Austerity: the fight will go on

‘Sadly, all of the mainstream parties in Scotland – including the SNP – appear to have accepted ‘austerity-lite’’ – Phil McGarry, Chair of the People’s Assembly Against Austerity Scotland.

10 Downing Street

A non-party campaign group set up to challenge austerity says it’s ‘heartened’ by the number of general election candidates to have pledged to commit themselves to oppose all austerity cuts – but warns that politicians’ words must be matched by deeds. 

Sixty-two out of 220 candidates contacted responded to the People’s Assembly Scotland’s petition against austerity and most of those have also signed up to it.

Top pledgers were the Greens (14), next came Labour (11) and in third place was the SNP, with 9 of its 22 responders agreeing to sign up to oppose all austerity cuts while the others issued a statement which included: ‘We believe we can manage the deficit down, but without destroying the social fabric that holds us together.’

Six TUSC candidates signed, along with one each for the Communist Party of Britain, The Liberal Democrats, and Class War. Colin Fox signed on behalf of the SSP, but the only Conservative who responded asked what austerity was and didn’t sign.

Launched in January 2014 in Scotland, The People’s Assembly is a broad united national campaign against austerity, cuts and privatisation in our workplaces, community and welfare services, based on general agreement with the signatories’ Founding Statement

It is linked to no political party, committed to open non-sectarian working and dedicated to supplementing, rather than supplanting, trade union, student, pensioner and community opposition to austerity measures.

“With austerity right at the front of so many parties’ election campaign, we are surprised more candidates didn’t take the chance to publicly confirm their opposition to austerity. Given the public campaigning, we are even more surprised at how few SNP candidates were willing to actually pledge to oppose all austerity”, said Phil McGarry, Chair of the People’s Assembly Against Austerity Scotland.

“Nevertheless, It is heartening to see that a good number of candidates across the parties (apart from the Tories) have been prepared to stand up and say they will fight the austerity that has created so much poverty and inequality.

“However it also shows that there is a long way to go before politicians’ actions match their words. Sadly, all of the mainstream parties in Scotland – including the SNP – appear to have accepted ‘austerity-lite’ with the Tories intent on even more austerity”, he added.

“No matter what the election outcome, campaigns like the People’s Assembly, trade unions and community organisations will still have to push politicians to address the real issues facing people on the ground.

“The irony is that the austerity that cuts jobs, cuts the money available in local communities and cuts the tax that is available, leads to a vicious circle of even more austerity. Apart from the human cost with food banks being the only growing industry, local economies are being pushed further into stagnation. We will continue to campaign against a system that punishes the poor and lines the pockets of the rich”.

62 candidates out of the 220 candidates contacted by the People’s Assembly Scotland responded and of those 44 signed up to the 38 Degrees Petition

The list of those responding and their comments is at


Austerity: There IS an alternative, says First Minister

Nicola Sturgeon’s plan puts fairness at the heart of economic growth


First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has set out an alternative plan to tackle the economic deficit, by putting fairness at the heart of economic growth, increasing investment and maximising the skills of Scotland’s population.

In a major economic speech at University College London, the First Minister said there should be no ‘trade off’ between reducing the deficit and having a fairer society, with a clear link between economic growth and reducing inequality.

Ms Sturgeon highlighted how successful economic policies such as gender equality and the living wage “have a sense of fairness at their heart” and help grow the economy by ensuring that Scotland maximises the skill and innovation of all its people.

The First Minister set out an alternative to austerity, and said that real term increases in government department spending, limited to half a per cent each year, would see debt reduce as a share of GDP over four years, but allow a further £180 billion investment in infrastructure, skills and education to further boost the economy.

The First Minister also renewed her calls to scrap the renewal of Trident, with the £100bn savings over the next 35 years to be invested back into public services.

The First Minister said: “The Scottish Government has balanced its budget every single year and that’s something which has required genuinely tough decisions. But by and large, we’ve carried people with us because the policies we’ve adopted have clearly had a sense of fairness at their heart.

“In terms of the UK economy, we believe that debt and the deficit should be reduced as a percentage of GDP but more gradually than either of the largest UK parties is proposing.

