Potty Planter Winners

The Muirhouse Centipede Project is pleased to announce that the winners of the recent Potty Planters competition at West Pilton and Muirhouse Gala were:

1. Pre school:  Abbi Smith (aged 4).  

Planter was an Irn Bru Glass with a colourful flower in it.

Story:  ‘Abbi thought these were pretty!’

2. Lower primary: Amelia and Julia Dorozynska (aged 8 & 3)

Planter was a welly boot with a colourful flower in it.

Story: “This planter used to be Amelia’s welly which she really liked but it got some holes so it doesn’t work well, but makes a very nice planter. Now we can all enjoy it”

3. Upper primary: Chelsea Diamond (aged 10).

Planter was a pair of welly boots, with strawberries growing in them.

Story: “My favourite Welles that grow my favourite fruit – strawberries!”

4. Adult: Pearl Dunbar (aged 73).

Planter was a child’s push along wooden block trolley.

Story: “Porta-garden: everywhere you go, your garden goes with you!”

The Champion was Pre school.

Winner 1 got box of sand toys, modelling clay, and a money bank. Winners 2 and 3 got a game and a money box and winner 4 received a £10 Asda voucher. The Judge was Colin Douglas, assistant minister at Cramond, who is a Wes Piltont resident.


Muirhouse St Andrews Parish Church is holding a Table Sale on Saturday 15 September from 10am to 1pm. To book a table (price £10) telephone 07914 538 189, 07714 958 987 or email: lindsayatmuirhouse@virginmedia.com

Drive to end the waste of empty properties

The shortage of good quality housing is a challenge for both national and local government but initiatives are under way to try to meet the shortfall and cut waiting lists …

Housing and empty property rates reform will aim to regenerate Scotland’s communities, Local Government Derek Mackay said ahead of a stage one debate on the Unoccupied Properties Bill yesterday.

The Bill will allow councils to remove existing discounts and increase council tax on certain long-term empty homes, which often fall into disrepair and can become a focus for antisocial behaviour such as vandalism or fly tipping. There are 25,000 long-term empty homes across Scotland and these new powers could assist councils to work with home owners to provide homes for people who need them.

The reforms also include measures to incentivise owners of vacant business premises to  bring up to 5,500 properties back into commercial use.

Under the current system of Empty Property Relief the Scottish Government would have provided approximately £757m of business rates subsidies, over the period 2010-15, to owners of business premises who have failed to find occupants. The new reforms will reduce this subsidy by £36m and aims to encourage maximum occupancy of Scotland’s town centres, linking to the Regeneration and Town Centre Strategies.

Speaking ahead of the debate, Mr Mackay said: “The Unoccupied Properties Bill is an important step in regenerating and revitalising communities across Scotland. At a time where there are over 140,000 families and individuals on social housing waiting lists and 25,000 long-term empty properties across Scotland, these reforms could play a significant role in providing homes for people who need them.

“The Bill will assist councils to remove discounts and increase council tax on certain empty homes and should be a strong incentive to owners to sell or let the property to someone who needs it.  The Scottish Government is focused on retaining Scotland’s reputation as the most supportive environment for business in the UK and the review of business rates reflects the current economic challenges and opportunities.  The total relief package offered by Scottish Government now exceeds £0.5 billion per year.

“The current system of empty property relief is not working for our communities and we recognise there is a need to incentivise owners of business premises to find occupants. We are working with stakeholders across the business community and we plan to introduce new incentives which will potentially bring up to 5,500 vacant business properties back into use.

“This Government is focused on supporting Scotland’s business community. We have retained the small business bonus scheme, which has either eliminated or substantially reduced business rates for two out of every five commercial properties in Scotland, and even after proposed reform, empty property relief will remain significantly more generous than that offered in England and Wales.

“As part of the Town Centre Strategy, this Government wants to see Scotland’s high streets thriving. I have listened to, and will continue to listen to, a wide range of stakeholders on these reforms and I have emphasised that there is flexibility on our approach.

“We are open to ideas on how we can maximise opportunities to regenerate our town centres and the planned town centre review will build on this and look to tackle some of the long-standing issues facing communities, through working with local authorities and others to deliver innovative solutions.”

RICS Scotland Director, Sarah Speirs:   “RICS Scotland wishes to see all land and property to have a purpose and be used efficiently. Empty property does not make valid contributions to the Scottish economy, environment or, generally, the sociability of places. Therefore, RICS Scotland agrees with the Scottish Government that the issue of unused and vacant properties needs be addressed, and would welcome positive measures that revitalise Scotland’s high streets and town centres.   “From a commercial point of view, we would hope that a balanced, collaborative approach – where public and private sectors can come together to find sensible solutions that provide access to property for those wishing to produce and trade – can be struck to ensure the consequential impact of any policy does not generate negative perceptions and reduce confidence.”

