Councillors have unanimously agreed planning permissions in principle for what is expected to become one the biggest new housing developments in Edinburgh for decades.
With space for 7,000 new homes, 35% of which will be affordable, West Town Edinburgh intends to create a new, green, £2bn 20-minute neighbourhood on a 205-acre site close to Edinburgh Airport.
Following the decision made by members of the Development Management Sub Committee yesterday (4 December), Council Leader Cammy Day said: “With urgent solutions to our housing and climate emergencies needed, our new City Plan is helping to make sure development in the city creates sustainable, affordable homes. And by unlocking underused sites to the West and to the North of the city, we’re now starting to see affordable low carbon homes built at the pace and scale we need.
“The Council has approved planning in principle for over 12,000 new homes this year and more additional green space than any other city as we work urgently with partners to sustainably address Edinburgh’s housing emergency. The biggest housing-led development in Edinburgh of modern times, West Town will provide a huge number of the new homes our city needs and I’m pleased Council officers and developers have worked together to get a great result. This is a major £2 billion development of 7,000 energy efficient homes, alongside shops, schools, local amenities, and lots of greenspace.
“Consider this alongside our £1.3bn regeneration of the Granton Waterfront, which is the biggest development of its kind in Scotland, with over £250 million invested with partners and good progress being made towards delivering around 3,500 new net zero carbon homes. All of this is welcome news for the city, for our climate ambitions, for the thousands of residents in need of new housing and for Edinburgh’s economy – which is bucking national trends and continues to grow.”
The Committee will go on to consider another application in two weeks for the area, for a further 3,000 new homes by Elements Edinburgh.