Million Pound Pot For Retiring Council Man

A senior director of the city council has left his role – triggering a huge pension pay-out. Jim Inch has stepped down as director of corporate services after agreeing to take early retirement.

Council officials say that there are no direct costs to the council of his retirement from his £120,513-a-year post. But he will start benefiting from a pension pot now worth over £1.3 million, and his retirement will automatically trigger a £160,390 lump sum payment.

Mr Inch sent a message to all council staff, thanking them for their work and support.

His retirement follows that of former chief executive Tom Aitchison, who stood down at the end of last year and received a £209,845 lump sum from his pension. Director of finance Donald McGougan will also leave his post in June, which will earn him a payment of at least £170,802.

The pension deals have been labelled “obscene” by taxpayer groups. A review is underway into the posts held by Mr Inch and Mr McGougan. Temporary appointments are to be made for six months as chief executive Sue Bruce decides whether to revamp the corporate services and finance departments.

Source: Edinburgh Evening News

Spartans Win Second Trophy Of The Season

Spartans picked up their second trophy of the season with a convincing 3-0 win over Edinburgh City in the final of the South Region Cup.

Co-manager mike Lawson said “Sam and I were delighted with what was a very professional performance by our experienced squad at Tynecastle yesterday. Apart from two small spells in the middle of either half where we needlessly kicked the ball away too often, we in the main controlled the game and kept possession of the football.  It was a very hot afternoon for both sets of players and the team chasing the ball were always going to have the harder job and so it turned out.

It took Spartans only 15 minutes to open their account when a Dean Hoskins corner was whipped in and Omar Kader got his head on the end of it and his delicate header from close range beat Alan Stobie in the City goal.

City almost equalised on the half hour mark when a Robbie Ross corner was played in and the Spartans defence didn’t clear the danger, the ball landed at Ross Macnamara and his scissor kick effort went just over the bar.

Just before the interval Spartans were awarded a penalty kick when Danny O’Donnell broke down the wing and his cross was blocked by the hand of City defender Ruairdh Scott. Gavin Malin stepped up and fired the ball past the keeper and into the net to double Spartans advantage.

Kader got his second of the afternoon when Ross Archibald went on a run down the wing and squared to unmarked Kader in the six yard box, Kader was left with the simple task on knocking the ball into the net.

Lawson added” The first goal was always going to be crucial and with the game in the balance Deano’s delivery, Towner’s header towards goal and Omar’s flick in front of the keeper were all top drawer. From then on it was always going to be very difficult for the Meadowbank boys and so it proved. Despite the distractions Gavin riffled home the penalty and Omar scored a simple third after the best move of the match. Their is no sentiment in football but I hope City break their cup drought some time soon but only if it’s not at our expense.”

“The Premier League trophy and two cups are now safely at home in the Academy Boardroom and we have two more cups to try to retain. Before that comes three league games in the five days and Sam and I will work out how to juggle our small squad to keep the players as fresh as possible. It won’t be easy.”

Spartans next fixture is tomorrow night at the Academy against Lothian thistle, kick off is at7.30pm.

Fire Rips Through Disused Nursery

A fire that was started deliberately has ripped through the disused West Pilton Family Centre on Ferry Road Drive.

Police and Fire service staff were advising local residents to go inside and close all windows and doors  as there is a risk due to the amount of Asbestos that was in the building.

Police are appealing for information and have asked anyone with information to contact them on 311 3131.

Pictures: Thomas Brown


Drylaw man Henry MacDonald received Drylaw Telford Community Council’s annual award for good citizenship last night (Wednesday 27 April). Sixty-eight year old Henry was following in his father’s footsteps – dad Harry was the first recipient of the award which was established in 2000!

Drylaw Telford Community Council introduced the annual award for good citizenship following the death of local campaigner, activist and enthusiastic community councillor Tam Tierney in 1999. Since the launch of the award there have been dozens of nominations and eleven recipients, but father and son Harry and Henry are the first members of the same family to receive the award.

Drylaw Telford Community Council hosted a reception at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre last night and Henry was joined by friends and family (including identical twin brother George and dad Harry), church members and community councillors at the celebration. Guests included Tam Tierney’s widow Cath and their son Thomas, and all four Inverleith councillors – Lesley Hinds, Stuart McIvor, Tim McKay and Iain Whyte – also attended.