The Bill has been welcomed in Edinburgh, where a drive is already underway to get empty houses occupied. A task force to bring privately-owned empty homes back into use in the capital is being set up by the City of Edinburgh Council.

The membership of the group  will include representatives from the Scottish Empty  Homes Partnership, private landlords and housing associations.

Some of the key actions for  the task force will be to:

  • put together a bid for  funding from the Scottish Government’s new Empty  Homes Loan Fund
  • consider the need for  advice to owners of empty homes and
  • look at implementing new  legislation which allows local authorities to charge higher council tax for  empty homes.

Latest  figures from the Council show that at December 2011 there were 1,486 private  sector properties empty for more than six months which is 0.8% of all private  sector homes. Of these 967 had been vacant for more than a year.

The Empty Homes Task Force  is one the commitments made by the Capital  Coalition which was formed back in May.

Councillor Cammy Day,  Housing Leader for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Even though Edinburgh  has a relatively low level of empty homes in both the social and private sectors  this Council has a duty to look at all the avenues open to us to deliver more  homes.

“The Capital Coalition made  a commitment in May to set up this task force and I’m delighted that we have  taken what is undoubtedly a major step forward in tackling this pressing issue.

“Everyone knows there is a  desperate need for more housing in the capital and we hope the task force will  be able to find ways of bringing more empty homes back into use.”

Kristen Hubert of Shelter  Scotland, who run the Scottish Government funded Scottish Empty Homes  Partnership, said: “The Council should be praised for setting up this task force  and their commitment to bringing empty homes back into use.

“There are many reasons why  a home might be left empty. Owners can have sentimental attachment to it or they  don’t have the finances, the time or the skills to complete their plans for the  property.

“Whatever the reason,  bringing empty homes back into use has many benefits – it adds to the housing  supply, contributes to local regeneration and supports community  safety.

“We look forward to working  with the taskforce in tackling the problem of empty homes across  Edinburgh.”

A report  on the Empty Homes Task Force is set to be discussed at a meeting of the  Health, Social Care and Housing Committee on Tuesday 11 September.

The percentage of empty  homes in Edinburgh has been steadily decreasing since 2008 from 2.4% to 2% in  2011 – less than the Scottish average of 2.8%.

The Council has already  taken steps to reduce the potential for a greater number of empty homes during  the recession by working with builders and housing associations to buy unsold  new properties and convert them to affordable homes. This has resulted in a  total of 76 newly built unsold properties being purchased since  2010/11.

Earlier this year the  Council used Council Tax data to contact over 1,000 owners of homes that had  been empty for more than six months. They were sent a leaflet outlining the  benefits of bringing their homes back into use.

NENgaging tonight?

Just a reminder that NENgage – the NEN’s programme of fun, informal Social Media workshops – continues in Stockbridge Library tonight at 5.45pm.

This is our second workshop, but you don’t have to have attended the first one as each session is independent of the others. There are a very limited number of places left for tonight’s session – An Introduction to Blogging – but you need to register if you plan to attend! Please go to:


Tom, Lucy and I look forward to meeting you all tonight, and thanks again to Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership for supporting this initiative.

Local MP backs action on pre-payment meters

Mark Lazarowicz MP (pictured above) backs action on fuel poverty to help cut bills of pre-payment meter users

With steep rises in energy prices on the way this winter, Mark Lazarowicz MP for Edinburgh North and Leith, is backing a new Bill to make it easier for customers who use pre-payment meters (PPMs) for their gas and electricity to switch suppliers.

Currently, users can switch providing they are not more than £200 in debt – the Bill would raise that to £300 benefitting over 200,000 people.  Mark said:  “This Bill matters because pre-payment meter users pay more for their gas or electricity even though they are over twice as likely to be in fuel poverty than those who pay by direct debit.  People often use PPMs because they are trying to budget responsibly – in some cases precisely because they were in debt – but debts for fuel bills can take a long time to pay off when someone can only afford to pay off a small amount each week. The Government is always urging consumers to switch – this Bill would make it easier for PPM users to do so and they are the people who could benefit most.”

The number of pre-payment users has risen steadily in recent years either as a conscious choice or because suppliers install a meter where someone is in debt to them. Last year over 15% of electricity customers in the UK used PPMs (4.1 million) and 13% of gas customers (2.9 million).

A recently published study by Consumer Focus found that one in six pre-payment users cut off their own energy supply in order to make ends meet – a measure of how carefully they are budgeting.  Traditionally pre-payment users have paid much more for their gas and electricity than those who pay by direct debit or standard credit.

