A group of Edinburgh College’s Access and Continuing Education (ACE) students have completed a project to help the homeless in partnership with pan-disability charity Leonard Cheshire.
The students took part in Leonard Cheshire’s ‘Can Do’ programme, during which they decided to embark on a ‘building communities’ project to raise funds for, and awareness of, the needs of homeless people.
Delivered by the pan-disability charity Leonard Cheshire, Can Do is a skills development and community involvement programme designed for 16-35 year olds with additional support needs. With both in-person and virtual formats, the participants took part in sessions on fundraising, mental health and wellbeing, designing posters and much more.
The project provided the students with an opportunity to make a positive difference in the community, improving their confidence and motivation, while also benefiting from the learning experience. In addition, the participants gained an SVQ Building Communities award through completion of their project.
In one session, the students learned about homelessness and discussed some essential items you might need for winter as a homeless person. Following this, they were tasked with some online shopping to create ‘care and share’ bags to donate. Each participant was given tasks, such as budgeting, comparing prices and spotting deals, before ordering and receiving the items, and packing the bags.
All of the care and share bags, as well as all proceeds from the campaign, were donated to Bethany Christian Trust, a charitable organisation in Scotland whose mission is to relieve suffering and meet the long-term needs of homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland.
Jasmine Lapointe, Access and Continuing Education lecturer at Edinburgh College, applauded the students for choosing such a significant project which made a positive and tangible difference in people’s lives, and said they should all be proud for taking part.

Leonard Cheshire Can Do Coordinator for Edinburgh Obert Dhundu said: “The students expressed a keen interest in embarking on a project that will be impactful not only for themselves but for vulnerable people in the community, and this led them to choose a project centred on homelessness.
“They showed great commitment in learning about homelessness, as well as the related topics we covered. It was a real privilege to have facilitated this project for them.”