Positively Blue: Local art exhibition to support cancer charity

You are invited to the Preview of ‘Positively Blue’

To coincide with World Cancer Day on 4 February, Lennon-Art Gallery has curated a unique blue-themed exhibition ‘Positively Blue,’ with all proceeds going to Cancer Research UK. This is an opportunity to buy some fantastic, affordable original art from a wide range of very talented artists and support this great cause.

Preview Sunday 4th February 1-4pm

Exhibition Continues until 18th February. Mon-Sat 11-6pm 

RSVP alan@lennon-art.co.uk




MHA team goes the extra mile to support cancer charity

A staff team from Muirhouse Housing Association is stepping out on an intrepid journey to raise funds to tackle cancer this month. The team is taking part in Cancer Research UK’s Walk All Over Cancer campaign – MHA’s Hannah Robertson explains more:


The team at MHA have been working hard to take steps to make Muirhouse Miles Better!

We have decided to get on our feet and raise money for charity! Five of us will be walking 10,000 steps every day of the month of September – that’s five meals EACH every day!

We will be raising money for Cancer Research, and as we do this we will be completing a virtual tour of as many Housing Associations as we can while clocking up the miles every day for a month.

Paula Mcvay, Stevie McAvoy, Susanne Connell, Grit Neilson and Barry Allan are the staff who are taking up the challenge. Luckily Muirhouse is situated very close to the beach and some lunch-time walks will help to increase our step count!

We also have an in house support team to help keep track of the miles and housing associations that we will pass on our journey.

We will walk 500 miles and we will walk 500 more …!



You can support the team by sponsoring a team member (above), and you can follow us on our journey by visiting our Facebook page and our website at www.muirhouseha.org.uk


Care students cash in for cancer charity

Cold juice sells like hot cakes! 

Chque Lo-res

Edinburgh College lecturer Alan Laing set his Access to Care students a fundraising challenge: take this £20 and make a profit for charity. The seven students proved to be well up to the task and earlier this week presented Cancer Research UK with a cheque for £270!

Incredibly, the students raised the money in just four hours! Showing true entrepreneurial spirit, the students bought cakes, snacks and soft drinks at discount prices and sold them on to fellow students at a healthy profit. Lord Sugar himself would surely have been impressed!

The soft drinks in particular were an inspired idea – the day of the sale proved to be one of the hottest of the year so far and the juice ‘flew off the shelves’.

Enterprising students Sophie, Kerry-Anne, Jackie and Niamh are pictured with College Principal Annette Bruton, course lecturer Alan Laing and Cancer Research shop volunteer Elaine Lennon,who accepted the cheque on behalf of the charity.

Fellow fundrasing students Connor, Fraser and Lorraine couldn’t attend the cheque presentation – maybe away pitching an idea or making a few quid on a market stall somewhere!


Great night for a great cause

Charity catwalk event raises over £3400


Broughton High School student KATHERINE WRIGHT volunteers at the Cancer Research UK charity shop in Stockbridge. The charity stages an annual  fundraising fashion show – here’s Katherine’s take on this year’s event:

crCancer Research UK held its fifth annual ‘Charity Chic’ fashion show and pop up shop on Friday 10 October. The event was organised by the local Stockbridge shop where I currently volunteer, a worthwhile and rewarding experience. It was held in the City Art Centre and aimed to both raise money for the charity and bring together customers and friends of the shop. The money raised – a whopping £3413 – will go towards funding ground-breaking research, clinical trials and clinical research nurses, all of which are vital to the fight against cancer.

On arrival, ticket holders received special goody bags filled with treats generously provided by the companies ‘Glow’ and ‘Ilumi’, who sponsored the event. Volunteers at the reception area donned orange tutus and red wigs, and their enthusiasm immediately set the tone for a fun-filled night ahead.

cr2The ‘Commonwealth Catwalk’ was the theme of the evening, showcasing a great variety of clothing and accessories donated to the shop and celebrating the fashion of Commonwealth countries. The audience clapped along while a young woman walked the catwalk in a black sparkly dress, playing the popular hits ‘We will Rock You’ and ‘Five Hundred Miles’ on her set of bagpipes.

The models, all volunteers and friends of the shop, wore a variety of different outfits and confidently strutted their stuff along the catwalk. Elegant dresses, jewelled clutch bags and colourful fascinators were all on display, and the audience enthusiastically clapped and cheered the models on. Eighty-one year-old Betty (below), a cancer survivor herself, was the oldest person to walk the catwalk and described it as “great fun, and a good way to meet some nice people.”

cr5After the fashion show, a selection of pop up stalls gave people the opportunity to buy some of the garments they’d seen on show; as well as a huge variety of other clothes, bags, shoes and accessories. Home-made cupcakes and an assortment of sweet treats were also on sale, and a raffle with generous prizes including a meal at Nandos and a Kenwood ice cream maker proved very popular.

cr3Elaine Lennon (pictured above, left), the organiser of the event and assistant manager at the Stockbridge shop commented: “It’s not just about making money. There’s a real community feel.” Indeed, the open plan room allowed people to mingle and chat, sharing laughs and asking for advice on clothes to buy. Many commented on how well organised the event was, which would not have been possible without the tireless work of an ‘amazing group of volunteers.’

