Best Start: More than 38,000 automatic payments help families with the costs of early learning

Families who qualify for Scottish Child Payment are now automatically awarded Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment when their child becomes eligible, without them having to apply separately.

Figures showed that since Social Security Scotland introduced automation of the payments in November last year, 14,825 Early Learning Payments and 23,810 School Age Payments have been made, up to the end of June 2023.

Early Learning and School Age Payments are one-off payments of £294.70 to help eligible families as their child grows up, with things like clothes, travel, stationery or toys for home learning.

Social Security Scotland began making these payments automatically to eligible families who already get Scottish Child Payment, which is £25 per child per week, when it was extended to under 16 year olds.

1.7 million Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods payments have been made with more than £130 million paid to clients since the benefits launched in 2018.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Social Security Scotland’s five family payments, which includes Best Start Grant Early Learning and School Age Payments, are part of a package of measurements taken by the Scottish Government which will help lift 90,000 children out of poverty in Scotland this year.

“Tackling child poverty is central to the work of the Scottish Government and part of that work is making processes as straightforward as they can be for eligible people. The introduction of automatic payments for some of our benefits is a crucial part of that.

“This change has meant less paperwork for tens of thousands of families and has made sure that families across Scotland quickly and automatically get the financial support they are entitled to, to help support the development of their child when they are young.

“A very small number of people are eligible for Early Learning and School Age Payment but not Scottish Child Payment and I encourage them to check if they are eligible and continue to apply.”

Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods: high level statistics to 30 June 2023

Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment are part of a wider package of five family payments including: Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Scottish Child Payment and Best Start Foods.

Best Start Grant Early Learning and School Age Payments are paid automatically to parents and carers who already receive Scottish Child Payment when their children become eligible. Automated payments were first made in November last year after Scottish Child Payment was extended to include all eligible people under the age of 16 and increased to £25 per child per week.

A small number of people are eligible for Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment but not Scottish Child Payment. The can apply at or by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222

Increase in social security payments

Social Security Scotland: Payment rates for benefits increase from April

EIGHT of the benefits delivered by Social Security Scotland will now increase by 6%. The increase in payments for low income households and carers comes as the cost of living continues to rise.

Benefits and assistance including Job Start Payment, Young Carers Grant, Funeral Support Payment and Carer’s Allowance Supplement were due to be increased by 3.1% for 2022/23. Subject to parliamentary approval, the increases will now be almost doubled to a 6% uprate.

In addition, the three Best Start Grant payments, which we had not previously planned to uprate, will also now be uprated by 6%, and Child Winter Heating Assistance, which was previously set to rise by 5%, will now also rise by 6%.

From tomorrow (1st April), there will be a 100% increase in Scottish Child Payment, which will double from £10 per week to £20. Best Start Foods was already increased from £4.25 to £4.50 a week in August (5.88%).

Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment will still increase by 3.1% on April 11 in line with the equivalent benefits (Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payment) which are still administered by the Department for Work and Pensions under agency agreement.

This is to avoid creating a two-tier system where individuals paid by Social Security Scotland are paid more than clients whose cases have not yet transferred to the Scottish system.

Payment rates for 2022-2023 are:

BenefitRates 2021-2022Rates 2022-2023New rates 2022-2023 (6% uprate)
Best Start Grant
Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment (1st Child Payment)£606.00£606.00£642.35
Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment (Subsequent Child Payment & Extra Payment for Twins/Triplets)£303.00£303.00£321.20
Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment£252.50£252.50£267.65
Best Start Grant School Age Payment£252.50£252.50£267.65
Child Winter Heating Assistance
Child Winter Heating Assistance (annually)£202.00£212.10£214.10
Funeral Support Payment
standard rate for other expenses element£1,010.00£1041.30£1,070.60
other expenses element where there is a funeral plan£123.25£127.05£130.65
removal of implanted medical devices£20.55£21.20£21.55
Job Start Payment
Job Start Payment (one-off) standard rate£251.25£260.35£267.65
higher rate£404.00£416.50£428.25
Young Carer Grant
Young Carer Grant (annually)£308.15£317.70£326.65
Carer’s Allowance Supplement£8.90£9.15£9.45
Child Disability PaymentRates 2021-2022Rates 2022-2023*
Care Component Highest Rate£89.60£92.40
Care Component Middle Rate£60.00£61.85
Care Component Lowest Rate£23.70£24.45
Mobility Component Higher Rate£62.55£64.50
Mobility Component Lower Rate£23.70£24.45
Adult Disability PaymentRates 2021-2022Rates 2022-2023*
Daily Living Component Standard Rate£60.00£61.85
Daily Living Component Enhanced Rate£89.60£92.40
Mobility Component Standard Rate£23.70£24.45
Mobility Component Enhanced Rate£62.55£64.50

* 3.1% increase in line with the equivalent benefits (Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payment) which are still administered by DWP under agency agreement.

Early Learning Payment: new benefit opens for qpplications

A new benefit for low income families opens for applications this morning (Monday 29 April). The £250 Early Learning Payment is for children aged between two to three and a half and can be used for anything from children’s clothes and shoes to toys, books or days out. Continue reading Early Learning Payment: new benefit opens for qpplications