Bert’s back!

Bert NENJust another day at the office, so I thought, when a weel-kent face came in with leaflets for a new ‘SET UP & GO PROGRAMME’ – information on a course designed to support individuals into self–employment/working from home.

Readers of the loved NEN paper will without doubt remember the ‘Where’s Bert?’ feature – it was terrific to see Bert looking so fit and well and still working for the Community.

The course duration is 12 hours per week over 3 days; in a 3 week course.

If you do not have this leaflet and are interested in it, please feel free to pop into Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre where we have the leaflets at the reception desk. ( OOPS did I give the location of Bert away ? Sorry – there will be no prizes for guessing where Bert is now!

For further detail contact Bert on 0758925313 or Lynne 07816786934.

PICTURE: MMCC manager Peter Airlie (left) with Bert and Lynne

James McGinty, Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre

Bert's back!

Bert NENJust another day at the office, so I thought, when a weel-kent face came in with leaflets for a new ‘SET UP & GO PROGRAMME’ – information on a course designed to support individuals into self–employment/working from home.

Readers of the loved NEN paper will without doubt remember the ‘Where’s Bert?’ feature – it was terrific to see Bert looking so fit and well and still working for the Community.

The course duration is 12 hours per week over 3 days; in a 3 week course.

If you do not have this leaflet and are interested in it, please feel free to pop into Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre where we have the leaflets at the reception desk. ( OOPS did I give the location of Bert away ? Sorry – there will be no prizes for guessing where Bert is now!

For further detail contact Bert on 0758925313 or Lynne 07816786934.

PICTURE: MMCC manager Peter Airlie (left) with Bert and Lynne

James McGinty, Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre

Bye, bye Bert!

Community Employability staff (see article above) will be interviewed for positions with the successful consortium early next month, but there will be no place for Bert Craig, for so long a familiar face through Working Links’ ‘Where’s Bert?’ feature in the NEN. Bert, who is now 67, finished up with Community Employability last week after ten years working in North Edinburgh.

“It’s very sad”, he said. “I think we did a pretty good job here over the years and we were never driven by targets or figures but concentrated instead on doing the very best we could to support people, helping them to make the right choices about what options were best for them and then supporting them all the way through. Some clients need a lot more support than others but that’s the nature of the job – every person who walks through our door is different, has different needs. For some, it’s maybe just a wee confidence boost that’s required or help with job applications or filling in forms, but there’s a huge sense of job satisfaction when a client you have been working intensively with finally lands that dream job which had seemed impossible just a few months before. Those are the ones you remember most”.

Bert hopes to find work and doesn’t plan to settle into retirement just yet. “I still feel I’ve got something to offer, and I hope my working experience and contacts here in North Edinburgh could be put to good use by a local organisation. We all know how difficult it is to find work just now, though – times are hard, and the telephone hasn’t rung so far. I’m here if anyone needs me, though – I love working in this area, feel part of the community and I feel I’ve got more to contribute. I’m just not ready to walk away yet”.

All the best, Bert – and who knows, maybe that telephone call may yet come?