There have been improvements more recently due to action by the regulator, Ofgem, so that the prices PPM users pay better reflect the costs of installing and maintaining the meters, but further action is needed to ensure PPM users get a fair deal.

Anne Frank Exhibition at Craigroyston High School

Craigroyston Community High School has been chosen by the Anne Frank Trust to host the Anne Frank Exhibition.  This very special and moving exhibition explains the background to the rise of Nazism, interspersed with personal photos from the Frank family album.

The guides to this interactive exhibition are Craigroyston S2 students who have been trained to lead visitors round the exhibition.

The aim of the Anne Frank Exhibition is to promote positive attitudes, and respect differences through learning about the life and tragic death of Anne Frank.

The exhibition is on now and will run until Friday 14 September. The guided tour will last no longer than 30-40 minutes, conducted by our guides in the assembly hall in Craigroyston Community High School.

Please contact the school to make a booking during the school day for your guided tour. There is also an open session on Tuesday 11th September between 4 pm – 7 pm – there is no need to book this session.

If you would like further information please contact myself in school or call 477 7801.

L. Broatch

(Acting Curriculum Leader of Social Subjects)

New course for North Edinburgh Womens Group

North Edinburgh Women’s Group resumes next Wednesday (12 September) from 9.30 – 11.30am in North Edinburgh Arts Centre and new members would be very welcome!

Want to feel more confident about getting your point across, and dealing with difficult situations? Like to meet new people, learn new skills and get support to tackle the issues that matter to you? Come along to the Group or call Sarah on 552 5700 for more information.

Refreshments are provided and there’s a free crèche too!

Spartans looking forward to Hearts challenge

This Friday night will see Spartans play host to the Hearts first team at Ainslie Park.

Hearts have agreed to play Spartans for the Ronnie Swan Cup and will send their first team squad along this coming Friday.

Spartans favourite Jack Beesley hopes to play from the start. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

We caught up with Spartans favourite Jack Beesley earlier this week and you can listen to his interview below.

[gigya src=”http://boos.audioboo.fm/swf/fullsize_player.swf” flashvars=”mp3=http%3A%2F%2Faudioboo.fm%2Fboos%2F947247-jack-beesley.mp3%3Fsource%3Dwordpress&mp3Author=ThomasBrown2012&mp3LinkURL=http%3A%2F%2Faudioboo.fm%2Fboos%2F947247-jack-beesley&mp3Time=05.26pm+05+Sep+2012&mp3Title=Jack+Beesley” width=”400″ height=”160″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent”]

There are still tickets available and you can get yours by going to www.spartansvshearts.eventbrite.co.uk tickets start at £8.00.

So come on get along on Friday night and support a local team and watch what should be a good game of football. If you can’t get along check back here on Monday and read the match report and and listen to the interviews.

All the action kicks of at 7.30pm.

Have your say on Crewe Toll hotel proposals

Hotel group De Vere are offering local residents an opportunity to see plans and to comment on proposals for a new ‘village urban resort’ at Crewe Toll.

North elevation

De Vere will be holding two public consultation events on the proposals in advance of submitting a formal planning application. These will be held at the Morrisons store on Pilton Drive from 1400 until 1800 on Friday 7 September and at Helix House itself between 1000 and 1300 on Saturday 8 September.

Last week, plans were unveiled for a new £20m hotel with business and leisure facilities on the site of the empty office building at Crewe Toll – which will create approximately 130 new jobs.

Earlier this year the De Vere Group unveiled plans to open 15 new Village Urban Resorts to add to the existing two dozen it successfully operates across the UK. The North Edinburgh proposal includes a 120 bedroom hotel, a health and fitness club (including a 20m indoor pool); business and conference facilities; a restaurant, bar; and a Starbucks Coffee House.

Robert Cook, Chief Executive of De Vere Village Urban Resorts said: “De Vere is delighted to announce the selection of Edinburgh as a location for a new Village Urban Resort. Edinburgh is a high priority location for us and we are very excited to be bringing this concept to the city.

“The selected site is prominently located in north Edinburgh – the redundant office building on site, Helix House, has been vacant for many years and is becoming something of an eyesore. Our new Edinburgh Village Urban Resort will be a positive landmark building in this prominent location.”

A customer and guest car parking area with 270 car parking spaces will also be included within the development.

Ian Kettlewell, Associate Director at national planning consultancy Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners, which is guiding the scheme through the planning process, said: “This exciting new development will regenerate an important and prominent site; removing a building which has been vacant for a number of years. The new Village Urban Resort will create 120 new jobs, which will be accessible to local residents, offering significant training opportunities and provide a boost to the local economy, as well as further jobs during the construction phase. This development will not just provide a hotel for visitors to Edinburgh, De Vere Village Urban Resorts are high quality, attractive leisure destinations for business users, leisure travellers and the local community.”

