First Minister welcomes Prime Minister to Bute House

Talks focus on collaborative working and areas of shared interest

First Minister John Swinney welcomed Sir Keir Starmer to Bute House yesterday for one of his first engagements after being appointed as the new UK Prime Minister.  

Following an introductory telephone call on Friday, the two leaders met in Edinburgh to emphasise their joint commitment to working collaboratively on areas of shared interest.

They discussed a range of issues and areas where both the governments can work together, including advancing the Scottish Government’s core priorities of eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, prioritising net zero, and ensuring the delivery of effective public services. 

Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes and the new Secretary of State for Scotland Ian Murray joined the First Minister and Prime Minister for talks.

First Minister John Swinney said: “I was pleased to welcome Sir Keir to Bute House so soon after his appointment as UK Prime Minister.

“We continued our conversation about areas of shared interest. I believe there is an opportunity for collaborative working that can make a difference to people’s lives and I hope to work with Sir Keir’s new Government to deliver progress for the benefit of people in Scotland.

“Following our talks, I am confident we have established the foundation for a productive relationship between our two governments based on renewed respect for the devolution settlement.

“On a personal note, having been First Minister for two months and a minister for many years, I am very aware of the demands of office. I again offered Sir Keir and his family my congratulations on his appointment and my best wishes for what will be a demanding start to his term in office.” 

The UK’s position on the Middle East will be one of the ongoing issues Keir Starmer will have to address and a vocal protest by pro-Palestinian campaigners gathered outside Bute House calling for an end to arms supplies to Israel and an end to the slaughter of innocent children and families in Gaza.

First Minister to meet new Prime Minister in Scotland today

First Minister John Swinney will welcome new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer to Scotland today.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, the First Minister said: “I was really pleased to have the opportunity to speak to the Prime Minister on his first day in office and to congratulate him and wish him, and his family well.

“I look forward to welcoming the Prime Minister to Scotland where I hope to have constructive discussions with him on our shared priorities for the people of Scotland. This includes eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, prioritising net zero, and ensuring effective public services. 

“I welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to forge a positive relationship between our governments and for our part, the Scottish Government is committed to working constructively with the UK Government to build a better Scotland.”

WHATEVER your political allegiances. the relationship between the two governments is crucial to the people of Scotland. I’d like to think it will be more constructive than it has been in the recent past – Ed.

First meeting of Scotland’s new cabinet takes place this morning

FM John Swinney chairs Cabinet before visits focused on jobs, NHS and transport

First Minister John Swinney will chair his first Cabinet meeting at Bute House, Edinburgh, this morning, ahead of a series of visits in the afternoon.

Mr Swinney was officially sworn in as Scotland’s seventh First Minister and appointed his Cabinet on Wednesday.

Later today he will meet health staff at St John’s Hospital, Livingston, see near completed works on the Levenmouth Rail Link in Fife, and visit IGS, a highly successful international vertical farm company in Dundee.

The First Minister said: “Today, my colleagues and I embark on a new chapter as we collectively work to build a better, brighter future for the people of Scotland.

“It is my greatest honour to lead us forward on that journey – one that will drive economic growth, tackle the climate crisis and eradicate the scourge of child poverty in our country once and for all.

“I know our health service is operating under sustained pressure and I am absolutely committed to working with health boards to improve standards – starting with our recent £30 million investment to drive down waiting times.

“We will also build on our investment and track record on major infrastructure projects.

“I’m pleased to also be able to visit one example of that record – the Levenmouth Rail Link, a line which will reconnect local communities for the first time in 50 years, and make a real contribution to the Government’s net-zero transport ambitions.

“And I pledge that I will stand with Scotland’s businesses, large and small, and do whatever I can to help them to grow, innovate, and boost our economy for the benefit of those who live here.”