One of the ‘browsers’ was Jill Macgregor, the founder of Glow, a fitness and nutrition company that runs exercise classes across the country. Glow sponsored the event – t’s well known that leading a healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce the risk of cancer, and Jill is passionate about helping people to do this. Jill has also experienced cancer – she was diagnosed last November and finished her treatment in June. Arms laden with shopping bags and champagne glass in hand, she summed up the evening: “It’s been absolutely fantastic. A great night for a great cause.”


Pictures by GAV YOUNG

You couldn’t make it up: No makeup selfies raise £8m for Cancer Research!

Salmond selfie

It’s been a social media phenomenon that’s swept the country – even the Scottish government has joined in the fun. The ‘no makeup selfie’ is one of those daft ideas that just takes off – and it’s raised over £8m for a cancer charity in just six days!

Cancer Research UK did not start the campaign – but they’re sure glad someone did!

Last Tuesday, after people began tweeting their #nomakeupselfie pictures and asking how they could use them to make a difference to Cancer Research UK’s work, the charity posted a message on its Facebook and Twitter pages with information about how to support its work to beat cancer sooner.

Since then, Cancer Research UK has received an unprecedented increase in the volume of donations and visits to the website.

The money raised will enable Cancer Research UK to carry out more research sooner, including ten clinical trials which last Tuesday it did not have money to fully fund!

Cancer Research UK supports over 200 clinical trials looking for better and kinder treatments for all types of cancer, and Chief Executive Dr Harpal Kumar said: “We’ve been overwhelmed by the support people have been showing us through the #nomakeupselfie trend.

“We don’t receive any government funding for our research and so it’s phenomenal to think that the generosity of the public is enabling us to fund critical research that we didn’t have the money for six days ago. Being able to fund more trials will bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.

“It’s been an exciting week, and we’d just like to thank everyone again for their support. If people would like to support our work to beat cancer sooner, they can visit www.cruk.org.”




Tickets on sale for Cancer Research catwalk event


This year’s Cancer Research UK Stockbridge event 

Charity Catwalk and Pop Up Shop

takes place at the City Art Centre on Thursday 5 September from 6 – 9pm

Tickets cost £5 (standard) or £10 (VIP) and the fabulous, fun evening will include live music, raffles, fashion show, fabulous shopping opportunities and of course the chance to see (free of charge) the two exhibitions on fashion currently taking place at the City Art Centre.

Please get back to me (or pop in to the shop) if you’d like to reserve any tickets and please help us make this year’s event another sell out.

You can find out more about, and ‘like’ the shop on facebook


Please help us publicise the event by sharing this with your friends, family and facebook friends.

Hope you will join us and help raise funds to beat cancer sooner!

Elaine Lennon


Local families step out in Race for Life

A group of staff and families from Stepping Stones took part in the ‘Race for Life’ at Holyrood Park on  Sunday 16 June.


Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is a series of 5k or 10k women-only fundraising events, which are raising money for research to help beat all 200 types of cancer sooner.

If you missed the June event, don’t worry – there’s another one coming up on Saturday 26  October in Holyrood Park. The twilight Race for Life starts at 7pm.

For further information or to register go to http://raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org

Tesco raises £11.85 million for Cancer Research UK

Tesco staff and customers have raised £11.85 million in one year for Cancer Research UK, its charity of the year. The money was raised by staff, customers and suppliers at more than 3,000 stories, offices and distribution centres across the UK, and according to Tesco this is the largest amount ever raised by a business and charity partnership in one year.

Fundraising activities included:
  • treks by Tesco staff members to Everest base camp and the Sahara, which together raised over £191,000
  • a festive-themed ‘Cycle to Lapland’ static bike ride in Tesco stores which raised more than £1 million over one weekend
  • competitions inspired by TV programmes including ‘Tesco Does Strictly’ and ‘Tesco Distribution’s Got Talent’ which raised more than £68,000

In-store fundraising activities by Tesco included a donation of 0.0125p from Tesco Personal Finance PLC every time a cash machine was used at Tesco until 29 February 2013, and promotions that encouraged Clubcard customers to donate their points to the charity.

The store that raised the most money was Tesco Extra in Dundee, which raised £22,000.

The funds raised are being used for 32 early diagnosis and detection research projects helping to ensure more people receive treatment at a time when it is more likely to be successful.

During the partnership Tesco also helped Cancer Research UK raise awareness of the early signs and symptoms of cancer. Eight million health information leaflets were placed at store checkouts.

Richard Taylor, Cancer Research UK Executive Director of Fundraising and Marketing, said: “Tesco staff, customers and suppliers have gone above and beyond to raise a record-breaking amount of money for our lifesaving work over the past year. The dedication they have put into raising vital funds to help improve the early diagnosis and detection of cancer particularly during a time of economic uncertainty has been truly inspiring.”

Since 1988 Tesco has chosen a different charity every year to benefit from staff and customer fundraising. The company’s Charity Trust tops up staff fundrasing by 20% up to a maximum of £500,000.

Last month Tesco announced that Diabetes UK will be it’s next charity of the year.
