A joint statement by business owners on the Jock’s Lodge site in relation to proposals to develop purpose-built student accommodation by Alumno:

“We write as owners of our relevant establishments on the Jock’s Lodge site and have noted recent media attention focusing on the loss of these premises to the community.
“It should be noted that we have all come to an agreement with Alumno to sell our properties as part of the site redevelopment, should planning permission be granted for its proposals. Clearly it is disappointing to note that we appear to be being used as a means to try and prevent the site from being developed, when we want to sell.
“For those of us who own commercial property on the site, it has been a challenging experience to operate and manage in this location, exacerbated by the impact of Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis. Many of the tenants have changed hands a number of times over the years, and this demonstrates that it is not a sustainable location.
“Following a chequered and difficult trading history, and a detailed review of the sustainability of the Jocks Lodge pub, Star Pubs & Bars identified The Barrelhouse for disposal, in lieu of this agreement to sell and recognising the timeframes required to go through the planning process. It was agreed to let the pub for a limited tenure/timeframe and on a below market, minimum rent/utility free basis. This was all agreed with the current tenant (The Willow), and they understood fully this arrangement. This is not a viable long-term arrangement.
“The Willow have agreed to relocate to Musselburgh and on a more sustainable longer-term arrangement.
“Alumno has a strong track record of developing on similar sites across the UK and particularly on challenging sites, such as Jock’s Lodge. The overall plans for the site will see the delivery of high-quality purpose-built student accommodation, including ground floor commercial space.
“The intention is that a new community ‘local’ food/drink use will be created in place of the neighbouring Limelite, which will have the same ownership, providing continuity and a venue for the community to come together and socialise in.
“The Limelite owners have high aspirations for refreshed and improved facilities, which will include gourmet food and an outside space.
“We hope that this clarifies our position and our support and desire to sell can be respected.”