Councillor Tim McKay, convener of Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership, presented Henry with a plaque and said: “Henry was cited by six nominees for his work as a volunteer with Drylaw Church. His helpfulness clearly shines through, and Henry is obviously following in a family tradition! I am delighted to present this well-deserved award on behalf of the community council”.

Drylaw Parish Church minister Pat Watson added: “Since I arrived at Drylaw over five years ago Henry has just been so helpful. As well as welcoming guests to the church and preparing lunches Henry is always helping out – you can be sure that if anything is left lying around for too long our Henry will dispose of it! People dropping in will also be offered a cup of tea and a bacon roll, too, so as well as being warmly welcomed they will be well-fed too! Henry really makes a valuable contribution to church life just as Harry did. Harry kept the church grounds looking beautiful until just a couple of years ago and Henry is keeping up the good work – if Henry is able to do even half the work his dad did over the years Drylaw church will be well served for years to come. Many congratulations”.

It’s been quite a year for the local McDonald clan – as well as Henry’s award, mum and dad Harry and Nan celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary last month.

While he was delighted to receive the award, Henry won’t be resting on his laurels – on Sunday he’ll be putting his best foot forward when he takes part in an annual sponsored walk over the Forth Road Bridge for the Christian Aid charity. It’s an event Henry’s supported for many years and he took the opportunity to add quite a few names to his sponsor sheet at the Drylaw event!

Dave Pickering

Funding For Community Groups

The Scottish Community Foundation is searching for groups who want their voices heard by decision makers. The body is looking for motivated community members to explore a local issue, and can make available £5000 in Big Lottery funding per group.

Grant director Nick Addington said: “You may want to help your community have its say on how local assets and resources are used, or how services are delivered.”

To find out more visit by June 6

Telford Secures Safety Award For A Second Time

Telford College has scooped a top award for health and safety the second year in a row. The city college has won a Gold Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Occupational Health and Safety Award.

Health and safety manager Alan Crawford said: “We are delighted to have achieved the award for the second year running. We endeavour to ensure risks are avoided and this is a great recognition of our efforts in making sure thatTelford is a safe environment for staff and students.”

Spartans Hat-Trick Of Titles

Spartans were crowned Central taxis Premier Division Champions earlier this month for the third consecutive year. The Ainslie Park men traveled to Rosewell, the home of Whitehill Welfare and clinched the title thanks to a Ross Archibald goal. Co-manager Sam Lynch said “We deserved the title over the course of the year and I am delighted with the win. The boys are ecstatic, the atmosphere in the changing room is superb. We won’t get carried away however, we are still in the later stages of a few cups and we will now concentrate on them.” Lynch added “I thanked the players for their superb efforts over the season and congratulated them. Tonight is my seventh league title at Spartans and I’ve enjoyed every one.”

Spartans faced the same opposition a week earlier and were defeated 2-1, their first league defeat of the season and this delayed them being crowned Champions. One week later and they were held by Whitehill until the dying stages of the game when they were awarded a penalty late in the game and team Captain Ross Archibald stepped up to fire the ball home.

Goal here Archibald said “That is the most important goal I have scored this year as it gave us the vital three points that means we have the title. It’s been a long time coming for us. I think over the season we have been the most consistent team in the league, although maybe not always the best team. We have played good football and when we didn’t play well we ground out results.”

The Spartans squad celebrate after picking up the trophy

Club chairman, Craig Graham has nothing but praise for the team and what they have achieved. He said: “From the start of the season the number one objective was to win the league. It became clear that we were going to win the league and the players have done exceptionally well especially considering there were a number of close games that could have gone either way but the players used resilience and skill to prevent any losses.”

“The thing with winning the league two years in a row is that you become the team to beat and as a result the opponents often bring their best game, which didn’t make it easy for us. We are quite fortunate that we have a number of players who have been with us for five or six seasons and their experience was a huge benefit to the team. If they lost an early goal they didn’t panic and were able to work to get it back.”

Craig admits that there may be a temptation to relax after the league triumph but the team is still in contention for four cups he said: “There’s always that danger the team loose their edge but it’s a big game at the weekend. The focus now is to win all four cups in addition to the league which has never been done at this level before.”

The other half of the management team, Mike Lawson was on holiday on the night the league was won and on his return he said “Our first aim this season was to retain our league title and that we have done with a good bit to spare. At Spartans we know that on their day any given side can beat any other in our league and apart from ourselves the table shows that. Our squad of players is very similar to any in the top half of the league but it’s our consistency of performance which puts us above the rest.  Our boys manage to play near the top of their game week in, week out and that shows in the league table.”

