It’s Newhaven Gala Day!

Everyone is welcome to join us on this fun family day!

Gala Queen, Rosie Cruikshank, and Fisher King, Thom Pryde, with their entourage, will arrive by boat in Newhaven Harbour around 11:00 am and make their way up to The Heart of Newhaven where they will be crowned by Newhaven Heritage’s Dougie Ratcliffe.

Victoria Primary P1 and P7 children will be at the harbour to meet our Gala Queen and Fisher King wearing traditional costumes.

Our theme for the Gala this year will be pirates and everyone is welcome to dress up and join the procession from Newhaven Harbour to The Heart of Newhaven (dressing up is optional).

After the coronation, there will be games and stalls, hot food and ice cream, as well as tea and coffee.

Celebrate! Wardie Bay Beach Party

Wardie Bay is a Scottish Bathing Water in 2023!

On 8th June, World Ocean Day, 7pm-late, please come and celebrate the Wardie Bay Bathing Water designation.

Bring a costume, friends and something to drink or nibble and we’ll hopefully sing to the sea with gratitude to everyone involved in making this finally happen.



Connecting Communites: Council partners with community councils to seek views on regenerating Seafield

A six-week consultation is asking residents, businesses and other interested groups how they think Seafield could be transformed and regenerated into a vibrant new 20-minute neighbourhood.

The consultation is being run by the City of Edinburgh Council and Seafield: Connecting Coastal Communities*.

The local community is being invited to attend two events where they can give their views in person. Those attending will be asked what they like best about the area just now, what kind of housing they would like built there in the future and how the existing promenade could be improved.

The consultation is also seeking to get views from the local community on what other facilities they would like in the area such as health centres, schools and shops as well as how public transport could be improved. 

There is an online consultation survey for those who are unable to attend the following events – 

Thursday, 27 April between 3pm – 8pm at The Ripple Project Cafe, 198 Restalrig Road South, Craigentinny. 

Saturday, 29 April Between 12:30pm – 3:30pm Bellfield (Celebration Foyer) 16B Bellfield Street, Portobello.

Cllr James Dalgleish Planning Convener said:This part of our precious coast in Edinburgh has been highlighted as an area which can be greatly improved and regenerated in our draft City Plan 2030, currently with Scottish Ministers for approval. 

“We’re at an early stage looking at how we can use sustainable 20-minute neighbourhood principles at Seafield, a new way of thinking for us in Edinburgh. We want to make Seafield more sustainable, with improved access to quality services.

“This is the start of a conversation with the local community to empower them to help us to make this happen. A 20-minute neighbourhood in Edinburgh is about living well locally, giving residents the ability to meet most of their daily needs by walking, cycling, wheeling or taking public transport. Residents will be able to live, shop, work and travel more easily and enjoy well-connected spaces with and improved greener public transport. 

“I’d encourage everyone with a link to Seafield to come along and tell us how what kind of homes and other facilities they would like to see built at Seafield for future generations to come. If you can’t make the events please do fill out our short survey as it’s really important we hear from as many people as possible about this important regeneration project for the city.

“The next stage is for the Council to share a draft vision for feedback before consulting on a draft masterplan for Seafield this summer. This will then be presented to the Council’s Planning Committee for approval.”

*Seafield: Connecting Coastal Communities is a group made up of the following community councils:

  • Craigentinny and Meadowbank
  • Portobello
  • Leith Links
  • Leith Harbour & Newhaven

Heart of Newhaven: April Newsletter

Welcome to your April Newsletter

Good news on Funding

We are pleased to report that Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC) has generously agreed to fund a new Community Teaching Kitchen at the Heart from their Community Health & Well-being Fund.

The almost £13,000 will pay for a total revamp of the old VPS kitchen and provide a space where community-minded groups involved with the many aspects of food growing and preparation can come together to share their skills.

This will involve a lot of work, so accept our apologies for any disruption, especially around the cafe area, as it might not be completed until after the summer.

If you tasted the food offered by Mwamba at our two Coorie-In events, then you’ll be pleased to know that they have already signified their interest in using the new kitchen once it’s ready.