“For example, if you limited real terms growth in departmental spending to half a per cent each year it would reduce debt as a share of GDP in every year from 2016-17. But it would also permit a further £180 billion of investment across the UK over the next four years.

“We could protect the infrastructure, education and innovation which will support sustainable growth. And we could take a different approach to the crude cuts that reduce work incentives and impact directly on disabled people and families with children. We could manage the deficit down, without destroying the social fabric.

“We could also release savings through some more straightforward choices. Deciding not to renew Trident, for example, would save around £100bn, at 2012 prices, over the next 35 years. That is money that could be – and should be – invested instead in health and education.

“By taking a different approach – by offering an alternative to the austerity agenda – we would ensure that fiscal consolidation is consistent with a wider vision of society. A society which strives to become more equal, as part of becoming more prosperous.

“We simply don’t accept that there’s a trade-off between balancing the books and having a balanced society; fairness and prosperity can go hand in hand. It’s basic common sense that as a society, we will do better if we can benefit from the skill, talent and innovation of all of our people.

“But there are other reasons too. Higher incomes would increase demand and boost the revenues needed for investment in infrastructure and education. More equal economies are more resilient and less likely to depend on borrowing and credit.”

The First Minister continued: “But one thing we’re already very clear on, is that we see the private sector as being an essential partner in all of this. They are not only vital to but will also benefit hugely from helping to build a fairer society. And so we’re also encouraging and supporting business to contribute to a fairer society – because that’s clearly in their own best interests.

“Gender equality is a good example of that. The Scottish Government is leading by example – the Scottish Cabinet is one of only three in the developed world to have a 50/50 gender split. But we’re also launching a major drive – called 50/50 by 2020 – to encourage gender equality in public, private and third sector boardrooms.

“And we have a clear focus on the quality of work – people’s experience in the workplace. The Scottish Government already pays the living wage to all our employees; and we’re using procurement policy, where we can, to encourage its use in all public sector contracts. Now we are funding the Poverty Alliance to run a scheme for accrediting living wage employers.

“Essentially, we are appealing to companies’ sense of enlightened self-interest. In doing so, we are encouraging them to commit to good business practices – such as innovation or internationalisation – and to good employment practices; such as the living wage, gender equality or supporting workforce engagement.

“So we will make the case for a more rational economic policy at Westminster. And we will use the powers we have in the Scottish Parliament to pursue a different approach; one based on partnership, fairness and prosperity.”

Budget cuts could be avoided, say Edinburgh Greens

‘residents are well aware of the cuts that come from the council tax freeze and general reduction in council funding’ – Cllr Gavin Corbett


Budget cuts of £28.5 million could be avoided if Edinburgh had similar powers to councils elsewhere in the UK and Europe, according to the capital’s six-strong group of Green councillors. The city council sets it’s budget tomorrow and councillors look likely to approve swathing cuts to public services.

The Greens have published an alternative budget paper which shows how £25.7 million of extra income could be raised by giving the council modest extra powers such as a visitor levy and greater flexibility with council tax.

This, say the Greens, would mean extra priority for care for older people, funding for charities and community learning as well as new investment in school conditions and sports facilities.

Green Finance Spokesperson Cllr Gavin Corbett said: “Less than a year ago the Commission for Local Democracy showed that, across Europe, councils with comparable responsibilities to Edinburgh typically control 50-60% of their income, through local taxes and charges.

“In Edinburgh, those powers have been reduced to almost nothing, with dire consequences for local services. Indeed, the council’s biggest-ever budget consultation exercise showed that residents are well aware of the cuts that come from the council tax freeze and general reduction in council funding.

“So what I propose today is modest and affordable – less than 4% of overall spending – asking for the right to put to Edinburgh residents a choice to raising a bit more income in order to strengthen budgets for swimming pools, care services, community centres, homelessness charities and schools.

“I’m confident that, given that choice, investment in services would come ahead of an austerity-driven race to the bottom.”

The City of Edinburgh Council budget is set on 12 February 2015. A package of £28.5 million of cuts or savings has been proposed from a £962 million budget. Of the£28.5 million package, £5.2 million non-frontline cuts have already been approved last October.

