More than 11,500 disclosures have been made to tell people their partner has an abusive past, since Police Scotland launched a scheme eight years ago to help tackle domestic abuse.
The Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse in Scotland (DSDAS) launched on 1st October 2015, has received over 20,000 requests for information.
Of the 20,005 requests, 11,599 disclosures (58 per cent) have been made to tell people their current partner has a violent or abusive past.

Detective Superintendent Gillian Faulds, Police Scotland’s Head of Domestic Abuse, said: “Abusers manipulate and control their victims.
“Abuse can be gradual and it can be very difficult for victims of domestic abuse to recognise their situation and to then take action to end their relationship.
“The Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland helps someone at risk of abuse consider their circumstances and make an informed choice about the future of that relationship.”
The scheme operates two pathways, the right to ask and the power to tell.
Under the Right to Ask, people who think their partner may have an abusive past, or their family and friends have concerns, are able to submit an application. Where lawful, proportionate and necessary, a disclosure can be made to the person at risk.
Under the Power to Tell, professionals including the police and partner agencies can apply for a disclosure to be made where they have reason to believe a person could be at risk of domestic abuse.

Detective Superintendent Faulds added: “If you’re a family member, a friend, a work colleague or even a neighbour and you think that someone you know is potentially at risk of harm from their current partner then you can make an application.
“Those at risk from domestic abuse who are told about a partner’s abusive past can then choose the course of action they wish to take, whether to end the relationship or continue it. Officers will always signpost those at risk to support and advice offered by our partners.
“All it takes is one person to alert us and we can help end the threat and harm caused by domestic abuse.”
Submitting a DSDAS application can be done online on the Police Scotland website, by calling 101, speaking to an officer or attending at a police station. Applications are processed within 45 days or sooner.