In the meantime, if you or your group would like to use the space for the benefit of the community, please get in touch with

Working with us –

Age Scotland
 are also getting involved at the Heart. They are providing the funds for a six-month, part-time position (two days a week) for someone to help organise and run sessions at the Heart for local people living with dementia and their carers.

Applications for the position have now closed, but watch this space for more news as the successful applicant is due to start in June.

We also will be welcoming our new building maintenance officer, Ian White who joins us at the start of May to support all the activities in the Heart.  

VIP visitors

The Heart has been happy to host VIP visits recently, with two local councillors, Councillor Sanne Dijkstra-Downie, Councillor Stuart Dobbin and MP Deirdre Brock being given tours of the site and an introduction to what’s been going on, bringing them right up to date with both our achievements and our future plans.

We look forward to welcoming them back again in the future.

Our reminiscence volunteers are keeping busy.

Those who undertook reminiscence training are now offering drop-in sessions at the Heart once a month, on Wednesday mornings. (Wed 12 April, Wed 10 May, Wed 14 June, Wed 12 July, all from 10.30 – 11.30 am).

It is completely free, open to everyone and all ages and there is no need to book in advance  – just come along to the Heart, take a seat and start chatting!

The aim is to have a different theme each month, with different pictures and objects to get the discussion going. Do spread the word if there is anyone you know who might be interested in coming along – feel free to bring a friend.

For any further information email

Children and the future of the Anchor Building 

Four Pop-up Play Cafes for carers and children aged 0-7, were held at the Heart in March, led by Froebelian Futures ( with the support of various local organisations that support Early Years and families, including Homestart and Stepping Stones.

The aim was to gauge community response and around 200 people, adults and children, passed through the doors on each of the four days.

The feedback, which has all been very positive, is currently being evaluated and will inform our next steps. We will let you know!

Moving forward to August, DaddyDayCare will be opening their doors in the Anchor Building as well.

They are now accepting applications for places, so head to their website for all the details –


Meanwhile, HONC has not been neglecting the heritage side of things.

Representatives from the Heart and our partners the Victorian Schoolroom attended a consultation meeting organised by the City’s Museums Services held in the new Victoria Primary School last month.

A small but enthusiastic number of attendees put forward their ideas for working collaboratively and the representatives from the City Council will take away their ideas and work on them.

Similarly, we also attended a preliminary meeting of a new venture called the Edinburgh Local Heritage Network, also being led currently by the City’s Archives, Libraries and Museum Services.

The idea is for different heritage groups around the city to collaborate on exhibitions, events and publicity to make more locals as well as visitors aware of the many and differing heritage strands the area has to offer.

Finally, our Warm & Welcoming mornings (Wednesdays and Saturdays) are becoming popular but we really need more volunteers to help welcome and chat to visitors as well as make them a warming cup of tea or coffee.

If you think you could give a couple of hours a week, particularly on Wednesday mornings, please contact

Remember to check our website and social media pages regularly for what’s happening around the Heart. 

You’ll find the latest courses being run by Ink on Mesh and our bookbinder Cass, as well as the next date for a Leith Folk Club gathering, by clicking What’s On.

By clicking on Culture & Heritage news, you’ll find an appeal for photo identification and a lovely link between the Heart and the Victorian Schoolroom when the great granddaughter of a former pupil came to visit.

P.S. Save the date:

We’ll be hosting a Family Ceilidh on 29th April, so save the date. 

More details to follow on the website / social media.

First trams on route to Newhaven

A little piece of local history was made on Monday night (13 March), when the first tram in over 65 years ran down Leith Walk, as the Trams to Newhaven project nears completion.

Ahead of the route opening for service in spring 2023, a period of testing and commissioning is required to ensure the newly constructed line, software and signals work effectively and safely.

On Monday, the first stage of testing began, which involves trams travelling at walking pace along small sections of the route, starting at Picardy Place. This will continue through the week, taking place during the night to minimise traffic disruption.

Once the first stage is completed, the frequency and speed of tram testing will increase, and trams will start running to a timetable. Drivers on the route have carried out significant training in the lead-up to testing, including on a state-of-the-art simulator.

