Crunch time for North Edinburgh News

Last Friday Council papers  went online, and finally confirmed our worst fears.

They showed that the City of Edinburgh Council is recommending that ALL funding to North Edinburgh News is cut completely for 2011-2012.

This report goes before full Council on Thursday 10 February when councillors meet to set the Budget for the year ahead.

So what does this mean for your community paper?

Continue reading Crunch time for North Edinburgh News

Welcome to the new NEN blog

Hello, and welcome to the brand new NEN blog.

For those of you not already familiar with the newspaper, we are a local community paper serving the North Edinburgh community. We’ve been here for over thirty years.

This blog, along with our new Facebook page and Twitter stream, represents our first foray into the world of social media.  We really want to encourage more participation, more questions and ideas from the North Edinburgh community – both online and offline – and hope that these new tools will help us to do that.

We already have a good website, where you can always find the latest edition of the printed newspaper. The blog won’t be replacing that, but will instead be there to show people the latest news about the area, and also to help us cover the current funding crisis we are facing as an organisation.

Above all, we want to include your input on the blog – be it ideas for stories, comments, pictures and events. So get in touch!