Residents have their say on council spending

‘Bearing in mind the financial situation, what actions can we take to maintain, develop and improve services in Edinburgh?’

That was the question posed to Forth and Inverleith residents at a meeting held in Heriots Rugby Club last week and more than 40 participants took the opportunity to express their views on what the council’s spending priorities should be at the local event.  The meeting was the last in a series of six consultation events organised by the city council across Edinburgh over recent weeks.

Opening the meeting Chief Financial Officer Karen Kelly gave a summary of where the City Council currently spends it’s money and went on to look at spending projections.  It was a gloomy prognosis – there’s no doubt Edinburgh, like all local authorities, faces tough financial challenges over the coming years, with significant savings needing to be made.  Longer term, it looks even tougher: demographic indicators suggest the city’s older population will grow considerably – the forecast is that there will be a 72% increase in the number of citizens over the age of 75 by the year 2035, putting added pressure on already stretched spending on health and social care budgets.

So how does the city address the challenges ahead?  It was over to Children and Families’ Gillian Hunt to conduct the main part of the exercise; facilitating small workshop groups to encourage ideas and discussion.  Individuals were asked to come up with ideas which were then fed into the bigger group and noted on flipcharts.  There was no shortage of ideas and suggestions – from the ‘do-able’ to the downright loopy – and the exercise ended with individuals being asked to prioritise their three ‘favourites’ and allocate points from some pretty long lists.  A bit like the Eurovision Song Contest …

Unfortunately – as inevitably happens at events like this – time was at a premium and some enthusiastic discussions were cut short as time ran out.  There was no time, either, for feedback from the various groups or an opportunity to elaborate on points raised in workshops.  Services for Communities chief Mark Turley, however, thought that the exercise proved very worthwhile.  Thanking participants, he said:  “I hope you have found this useful – I thought it was a very good event and we could have used a lot more time.  The findings of tonight’s workshops will be posted on the Neighbourhood Partnership websites and each of the political groups will receive a copy of the report.”

A summary of the workshop findings will appear on the Neighbourhood Partnership website soon:  go to:

What do you think the Council’s spending priorities should be?  Let us know!


PEP winter plan swings into action

With the first snows of winter falling over the weekend, Pilton Equalities Project has drafted a severe weather contingency plan and circulated it to other local organisations for comment and suggestion.  PEP staff and volunteers came to the aid of many vulnerable local people last winter and manager Helen Tait is making sure that processes are in place to ensure that frail and elderly residents are protected as winter bites.

“Last winter’s weather was awful and we are making sure we are prepared just in case we see a repeat”, said Helen.   “We have contacted other local groups across the area to ensure that we are organised.  By working together and supporting each other there is no duplication – it’s important that the help available goes to where it’s most needed”.

Base on three priorities – Food, Heat and Health – PEP’s severe weather plan aims to get assistance to the most isolated members of the community – be that shopping, clearing paths, emergency heating or even setting up soup kitchens if it proves necessary.

Local organisations have been asked to contact PEP with suggestions by telephone on 315 4466 or by email

Crunch time for ECRN

Community activists from across the city have been urged to attend a ‘vital’ meeting of the Edinburgh Community Representatives Network (ECRN) tonight.  The meeting will decide the future direction of the organisation which was set up to give communities a voice in decisions that affect them.

ECRN provides a forum for city activists to come together to discuss issues of common concern, but in March this year the organisation lost it’s funding for a part-time support worker.  This seriously curtailed ECRN activities and the organisation’s office bearers stood down at ECRN’s annual general meeting in July.  Since then, however, office bearers have had a change of mind and tonight’s meeting has been organised to thrash out a way ahead for ECRN.

In ‘Something Needs To Be Done’, a discussion document tabled for tonight’s meeting, ECRN chairman George Pitcher argues that the need for the organisation to continue is as great as ever, although he believes ECRN should not become a campaigning group.

