ditto ditto ditto
Open Tue – Sun, 10am—4pm
Free Entry (donations welcome)
No pre-booking required.

A new exhibition by Alison Scott opens this weekend as part of Edinburgh Art Festival.
ditto ditto ditto is a cross-media installation in our Hillside space which marks a significant point in Alison’s expansive research project around weather.
Building on two years of archival, performative and collaborative research ditto, ditto, ditto includes new writing, sound, custom wallpaper, moving image and sculptural elements. The exhibition title comes from time spent in the Scottish Meteorological Society’s archives, where Alison examined personal weather diaries and found this phrase often used as short-hand for ‘same again/ likewise/ repeats’.
ditto, ditto, ditto invites viewers to navigate discrete and rich elements, each of which shifts scale: from personal and embodied, to global systems of observation; from analogue and local, to mass-media digital infrastructure.
The exhibition unveils implicit authorities in anecdotal diaristic notations of weather, offering a point of stark contrast between this historic sense of stability and the faltering rhythms of climate breakdown that forms a backdrop to the project.
Pre-booking is not necessary, but please note that you may have to queue to enter the exhibition due to ongoing social distancing measures.

Satellites Programme is Collective’s development programme for emergent artists and producers based in Scotland.