The site is located on a major route in north Edinburgh with good linkages to Leith and the city centre and as such the urban resort will benefit from excellent transport links by public transport, car, cycle and on foot.

Areas of public realm comprising high quality hard and soft landscaping will be provided, along with clearly-demarcated pedestrian walkways to ensure safe and easy movement onto, and throughout, the development.

Should planning permission be granted, it is anticipated that construction would start next year with the new De Vere Village Urban Resort opening to the public in 2014.

Those pre-planning application public consultation details again: Morrisons store on Pilton Drive from 2 – 6pm this Friday (7 September) and at Helix House itself between 10am and 1pm on Saturday (8 September).

De Vere are keen to raise awareness of its plans and provide an opportunity for public comments.


Tenants to pay for deliberate damage?


Irresponsible tenants who deliberately damage their homes may have to pay for repairs under proposals being considered by the City of Edinburgh Council. Councillors will discuss plans for a Rechargeable Repairs Policy at next week’s meeting of the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee.

The Council currently carries out around 146,000 repairs every year at a cost of £20m. The majority of these repairs are in response to direct requests from tenants with the rest made up of planned repairs.

Introducing a Rechargeable Repairs Policy has received strong support from tenants with 88% who took part in a recent survey saying they were in favour of the idea. Residents surveyed also showed that 66% believed the policy would act as a deterrent to tenants who deliberately cause damage.

Focus groups held with the Edinburgh Tenants Federation, neighbourhood housing staff and equalities groups indicated positive support for the proposal, and any new system could also be used to identify vulnerable tenants who require additional support.

 Councillor Cammy Day, Housing Leader for the City of Edinburgh Council (pictured above), said: “The implementation of a rechargeable repairs policy has received broad support from everyone we’ve spoken to. Where irresponsible tenants damage or neglect their home all other tenants have to pay for it – that’s not fair. All tenants are responsible for looking after their own homes and the Capital Coalition gave a commitment to enforcing tenancy agreements to ensure they fulfil their good conduct responsibilities. An added benefit to such a scheme is the potential to identify vulnerable tenants who we can then direct to various support services so they can receive extra help they need.”

Betty Stevenson, chair of the Edinburgh Tenants Federation, said they were happy to support the idea. “Such a policy will ensure repair costs are targeted at repairs to improve homes for tenants who are in genuine need. If implemented correctly this will help to increase tenants’ awareness of their responsibilities,” she sad.

Doug Anthoney, from charity Age Scotland, said: “We are pleased that the City of Edinburgh Council is looking at robust procedures around their repairs recharging policy to ensure that vulnerable individuals are protected. It is reassuring that a flagging system could be established to identify people who may actually be in need of assistance or support to help them cope at home, which should also reduce the risk of them incurring financial penalties in the future.”

The proposal will be discussed at the Council’s Health, Social Care and Housing Committee next Tuesday (11 September) and, if agreed, it’s expected that any Rechargeable Repairs Policy would come into effect in Spring 2013.

Housing LIFT for first time buyers as funding doubled

A scheme to help people get on the housing ladder is being extended to all first-time buyers following a cash boost from the Scottish government. Funding of the Open Market Shared Equity Scheme has been doubled to more than £20m, Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment Alex Neil announced today. 

Until now, only priority groups such as people who rent from a council or housing association have been eligible for the scheme but the extra funding means applications will be accepted from all first-time buyers. The scheme lets people pay for between 60% and 80% of their home and the  government funds the rest by taking an interest-free equity stake.

Mr Neil said: “Many first-time buyers may not be able to afford a large deposit to help them buy their first home. That is why we are doing all we can to help people on low to moderate incomes across Scotland get on the property ladder where it is affordable for them. Doubling the funding for our shared equity scheme means that all first time buyers can now apply – it is good news for households and families wishing to purchase their first home and also helps second-steppers who wish to move home. All this action also helps the economy by kick-starting more house building and sustaining substantial numbers of construction jobs.”

Welcoming the announcement, Link Housing Association chief executive Craig Sanderson said the move would help many families get a home of their choice. “I welcome the Scottish government’s extension of this initiative which will have a ‘knock-on’ effect of releasing much-needed housing available at rents affordable to people in low-paid employment or on limited fixed incomes,” he said.

The Scottish government operates two other related initiatives – the New Supply Shared Equity Scheme and the New Supply Shared Equity with Developers Scheme- and together they all form part of the government’s Low-cost Initiative for First Time Buyers (Lift)