People are still being encouraged to take care and be aware of the presence of trams on the route for the first time over the coming weeks.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “This is a huge milestone for Trams to Newhaven as we see the first trams on Leith Walk in my lifetime.

“We’re fast approaching the start of passenger services this spring, and that the project is set to be delivered on time and within budget, despite the challenges of recent years, is testament to the hard work of all those involved.

“Bringing the tram to Newhaven will be transformative for the area, and the wider city. As well as boosting the economy and providing sustainable, high-capacity public transport to this densely populated part of Edinburgh, the project has significantly improved the entire route, with new cycle links, spaces to relax and spend time and newly planted trees and shrubs.

“As we enter the final phase of the project, testing and commissioning will make sure the line and infrastructure works safely and efficiently, while also confirming service capacity. Of course, this is the first time there will be trams on Leith Walk and in Leith in recent years so I would urge people to take extra care when in the area.”

Lea Harrison, Managing Director of Edinburgh Trams, said:To see one of our trams running along Leith Walk was a proud moment for us, and this latest milestone in the project will enable us to step up our own preparations for the launch of passenger services to Newhaven.

“This includes real-world driver training on the new section of line following an intense period of familiarisation involving our state-of-the-art tram simulator.”

You could argue that this ‘historic’ event is actually running years late. The line to Newhaven and the Granton Spur were part of the original TIE network plans. The trams fiasco is the subject to a long-running inquiry led by Lord Hardie which is investigating the reasons why ‘the Edinburgh Tram project incurred delays, cost more than originally budgeted and through reductions in scope delivered significantly less than projected.’

The council maintains that the Trams to Newhaven project ‘remains on schedule for completion by spring 2023 and within the £207.3m budget, with all major construction now complete’. A specific date for when the route will be open for passengers will be announced in due course.

As part of the commissioning process every aspect of the new infrastructure will be thoroughly tested to ensure it meets the required safety standards.

There will be some bus diversions around Leith Walk in place overnight during the week commencing 13 March to allow for the testing. 

The latest information on diversions is available on the Lothian Buses website.

The council warns: ‘Due to industry wide challenges with the availability of materials and skilled labour, impacted by Brexit and the war in Ukraine along with significant demand for labour in the UK and overseas, there are small pockets of public realm works that will now be completed over the coming months.’

Full details of the programme are available on the Trams to Newhaven website.

Maria Ortega, Sacyr Farrans Neopul (SFN), project director on Trams to Newhaven, said: “As contractors on the Trams to Newhaven project, the Sacyr Farrans Neopul JV team are extremely proud to be achieving this huge milestone.  

“We have been working successfully alongside our partners, supply chain and client for over four years to deliver this significant project in Edinburgh, Scotland.

“Despite the challenges of unprecedented times experienced throughout the life cycle of the project, seeing the first tram travelling down the newly completed line as part of the testing and commissioning process will be a memorable moment.

“The testing and commissioning phase will allow the new systems and infrastructure to be integrated into the existing tram network.

“As we reach the final stages of delivering this key piece of infrastructure to the people of the city, we appreciate the public’s continued support during this final technical phase of the project.”

Steven Jackson, Director, Turner & Townsend, said: “As the City of Edinburgh Council’s delivery partner for the Trams to Newhaven project, we’re delighted to have reached this significant milestone with the commencement of the testing and commissioning period, which will see trams travelling the full route.

“Following approval of the project in March 2019, we have worked closely with all members of the project team and third parties through an early contractor involvement period, significant utility diversions, and the install of new infrastructure and systems.

“The complexity of this ambitious project has required the team to tackle and overcome many challenges along the way, but collaboration has been key.

“We look forward to successfully delivering this major transport project in line with the programme set out in the final business case; and the start of the passenger services this Spring.”

Find out more about Trams to Newhaven, including landscape plans and timelines.

The Heart of Newhaven Community

Welcome to your March Newsletter

There’s such a lot going on!

We have news of several events and a couple of requests.

Vote for us, join us in a community consultation and hear what is happening at the Heart.

First of all, please vote for us.

Edinburgh Community Climate Fund – Vote for the Heart

HONC has applied for funding from Edinburgh Community Climate Fund. Over 50 projects have been submitted and those with the most votes will be awarded grants until the fund of £100,000 is exhausted.