Lawson continued “For what they have achieved so far this season I congratulate each and every one of them. The new boys have fitted in well, the experienced players have helped those developing and the younger influx have kept everyone on their toes. It’s hard to pick any individual player out but I would say it is fitting that our “on fire” captain stepped up to score the goal which secured the league title.”

Picture: Craig Graham

Inverleith Park

A protest regarding plans for Inverleith Park is planned for next week’s Council meeting.

Local Councillors Lesley Hinds and Iain Whyte have united to highlight ‘deep community concern’ over the park’s future
Edinburgh council says Inverleith Park’s depot is no longer needed and propose selling off the space for housing. Friends of the park have arranged a demonstration outside the council chambers at 9am on Thursday 28 April.

The area’s councillors Lesley Hinds and Iain Whyte have tabled a motion for the meeting. They will ask the council to agree to the following:

“Council notes the deep concern of the local community regarding the proposed disposal of the depot site within Inverleith Park. Council therefore instructs the Director of City Development to report to the Policy and Strategy Committee setting out the current position with regard to the proposal to dispose of the site; the Planning status of the land and the details of any community consultation undertaken or planned on this proposal.”

Board meeting – 13 April 2011

The new Board met for the first time following the recent AGM. The following officers were elected:

Chair – Martin Hinds
Vice-chair – Joan Turner
Treasurer – Eddie Thorn
Minutes Secretary – Tina Woolnough

There was quite a wide-ranging discussion regarding NEN’s current position and the immediate way forward and a number of things were agreed:

Sale of the office – this is likely to be concluded on 21 April. Surplus furniture would be offered to any local group, who needed it. Computers and files were to be stored for the time being.
Financial position – there were a number of bills to pay and a number of people who owed the NEN money. This is to be addressed.
Way forward – the Board agreed to apply for Community Grants to both the Inverleith and Forth Neighbourhood Partnerships. If successful, the money would help in developing an income strategy and a network of Community Ambassadors, who could assist in writing for the paper, blogging and so on. It was also agreed to hold a community event to gather views on exactly what the community and stakeholders want from the NEN. A provisional date of early June was agreed.

Finally, a new, interim email address has been set up –

Views and comments are always welcome, either to this blog or via email.

Martin Hinds, Chair

Free Family Festival This Weekend

Ecofusion – Sunday 10 April at Inverleith Park, Edinburgh from 11am-5pm – FREE EVENT

Ecofusion is a multi cultural environmental and family-friendly festival which aims to encourage more people to enjoy the outdoors.

The event is hosted within 5 colourful Indian marquees, and provides a space for a wide range of environmental and multi cultural community-based organisations to stimulate interest in Scotland’s Outdoors through hands on fun activities such as scaling a climbing tower, having a go at a cycling obstacle course, making seed bombs and meeting the world’s fastest bird of prey, the peregrine falcon. Multi-cultural organisations will be giving visitors the chance to take part in a wide range of nature-related craft activities from around the world, such as Nepalese plate making, Chinese knotting, Japanese origami and henna painting.

Ecofusion provides a multi-cultural “fusion” of entertainment with music by Sambasene and Diwan, dancing by the Nepalese Scotland Association, story telling and drumming workshops. And the acclaimed Mosque Kitchen will be tempting visitors with some delicious dishes from India and Pakistan.
Don’t miss it!

Confirmed so far….

Climbing wall
The Bike station and Bike Club
Sambasene and Diwan – Senegalese band
Nepalese Dancing
African children dance group (new)
Chinese knotting
Japanese crafts
Henna painting
Face painting
Multi cultural football tournament
Felt making
Drumming workshop
Story telling
Eco talisman workshop
Police horses
Mugen Taiko Dojo drummers

Stalls from:
Friends of the Earth Scotland, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Community Organisation for Racial Equality, Falconry Scotland, Butterfly World, Real Nappy project, Changeworks, RSPB, SNH, Historic Scotland

Food from:
Whitmuir Organic Café, Mosque Kitchen, Risotto4U

We’re looking for volunteers from Friday 8th until Monday 11th April, helping to set up/take down the event structures, assisting stall holders/activity providers, promoting recycling facilities available, directing event participants and providing information and support. If you’d like to be involved, please contact Denise Millan on