Festive Drink Drive Crackdown

Lothian and Borders Police have arrested 14 drink drivers in West Lothian in the first two weeks of the ACPOS Festive Drink Drive campaign.

This year the vehicle forfeiture scheme has been extended to include those who are more than three times the drink drive limit, and those who refuse to provide a sample at police stations. Of the 14 incidents, nine fit the forfeiture criteria.

Last Monday (December 12) a 55-year-old woman was involved in a crash in Livingston, and admitted drink driving in court the next day, so a warrant was issued for the seizure of her vehicle.  In the early hours of Sunday morning (December 18) a driver was found asleep in his vehicle in Bathgate and was charged with alleged drink driving. He was due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court yesterday (December 19).

Inspector Simon Bradshaw, Livingston Road Policing Branch said: “It is disappointing that a small minority of drivers still choose to put their own and others lives at risk, by driving whilst under the influence of alcohol.  We will continue to do our utmost to detect and arrest drink drivers and bring them before the court and drive the message home that drink driving will not be tolerated.

“As we have already seen during this campaign, where appropriate, drink drivers’ vehicles will be forfeited by the court, thereby removing them from the road. I would urge all drivers to think of the potential consequences and not to get behind the wheel whilst under influence of alcohol or drugs.

“Anyone who suspects that a person may be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can contact the police on 0131 3113131 or by dialing 999 in urgent cases. Alternatively they can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 where the information will be treated in confidence of anonymity.”

Lothian and Borders Police

Could you be a Volunteer Snow Warden?

The Council has sent out the following advert:

Join the snow clearing effort

During severe weather the Council will do all it can to keep the city moving.  However, our focus has to be on priority routes for buses and emergency vehicles and giving access to hospitals, health centres and schools.

The Council want local people to help clear snow. (Picture: Thomas brown)

In previous years, we have been encouraged by the number of residents who contact us to see how they can help.  There is a lot you can do by clearing pavements in your area and checking on neighbours.

We are enlisting some volunteer snow wardens to be our eyes and ears in their community.  They can tell us about specific problems and help residents with the local effort to clear snow and ice from pavements.


To find out if you could be a Volunteer Snow Warden call 0131 529 3687 or email winter.maintenance@edinburgh.gov.uk

Spartans Woman's FC celebrate excellent season

Spartans FC Women’ Premier League side gathered at the Academy on Saturday night to celebrate the 2011 season. Finishing in runners up spot to worthy champions Glasgow City was a great achievement and full credit must go to the full squad of  players, coaching staff and volunteers for their hard work and determination throughout the season. 

Hayley Lauder collecting both awards. (Picture: www.spartanswfc.com)

It was time for the Spartan players to recognise there team mates contributions and the Players Player of the year awards were as follows: –

In 3rd place was central midfielder Kirsty McLaughlin who has really excelled in her first season at the club with terrific performances, 2nd Place went to striker Sarah Ewens who has blossomed as a player this season and is fulfilling the potential she displayed when she joined the club in 2009 scoring 21 goals in 2011. 

Spartans Players Player of the year and also the Coaches Player of the Year was awarded to Hayley Lauder for a fantastic season for both Spartans and Scotland, the young midfielder played a huge part in Spartans success and all involved at the club are extremely proud of her individual achievements and we are all excited for her future. 

To honour the contribution made to Spartans and acknowledge the achievement of scoring 100 goals during the 2011 season the final award of the evening was made to Diana Barry, a special award to a special player. Diana has now scored 118 goals in 94 games for the club and as she continues to score goals she will continue to set records that will be very difficult to match. 

All the players receiving awards also received a generous gift from our fantastic sponsors Scott + Co and all pass on their gratitude for such a kind gesture. 


Spartans Woman’s FC celebrate excellent season

Spartans FC Women’ Premier League side gathered at the Academy on Saturday night to celebrate the 2011 season. Finishing in runners up spot to worthy champions Glasgow City was a great achievement and full credit must go to the full squad of  players, coaching staff and volunteers for their hard work and determination throughout the season. 

Hayley Lauder collecting both awards. (Picture: www.spartanswfc.com)

It was time for the Spartan players to recognise there team mates contributions and the Players Player of the year awards were as follows: –

In 3rd place was central midfielder Kirsty McLaughlin who has really excelled in her first season at the club with terrific performances, 2nd Place went to striker Sarah Ewens who has blossomed as a player this season and is fulfilling the potential she displayed when she joined the club in 2009 scoring 21 goals in 2011. 

