and that’s why we’re hoping that all local organisations will come along on 15 March, bringing lots of ideas and enthusiasm. What happens after that will depend on the Muirhouse community itself.  It’s a great opportunity to be involved in something really new and exciting”.

Imagination Pick and Mix takes place on Thursday15 March from 10am – 3pm at Muirhouse St Andrew’s Church on Pennywell Gardens.  Lunch provided. For further information email centipedeproject@gmail.com