Voting is open to all Edinburgh residents over the age of eight, until 12th March.

The Heart’s proposal is the development of a teaching kitchen which will complement the partnership work we are already doing with Homestart in the development of a community garden within the curtilage of The Heart, and with Mwamba in our ‘pots of herbs’ project.

Other organisations and groups keen to work with us in developing and using the facility include Edinburgh Community Food, Leith Pantry and the Ukrainian community. We also have close links to Friends of Victoria Park and Victoria Allotments who would provide a seasonal input of fruit and vegetables to the kitchen for community use.

Please vote for the Heart.

Vote below or head to Leith Library (or any other Edinburgh Library) and they are ready to help.


Newhaven Community Consultation

Are you interested in local history and heritage? If so, we would encourage you to join Museums & Galleries Edinburgh (MGE) for a discussion of how they can best support heritage within the Newhaven community. The views of individuals and groups, old friends and new perspectives will all be welcomed. The event will be led by Diana Morton, Outreach and Access Manager at MGE.

The last community consultation took place in 2010 and in the intervening years, the Wee Museum at Victoria Primary School formed a focus for MGE’s support of local heritage. However the school community has moved to its new premises, some pillars of the community have passed away, new communities have moved to the area and new groups have been formed.

The consultation is to develop a coherent way forward for MGE to find a solution that meets the needs of the different communities and organisations in the area.

Please come along to find out more or contact Diana Morton, Outreach & Access Manager at

The event will take place on 23 March, 6 -7.30pm at the new Victoria Primary School 1 Windrush Drive, Edinburgh EH6 4TN

New event at the Heart

Newhaven resident Gino’s bee journey began in 2014 when he took a beginner beekeeping course and got his first colony of honey bees to care for. He now holds a Beemaster qualification in practical beekeeping, is actively involved with the Scottish Beekeeping Community, keeps bees in Edinburgh, East & West Lothian, and is the recipient of several honey awards.

His three-part Thursday evening course will be a summary of all the important things you need to know about bees, beekeeping, products of the hive, plants, the environment etc… 

It is aimed at people with no knowledge or experience, ideal for gardeners or people looking to learn something new or get into beekeeping. Gino’s very keen to persuade people away from thinking of honey as a cheap sweetener and to realise the rare and unique product that it is that captures the landscape in a jar.

Contact Gino at

Second Coorie-In

We organised an evening event on February 23rd to welcome people into The Heart and give them the opportunity to connect with each other, to meet the people (artists and organisations) who are based in the building and to try their hand at creative activities.  Teas and coffees were on offer and Mwamba provided ethnically diverse hot food which proved very popular.

The evening included a performance by the local Community Choir, taster sessions of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, felting and notebook making, visits to the pottery and violin workshops, as well as the Victorian Schoolroom and Victorian Homelife display. There was even a chance of a free massage and advice from Age Scotland and Ace-It.

Over 100 people attended, not counting the many volunteers helping in various ways, meaning that the demonstrators and tenants found themselves very busy all evening. Visitors loved the “friendly community feel” as well as “visiting each organisation and making connections.”

Here are just a few of the feedback comments we received:

“Watching book binding, seeing the Victorian school and meeting the Heart of Newhaven team!”

“Loved to see the print studio and the pottery.”

“The variety of events available.”

“Ceramics – so lovely and interesting! Ink on Mesh, violin repair specialist, felting, Victorian school. Was really great seeing all. Amazing evening!”

“We loved everything from the Victorian Schoolroom, to the Art, the lovely spaces and friendly members. Food was great.”

“EVERYTHING, BRAVO! Wonderful combination of art, craft, music, history and community initiatives. Also a very welcoming space.”

HONC’s Board is looking for a volunteer with secretarial skills to take on minute-taking for board meetings, etc.

There are also still opportunities to volunteer in various capacities, as well as a couple of places on the Board to fill, in particular for those with legal, financial, marketing or HR experience.

Please check the website for further details or contact

Finally, welcome to the Leith Folk Club, (LFC) which held the first of its revitalised events at the Heart last month.

To kick things off in their new guise and in a new venue, they held a fundraiser in the old gym hall with music and merry-making for what turned out to be a packed audience. 