Spartans Players Player of the year and also the Coaches Player of the Year was awarded to Hayley Lauder for a fantastic season for both Spartans and Scotland, the young midfielder played a huge part in Spartans success and all involved at the club are extremely proud of her individual achievements and we are all excited for her future. 

To honour the contribution made to Spartans and acknowledge the achievement of scoring 100 goals during the 2011 season the final award of the evening was made to Diana Barry, a special award to a special player. Diana has now scored 118 goals in 94 games for the club and as she continues to score goals she will continue to set records that will be very difficult to match. 

All the players receiving awards also received a generous gift from our fantastic sponsors Scott + Co and all pass on their gratitude for such a kind gesture. 


Pensioners attacked in Davidsons Mains

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses after a couple were assaulted and robbed in Davidsons Mains over the weekend.

Police are appealing for witnesses following the attack.

The incident happened around 2.10am on Sunday 18 December. A 71-year-old man and his 68-year-old wife had just left the Maitland Bowling Club in Davidsons Mains and were walking along the High Street when a man approached and grabbed at the woman’s bag.

A struggle ensued and the woman’s bag strap snapped causing her purse to fall out, which was then stolen by the suspect who made off from the area.

The victim’s husband tried to pursue the man and suffered minor facial injuries after being struck to the face.

Police are now urging anyone who can assist with their enquiries to come forward.

The suspect is described as white, 20-25-years-old, 6ft 2ins tall with a slim build and wearing a patterned woolen hat with earflaps.

A police spokesman said: “This incident has left both victims incredibly shaken, although neither required treatment in hospital.

“Anyone who was in or around Davidson Mains High Street in the early hours of Sunday morning and witnessed the robbery or can help identify the suspect is asked to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with any information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Tis the season when house fires increase by 20 per cent

Decorations and cards beside candles and open fires make Christmas a time to be extra vigilant, says Community Safety Manager David Lockhart, from Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service

Fires can take hold at breathtaking speed.


Flames are silently flickering in your living room – you’ve accidentally left a candle burning next to your Christmas cards.

It’s set fire to a curtain and within a mere four minutes the entire room could be engulfed.

You and your children are fast asleep in bed. Four minutes in a deep sleep passes in an instant – a working smoke alarm would have woken you by now… but you never got round to fitting one.

A fire at any time of the year is devastating. But over the festive season we know accidental house fires rise by 20 per cent and fire casualties by a third.

It’s a frightening thought, isn’t it? It could be your home lost to a fire, it could be you losing a family member or friend to fire. It could be you.

And in the aftermath? No clothes or personal belongings. No precious possessions. Potentially no roof over your head.

Victims of fire are often forgotten after the initial turmoil, with many not getting back into their property for months.

At Christmas, the danger of a fire breaking out in your home is heightened. Twenty people were injured by fire over an 18-day period at Christmas last year in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Scottish Borders – that’s an average of more than one a day.

Alcohol has a part to play in many fires, often combined with careless disposal of cigarettes or leaving cooking unattended – the perfect recipe for a killer inferno. It’s not our place to suggest people cut down on what they’re drinking or don’t smoke, all we ask is that you take a second to think. If you’ve had a few too many, don’t head towards the cooker. If you want to light up, go outside. It’s too easy to settle in your armchair and nod off with a cigarette in hand. Before you go to bed make sure cigarettes are extinguished and ask guests to do the same.

When a fire rips through your home it takes everything at breathtaking speed. Having a working smoke alarm can make the difference between a manageable fire, with an early warning, and you having to rebuild your life from the ashes.

It couldn’t be easier to protect your family and your home. Not only do we offer free smoke alarms with long-life batteries, firefighters will come to fit them. This isn’t a sales pitch, there is no financial gain for us – we fit them to save lives.

Christmas brings a host of flammable materials – paper and plastic decorations, cards and real Christmas trees. Add to that cooking, smoking, candles, fairy lights and open fires, it’s not surprising fire has wrecked so many festive holidays. Most accidents can be avoided by switching off Christmas lights, electrical appliances and extinguishing cigarettes when you go to bed or go out. Keep decorations away from candles and open fires – an obvious but surprisingly common mistake is putting cards above the fireplace. Also, don’t take batteries out of the smoke alarm to power Christmas presents.

