Forthquarter Festival cancelled

The North Edinburgh Community Festival has been cancelled. The event was due to take place on 29 September, but organisers say that the annual event must be cancelled due to ‘unforeseen and insurmountable circumstances’. The decision comes just a week after a succesful community gala was held at West Pilton Park.

National Grid hosted the first new community festival at Forthquarter Park in 2008, attempting to join the established North Edinburgh and new Waterfront communities together by recapturing the community spirit of former gala days. The festival was popular and well-attended, particularly in the early years, but organisers have now made the tough decision to cancel the 2012 event. A meeting will be held later this year to determine the future of the Forthquarter Park event.

In an email yesterday, Granton Parish Church Minister Norman Smith, who chairs the North Edinburgh Festival Committee, explained: “I am sorry to have to inform you that due to a combination of unforeseen and insurmountable circumstances, the North Edinburgh Festival Committee is left with no choice but to cancel the community gala planned for Saturday 29 September. We realise that, given the success of previous years’ festivals, this will be a big disappointment to everyone who has attended in the past. We wish to thank each and every one of you for all you have done to ensure the event went ahead, however the combination of uncertainties has mean we have little option at this time but to cancel. While any one issue would not have given the need to cancel the event – the combination of issues outwith the committee’s control or influence has left us in an insecure position. We will be convening a meeting later this year, around November, to discuss next year’s event and how we can avoid this situation reoccurring. Thank you for your support.”


Watch the birdies! SELEX golfers raise £5000 for Woodlands

SELEX Galileo Edinburgh Charity Golf Committee Raises over £5000

Last week the SELEX Galileo Edinburgh Charity Golf Committee was proud to present Woodlands School with a cheque for £5000. School pupils Findlay Gillespie and Ann Marie Mooney and Head Teacher Aisling Boyle thanked the committee for the funds which will be used to build an all-weather play area for the children.

Also present was the winner of the Golf Championship, Kenneth Wilson of Walker Precision Engineering and committee members Richard Gillies, Robert Creegan, John McHugh, David Kelly and Marie Cooper.

SELEX Galileo



NEN man grilled by Forthview P5s!

I paid a visit to Forthview Primary yesterday to meet the P5 children and talk about the NEN and how North Edinburgh has changed over the years. It’s usually me who asks the questions when I’m out and about, but the tables were well and truly turned yesterday! It was great fun, though, and I promised to post the childrens’ comments on the visit on the NEN blog (see below). ‘Super duper smart and cool?’ – that’ll do me!

In P5A Dave came into talk about a newspaper called the NEN. He was very nice and all the information was outstanding. It taught me a lot. I was very happy. I think he has done a good job and thank you for letting us keep the amazing newspaper.


When Dave came to visit from NEN, he told everybody a lot of interesting information, like about before there were any speed bumps. We also learnt about a nursery that got set on fire. Dave was super duper smart and cool. We had a great time.


This morning Dave from the NEN news came into our class and told us about himself and why he wanted his job. He wanted his job because he said it would be good working at a place about where he lives. After he gave us all a newspaper each and everybody had a look at it. I learned that he did more than one job.


Thanks, P5!

Man found in Pilton street with stab wounds

An investigation is underway after a man in his 20’s was found lying in West Pilton Bank earlier today with stab wounds. The man was found by two members of the public who called the emergency services and the man was taken to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for treatment.

His injuries are not throughout to be life threatening.

Lothian and Borders Police are investigating the incident and the road was closed while forensic officers searched the area.

Police attended the scene were the male was discovered. (Picture: Robert Pearson)

A spokesman for the force said: “Police responded to West Pilton Bank around 11.25am today after a man in his 20s was found with a number of significant cuts to his neck and arms.

“The man was taken to hospital for treatment, however his injuries are not believed to be life threatening.

“Enquiries are ongoing to determine the full circumstances surrounding this incident and anyone who can assist police with their investigation is asked to call immediately.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on0131 311 3131.

Muirhouse Housing Association marks milestone with Fun Day

Muirhouse Housing Associaiton will welcome tenants old and new when they celebrate their 20th anniverary with a fun day at Muirhouse Millennium Centre this afternoon.