Mr. Pitcher said:  “Anything which will help people, as groups or as individuals to become involved in community representation is what ECRN should be about.  Building up people’s knowledge and confidence to do things for themselves is the name of the game.  It is certainly not to give clout to ECRN, but to help give clout to the citizens of Edinburgh, whether it be Muirhouse or Marchmont, Cramond or Craigmillar, enabling them to play a vital part in defining and servicing the needs of those very communities in which they live out their lives.  My answer to the question, ‘Does ECRN need to change?’ is a big NO!”

Mr. Pitcher urges ECRN members old and new to attend tonight’s meeting, which will be held in Southside Community Centre on Nicholson Street at 7pm.  “To influence policy decisions, etc., you need to be there so come along and play a part in what could be the most vital meeting ever organised under the Edinburgh Community Representatives’ Network banner”, he said.

For further information on the ECRN or more details of tonight’s meeting call George on 0754 980 9206 or email

Craigroyston welcomes new swim team

Craigroyston Community High School is now the proud owner of a swim team, the Craigroyston Dolphins! This is supported by Active Schools. The team is open to P7 to S6 pupils, who can swim 2 lengths’ of the pool without float aids. Team members get trained on their swimming technique and then can compete at Edinburgh events if they choose to.

The Dolphins swim team showing of their new kit courtesy of Scottish Gas (pic: Ricky Karoyan)

Our team has just competed at the Edinburgh and Midlothian Schools Championship which took place On Sunday 20th November at Ainslie Park Leisure Centre.

Active Schools Coordinator Ricky Karoyan said, “I was very impressed by the participants positive attitude and performance. They ALL beat their personal best times too which is a fantastic achievement.”

“The team was commented upon by other club coaches about how smart they looked in their team kit and how well they behaved and supported each other. Clubs also commented on how nice it was to have another public school entered in the competition (in a very private school dominated event). Craigroyston Dolphins were faced with tough competition from teams who are more established and experienced, but it didn’t stop them enjoying the day and proving their worth.”

The new Dolphins swim team are now ready for action. (pic: Ricky Karoyan)

Karoyan added “One of our team members finished 13th overall in her age group, was 5th in the 100 freestyle and 6thin the 200 butterfly. Our swim team is kindly being sponsored by Scottish Gas who has provided each Craigroyston Dolphin a kit bag, team T-shirt, goggles and other exciting things to use during competitions.”

The training sessions take place every Thursday (term time) 3.30 – 4.30pm at the High School. To find out more or to get involved call Ricky on 07825386846

Bulb Planting To Go Ahead On Tuesday

Organisers are keeping their (green) fingers crossed that a bulb planting event will go ahead in Easter Drylaw Gardens on Tuesday.  The ‘big dig’ was scheduled to take place last week but was postponed due to the horrible weather.

The bulb planting will take place from 1 – 3pm; all welcome, but wrap up warm!

For further information contact Moray Penman at North Edinburgh Local Office, email

Let There Be Light!

Drylaw Telford Community Council is to raise concerns over the quality of recently-introduced lamp standards across the area.  Members at the community council’s latest meeting in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre on Wednesday said that the new streetlights are not powerful enough and do not light pavements adequately, and the group plans to raise safety concerns at forthcoming Neighbourhood Partnership meetings.

The city council embarked on a rolling programme of replacing street lights earlier this year, but community council members believe the new lights are not as effective as the older lamp standards they are replacing.

Community councillor Jackie Brown also manages Drylaw’s Rainbow Daycare Centre for older people, and she says members are feeling less safe at night as a result of the lighting replacement programme.

“The new lights are lower and less powerful so don’t shed nearly as much light.  Older members of the community are feeling vulnerable.  Some of them are carrying torches so that they can see where to put the key in the door lock when they get home, while some others are avoiding going out altogether when it gets dark.  It’s not only older people who are affected by the new lights, though – lots of people are not happy with the new lights”.

The city council is introducing the new units to reduce cost, energy use and light pollution.  In October the council’s Planning Committee approved a draft version of the Edinburgh Lighting Strategy for consultation and the closing date for comments is 31 December.  Drylaw Telford Community Council will formally respond to the consultation and also plan to raise concerns at December meetings of Forth Neighbourhood Partnership and the local Clean, Green and Safe action group.

What do you think of the new street lights?  Let us know!