Make an escape plan, does everyone know where your window and door keys are? If your main escape route is blocked, do you know what to do? In the excitement, noise and festivities of a party, will all guests have a clear path to safety? If you do find yourself trapped, get into a room together, preferably with a phone, open the window wide and dial 999 for the Fire and Rescue Service. If it’s safe to do so, stay at the window and wave and shout to attract attention.

After a fire, people often say they never thought it would happen to them – but why not? Fires happen to ordinary people often when they least expect it. It’s a terrifying ordeal to go through, please don’t let it happen to you.

Stay safe this Christmas

* Ensure your smoke detectors are working and check them every week, they could save your life.

* Check your Christmas tree lights conform to the British Standard and switch them off overnight or when you are out.

* Keep decorations clear of lights, candles and fires – that includes cards on fireplaces.

* Take extra care if you are smoking indoors.

* If you have been drinking, think twice about using the cooker.

* When preparing Christmas meals, never leave cooking unattended – fires can start and get out of control frighteningly quickly.

* Make an escape plan – do you and your guests know where your window and door keys are? Is your main escape route blocked?

* In an emergency remember: Get Out, Stay Out, Dial 999.

To arrange a free home safety visit, call free on 0800 169 0320. For further advice visit www.lbfire.org.uk.

The NEN Christmas Quiz

Shopping all done?  Presents wrapped?  Then it’s time to put your feet up, relax and enjoy the NEN’s Twelve Days of Christmas Quiz!

Below you’ll find the first letters of words in the first lines of twelve classic Christmas songs.  Can you name them all?












12.  IWCEB


Send your answers to the NEN blog or email: northedinnews@gmail.com

There’s no prize – just a bit of festive fun – but we’ll give an honourable mention to all correct entries received before 31 December.  Good luck!

Local kids love Lickety Spit!


Craigroyston Nursery and Primary 1 children are taking part in Lickety Leap – an exciting new interactive theatre project for Early years Children.

Licketyspit Theatre Company is based at North Edinburgh Arts and the group has performed shows including Molly Whuppie, Magic Spaghetti and Wee Witches at the arts centre. Lickety Leap is their first totally interactive show and is performed with small groups of children. It is a really memorable and enjoyable experience for the children and it has shown to have a big impact on their developing confidence, social skills, ability to work together and to problem solve.

Licketyspit has been funded to deliver Lickety Leap across Scotland and it’s all beginning here  in North Edinburgh’s Craigroyston Primary School!

“This group was great for the kids. My daughter loved it and when we went to see everything the kids had done their faces showed just how much they loved it. It is really good how it gets the kid’s imagination going so well with the simplest of thing” – Caitlin’s mum

“Lickey Leap has been a fun-filled, exciting and entertaining project which children, parents and staff have enjoyed; it allows children to be actively involved in a fun adventure to find their ‘heart’s desire’” – (Craigroyston PS Staff)

Waterfront Festival is Christmas cracker!

The Festival staged by North Edinburgh Waterfront Community at The Hub in Edinburgh’s Telford College last night proved to be a real Christmas cracker.  A bit like opening those Christmas presents you never know what you’re going to get next, and so it proved at Telford.

With songs by Granton Primary School and Pilrig Church choir, films, quizzes and international music from the Rongong family – and some truly awful Christmas cracker jokes too! – there was something for everyone.  With free refreshments, face painting and Christmas crafts and decoration-making, laid on by members of local churches, the evening was the perfect antidote to the stresses and strains of last-minute Christmas shopping.

For more information on North Edinburgh Waterfront Community go to info@new-community.org.uk

New Community Creche for North Edinburgh?

New Year, new community crèche for North Edinburgh?  Local organisation Stepping Stones has held discussions with Community Learning and Development staff at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre to explore the possibility of setting up a new community crèche when the new Centre opens next year.

Stepping Stones’ Marilyn Keilloh explained:  “The ‘new’ Royston Wardieburn Community Centre will be opening to the public in the New Year.  Lydia Markham (Community Learning and Development) and I have had a very brief meeting about the possibility of developing a community crèche facility in the Centre.  We have arranged a meeting for Thursday 12 January from 1 – 3pm in the new centre and would like to invite anyone who is interested in developing a facility like this in the area to come along”.

For further information call Marilyn at Stepping Stones North Edinburgh on 551 1632 or Lydia at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700.