Services under threat include:

– £4.3 million cut to charities and other third-party service providers

– Over £5 million cut to health and social care at a time of increasing demand

– £1.4 million cut to Edinburgh Leisure which runs swimming pools and sports facilities.

– £0.6 million cut to community learning and development

Other likely cuts include the closure of public toilets, reduction in library hours, nursery and childcare funding.


Letter: bearing the burden

Dear Editor

When Chancellor Osborne made his autumn statement  I believe he did his best to confuse most people with his ‘percentages of this and percentages of that’ but he did make one thing perfectly clear: the cost of closing the deficit will continue to be passed on to the working population by cutting public services and benefits, holding down wages below inflation and telling people to work harder and longer.

THe crisis we are in was cused by financial institutions, speculators and banks worldwide, but of course the blame is put on to others: stories are being repeated over and over again to get people to accept them as truths. First the Labour government was to blame, then it was the scroungers, the work-shy, the disabled, people living longer, families having one bedroom too many – all of these stories designed to set once section of society against another, enabling crippling policies to be imposed on all whilst constantly repeating: ‘it’s the only way’, ‘it is in the national interest’ and ‘we are all in this together’.

It is the classic Tory approach of divide and rule, enabling them to impose drastic cuts on 90% of the population; I say 90% because the top wealthy 10% are not affected or bothered.

If money was borrowed creating a deficit that has to be repaid, from whom was it borrowed? At what interest rate was it borrowed? Was it at a fixed rate or was money lenders’ method used? We need to know, but whatever the answers there is no need to inflict such damage on people’s lives – with promises of more to come.

The 90% of the population didn’t create the problem but are being made to bear the burden.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens


City protesters say no to sanctions

City protesters to take action against benefits cuts and austerity

Protesters opposing benefits sanctions and work-for-your-benefits schemes are set to take action in Edinburgh city centre tomorrow (Saturday 7 December). Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty (ECAP) have called people to gather at noon in Festival Square on Lothian Road to “say no to sanctions, workfare and austerity.”

The demonstration is part of the Britain-wide Boycott Workfare Week of  Action against benefits sanctions and the government’s controversial “work-for-your-benefits” schemes.

“580,000 sanctions were imposed in the 9 month period up until June 2013 – that’s over half a million people (thousands of them officially recognised as sick or disabled) denied even the pittance of benefit payment in the sixth richest country in the world,”  said Ethel MacDonald of ECAP.

“Jobcentre workers are being threatened with disciplinary action if they don’t sanction more claimants.  People are being left penniless for absolutely no good reason.   This week a man who had arrived on time for his fortnightly signing was delayed within the Jobcentre by the absence of staff – and then had his money stopped for being allegedly two minutes late!

“Another claimant had his benefits stopped because he had not written down the name of every single job seekers website he had looked at.  When he started to tell the adviser the names of the websites, she claimed that was not good enough and his money would be stopped.”

“Unemployed people are being forced to work for nothing on schemes like the Work Experience scheme, Mandatory Work Activity and the Work Programme.  Research has shown these schemes do not help people find jobs.  In fact they increase unemployment – why should employers pay people if they can get free labour?

“People are actually being told they have to stop doing voluntary work at charities, in order to work for nothing at another charity!  Even people on Employment and Support Allowance who have been found unfit for work are being forced onto the Work Programme – with their benefits stopped if they are unable to comply.  We have been supporting a claimant whose official diagnosis is “chronic intractable pain “ who was without benefits for months due to sanctions.  He was too ill to attend the Work Programme but the DWP and private workfare company Ingeus combined to leave him penniless and dependent on food banks.

“Workfare, the DWP’s sanction campaign, ATOS’s hounding of the sick and disabled, and the vile narrative of scroungers and work shy, are all part of the State’s campaign to drive down the cost of labour so companies can make more profits, ” said Ethel MacDonald of ECAP.  “We call on everyone, in or out of employment, to take a stand against policies which are robbing the poor to make the rich even richer.

“Following Britain-wide protests, many charities and companies have already pulled out of the workfare schemes, and we urge those still involved to do the right thing and stop exploiting claimants.”

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty
Boycott Workfare