With acrobats and magicians, face painting and balloon modelling there’s all the fun of the fair, and for the more energetic there’s a bouncy castle, inflatable assualt course, Zumba or an opportunity to take part in fun exercise classes using hulahoops!

The fun gets under way at 1pm – happy birthday, MHA!

Local derby tomorrow

Tomorrow sees the start of the East of Scotland Football League and the first game of the league campaign sees a local derby in North Edinburgh. Spartans will make the short trip to Marine Drive to play Civil Service Strollers. Civil will still be on a high following their victory last week in the first round of the Sottish Cup and their manager Chic McAleavy will be delighted that influential player Michael Somerville will return for tomorrows game.

Michael Somerville (right) will be back after missing last weeks game. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Spartans will be hoping to bounce back after their defeat last week in the Scottish Cup, the new management team of Dougie Samuel and Neil Irvine will be keen to get their league campaign of to a flyer.

All the action kicks off tomorrow at Telford College playing fields at Marine Drive and kick off is at 2.30pm and the best part is there is no entry fee, so pop along and see what should be an excellent game.

Locals learn the art of Blogging

Well last night I went along to our first NENgage session at Stockbridge Library. On approach to the session I was excited but also a little nervous. I was worried that local people who had booked onto the session wouldn’t turn up and we would be left with just a few of us.

I arrived just in time to watch Tom run through his presentation with Emily and then the participants started to arrive.

I was delighted when local residents and staff from local projects started turning up and very quickly the room was full and everyone who registered had turned up.

Participants taking part in the first NENgage session. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Tom and Emily started their training session and before we knew it was time for the participants to have a go at writing a Blog.

Everyone really enjoyed the training session and then we retired to a nearby watering hole who had agreed to put on a buffet for us. This was a perfect time for people to chat and share tales. For me it was an opportunity to catch up with former NEN board member Tina who attended the training.

Thanks to everyone who came along and we look forward to seeing at the next training session.

Community award for Malcolm Chisholm

Edinburgh North and Leith MSP Malcolm Chisholm was awarded Pilton Central Association’s Rose Bowl at the community organisation’s annual general meeting this evening. The Rose Bowl is awarded annually to people who have made a major contribution to community life in North Edinburgh, and Malcolm Chisholm is the first politician to receive the award since it’s introduction in 1990.

PCA chairperson Betty McVay said: “The Rose Bowl was donated to the PCA by one of my  predecessors, Agnes Laidlaw, who was a tremendous example to community activists. The Rose Bowl is presented to individuals who we feel have made a contribution to making this community a better place to live. Malcolm certainly falls into that category, and has done for a number of years. I know Malcolm has to declare all gifts and presents, so I should point out that this rose bowl is only his to keep for a year – we’ll be wanting it back!”

Malcolm, who has represented North and Leith at both Westminster and then Holyrood since 1992, was genuinely surprised to receive the award. “This is a huge shock, but I’m very honoured and feel very humble to have been considered for a community award like this, particularly here in North Edinburgh. Truly, I’m overwhelmed.”

The Rose Bowl presentation was the highlight of a very successful night for the PCA in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre. The meeting was very well attended and the PCA managed to attract a full complement of sixteen committee members, including a number of new faces … and, would you believe it, a young person!

There were two guest speakers at the meeting. North Edinburgh Social History Group’s Roberta Blaikie gave an entertaining history of the succesful community project which has been running for almost four years – and shows no sign of stopping yet! PCA’s financial support enabled the Social History Group to publish their acclaimed ‘Never Give Up’ book.

Jimmy Butler has been a friend of the PCA since ‘being dragged into Ferry Road Drive in 1974 and painting the back shop!’ Most recently Jimmy has been working on a business plan for the PCA and he gave a brief introduction to the draft Community Enterprise Operational Plan. The plan will be discussed in detail at forthcoming committee meetings, but Jimmy said the plan will help PCA to ‘move forward and remain relevant’. He added: “The PCA has been here, well, forever and let’s hope we can make sure it will be here forever!”


Happy birthday Stockbridge Market!