A spokesperson for LFC said “The money raised will enable us to recover from the last three years and will be used to get us back to doing what we do best – presenting regular gigs featuring the best Scottish and international folk and world music in the Heart of Newhaven, just down the road from our previous venue.

“None of the musicians got paid for their services and the venue was staffed by LFC committee and HoN volunteers. The night was an unqualified success and a collaborative effort, with the door-take shared equally between both organisations.”

To keep up to date with all that is happening go to Heart of Newhaven and hopefully we will see you at the Heart soon. 

Heart of Newhaven: February News

Welcome to your February Newsletter

Coorie-In again on Thursday 23rd February when the doors will open at 6.45 and events run from 7pm until 8.30. Come along and see what our partners have to offer you: everything from food tasting to pottery making, book binding, screen printing and learning about education and life in Victorian times.

There will be tea and coffee too! Come along and meet our partners and Trustees, not to mention other members of the community.


We are delighted to announce that we are one of five organisations that have been awarded funding to develop Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia in Scotland.

The £10,000 award will go towards opening a social space and community support for people living with dementia, their families and unpaid carers.

Funds have been allocated through the Meeting Centres’ Seedcorn Fund, part of the partnership between the Scottish Government and Age Scotland’s About Dementia project.

Support is designed around attendees’ individual needs and activities are selected by members themselves based upon their interests, in order to help people affected by dementia adjust to the changes that often follow diagnosis and contribute to positive outcomes in the longer-term.


Many of you already know that Heart of Newhaven is also a partner in Restoration Forth, a community-led project to restore seagrass meadows and native oysters in the Firth of Forth.

Led by WWF and sponsored by funders Aviva, Scottish Power Foundation, MoonDance Foundation and NatureScot, Heart of Newhaven is one of six project ‘hubs’ helping local people in Newhaven and nearby areas to get involved in the project. If you live locally and would like to know more about Restoration Forth please contact us on

For more info see or to see the map which is beginning to show the species as they come in click here:


Edinburgh Community Climate Acton Network is uniting community groups across the city and inviting everyone to take part in the development of a Community Climate Hub. 

The Network and Hub will be co-created by the people doing the work in their communities. This could involve, for example, knowledge-sharing and collaboration with other community groups, access to supporting organisations such as funders, policymakers and industry experts, support for administration and management, and collective lobbying. 

On 16th February the Network will be holding the Winter Gathering in the Grassmarket, (86 Candlemaker Row) where new connections and partnerships will be forged, creating a map for a living city, and planning how a community network will support communities to make that future happen. 

Everyone is welcome to attend the event, either as an individual, or from a community group.

Here is the link to the ECAN website, and the upcoming 16th February  event


A reminder – Warm & Welcoming began on Wednesday 1st February and the room will be open to all-comers every Wednesday and Saturday morning from now on, from 9am till 12 noon.

The first session saw a small but appreciative number of visitors who enjoyed their tea and coffee and reminiscing over some old photographs of Newhaven. Ace IT were on hand to help with computer and phone problems and there were toys, books and games available for all ages.


We have a new user settling into the Heart.

Kissy is offering Maths and English tuition to school pupils of all ages and will be running after-school sessions in the Anchor building, Monday to Friday, 4-6pm.

If you’re interested, you can contact her on 07873682133.


Finally, a couple of pleas. We’re still looking for any potential volunteers out there who have community fund-raising or event-organising experience. 

Your help is needed to plan future events at the Heart. Please get in touch with or through the volunteering page on the website. Alternatively, contact any of the trustees.


We’re also on the lookout for new trustees who would like to make a difference in their community. If you have legal, HR, marketing, fund-raising or secretarial experience, and live within our Area of Benefit, the Board would like to hear from you. Please get in touch.  

Heart of Newhaven

Finally, we have been the recipients of some generous donations of old fishwives’ costumes and would love to be able to display them to their best advantage.

Does anyone have any old dressmakers’ dummies they no longer use, or perhaps  a local business has some old shop window mannequins that are due for the scrapheap. Please consider donating them to us so that we can display our fine costumes. Contact

Thank you.