Feeding the nation our daily bread

Feeding the nation is an essential part of us getting through the current crisis, so the trade union Usdaw and trade association Scottish Bakers have combined to acknowledge and welcome the crucial work bakers are doing to literally put our daily bread, savoury snacks and sweet treats on the table in extremely difficult circumstances.

Dave Gill, Usdaw National Officer, says: “Usdaw members throughout the food supply chain are doing essential work to keep us all fed. From manufacturing to distribution to retail, the country could not continue in these trying times without them.

“Staff are of course deeply concerned about their own personal safety, at a time when everyone who can has been instructed to stay at home. We are working with employers to promote necessary safety standards in essential workplaces, helping to ensure social distancing and hygiene standards are met.

“Usdaw continues support and advise our members through this difficult period and stands ready to resolve any issues of concern with their employer.”

Alasdair Smith – Scottish Bakers Chief Executive says: “Across the country our members are still baking and serving their communities with fresh baked goods. Many of our bakers have strong community links too and are going further with deliveries to vulnerable groups and those in self-isolation and we applaud them for their dedication.

“Throughout the current health crisis Scottish Bakers has worked with members to ensure they fully understand the demands of safe social distancing and so can continue to operate safely keeping their workforce and customers safe and well.”