A team of 25 tenants from Port of Leith Housing Association’s sheltered housing developments are collectively walking 500 miles to raise money for their social activity fund.
Due to the impact of the pandemic, the tenants have not been able to hold their usual summer fayres or coffee mornings to raise funds, so they are trying something a little different this month.
Any donations received will help provide meaningful activities for our sheltered tenants including exercise classes, lunch clubs, outings and more. You may have already heard about our inventive warden call bingo!
The North Coast 500 virtual trek

The virtual trek around the North Coast 500 (NC500) route began on Monday 20 July, with some walkers tackling the challenge outdoors while others are count their steps indoors along the corridors.
A PoLHA spokesperson said: “We will map their journey and share progress and pictures as we travel along the majestic coastline of the stunning highlands of Scotland. Did you know 500 miles equates to one million and fifty six thousand steps? What an amazing achievement this will be for our tenants!
“We would be very grateful if you could support our walkers with this challenge by making a donation. They have a target of £1 for every mile walked – can you help them reach £500?”
Good luck to PoLHA’s walkers – and mind those midgies!