Stockbridge Market’s Beth Berry extends an invitation to a birthday party …

Stockbridge Market celebrates its first birthday on Sunday 9 September. Opening day last year saw 17 traders set their stalls and hope the public would arrive – now Sundays are regularly packed with happy shoppers and we average 40 traders covering everything from the basics –  meat, fish, bread, veg, cheese –  to the exotic  – olives, jams, chutneys, cured meats, French wines, cupcakes, sweets and lots of homebakes. Most traders are producers and you can discuss your purchase and get advice on how best to enjoy it. Most traders also offer tasters so you can go home secure that you will like what you’ve bought – a very different experience than the supermarket!!

Dont forget the eclectic mix of crafts, even featuring vinyls and CDs!! The market also offers lots of hot tasty treats and fantastic coffee to enjoy as you walk round and provides tables and chairs so you can rest and chat to your pals while the kids run round. Buskers and even choirs have started to turn up and the result is a fun, relaxed, social – even continental – feel for your Sunday. Come and help us celebrate our birthday – we are offering a free raffle with a packed market hamper as prize, and there will be balloons and free activities for the kids.

Come and see us … we are waiting for you!

Our forgotten Open Spaces

Following on from the letter that was sent in this week from local resident, Robert Pearson, we have decided to run an article about our Open Spaces. In Roberts letter he tells us a story of the derelict land sites in Muirhouse being overgrown with weeds, unsightly and not what you would expect to find in a City like Edinburgh. Unfortunately for Residents in North Edinburgh this appears to be an issue all across the Neighbourhood and not just focused on one area.

This is how the other looked after the first year. (Picture: Robert Pearson)

In Drylaw the grass that runs along the cycle path has been left to grow and now stands around three feet high and this has led to a rise in the amount of rubbish that is being dumped. Not only does it cause issues around fly tipping its also a hazard for Dogs who may be being walked in the area.

We contacted Local housing & Regeneration Manager Henry Coyle and he said ” In terms of the timeline for 21st Century Homes development, both the northern and southern areas of Pennywell and Muirhouse have Planning Permission in Principle in place, and further progress was made earlier this month, with the granting of further Planning Permission in Principle for the central area of Muirhouse (Muirhouse Avenue to Pennywell Gardens).

Now the same area is full of weeds and cant be used for anything. (Picture: Robert Pearson)

These Planning Permissions are based on masterplans that were developed following extensive consultation with the local community. While the wildflowers did take on fantastically well in the first year, this has not been quite as successful and certainly not as colourful in subsequent years.However, I agree that some general maintenance will improve the overall appearance and I have requested that this is carried out ASAP. I have also asked the Task Force to concentrate on the areas closet to the paths and footpaths, to ensure that the routes to school are as tidy as possible and to enable clearer passage for buggies and prams.

We are also currently engaging with the local community through the Centipede Project to develop a brownfield art project on the site to the west end of Muirhouse Avenue. To deliver this, we will enable a group of volunteer ‘guerrilla gardeners’ to take possession and carry out some bulb planting. This is due to take place in early September and I am confident that everyone will soon see a real improvement in the general appearance of the the area.

Many areas in Muirhouse now resemble this Image. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

In relation to maintaining the whole area during the ongoing regeneration programme, it was agreed through consultation with local groups that cleared sites would be planted as wildflower meadows until such time as development takes hold. The trip rails and wildflower planting have generally been very successful in deterring antisocial behaviour on these sites, such as fly tipping and setting bonfires.”

This is a claim that is refuted by local activist Grant Cunningham, Grant was the Chairperson of the Save Royston Primary School Group and today Grant is shocked about the condition of the School site. Grant said “The Royston primary site is fast becoming to rack and ruin and all this does is anger a community still hurting from a scandalous decision even further!. We hear lots of talk about the work of the local community Council working hard to improve the area but this is just evidence of another great asset stripped away and left to become an eyesore!.”


This was taken today at the Royston Primary School site. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Local Councillor Vicki Redpath said “Unfortunately sites like Muirhouse have suffered in the time between demolition and regeneration. Local groups and residents were consulted it was decided that wild flower meadows would be created to make the brown field sites more pleasant in the lead up to construction and while they have been successful in deterring some anti-social behaviour such as fly tipping they are not looking at their best. We have spoken to the North Office and they have agreed that some immediate work is required to tidy up the area and this will be started this week.”

What are your views on our open spaces? Please tell us by commenting on this article. Next month we will be reviewing local Play Parks so please get in touch and tell us about the Play parks near you.
