Election Latest – 4pm: It's going Labour's way

Latest declarations:

LEITH WALK: Chapman (Green), Blacklock (Lab), Brock (SNP), Gardiner (Lab) elected. LAB GAIN

CRAIGENTINNY/DUDDINGSTON: Griffiths (Lab), Lunn (Lab), Tymkewycz (SNP) elected. LAB GAIN

Labour and the SNP are now neck and neck on 14 seats each – Labour’s decision to stand two candidates in some wards has paid handsome dividends. The Green Party is on course for a best ever performance and can have a major say in the future direction of the new administration.

‘Red and green should never be seen’ is an old proverb – but would you bet against Labour and the Greens forming a minority administration?

Election Latest – 4pm: It’s going Labour’s way

Latest declarations:

LEITH WALK: Chapman (Green), Blacklock (Lab), Brock (SNP), Gardiner (Lab) elected. LAB GAIN

CRAIGENTINNY/DUDDINGSTON: Griffiths (Lab), Lunn (Lab), Tymkewycz (SNP) elected. LAB GAIN

Labour and the SNP are now neck and neck on 14 seats each – Labour’s decision to stand two candidates in some wards has paid handsome dividends. The Green Party is on course for a best ever performance and can have a major say in the future direction of the new administration.

‘Red and green should never be seen’ is an old proverb – but would you bet against Labour and the Greens forming a minority administration?

Election Update – 3.15pm

The latest results from Meadowbank:

City Centre: Doran (Lab), Mowat (Con), Rankin (SNP) elected.

Meadows/Morningside: Godzik (Lab), Howat (SNP), Main (Green), McInnes (Con) elected.

By my reckoning the current tally is: SNP – 11, LAB – 9, CON – 8, GRN – 3, LD – 3 with seven wards still to be declared and 24 councillors to be elected.

Nearing the finishing line it looks as if our predictions have proved to be fairly accurate. Labour is on course to become the biggest party, the Greens are doing particularly well  (currently neck and neck with the Lib Dems for number of seats on the new council) and the Lib-Dems have crashed spectacularly.

It’s not over yet, though – maybe there’s still time for a surprise or two.


Let us be among the first to congratulate new councillors Gavin Barrie (SNP) and Nigel Bagshaw (Green) in Inverleith and Vicky Redpath (Labour) in Forth Ward on their election victories. We’d like to point out that you can advertise your surgery times and all other important information in the NEN – your community newspaper!

Look forward to hearing from you!

Election Update

Latest result:

Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart: Burns (Lab), Corbett (Green), Key (SNP).

State of play so far:

SNP – 10, LAB – 8, CON – 7, LD – 3, GRN – 2.  Thirty councillors elected so far, 28 to go!



Election Latest

Results in so far:

ALMOND: Paterson (Con), Work (SNP) and Shields (LD) elected.

DRUMBRAE/GYLE: Cairns (SNP), Aldridge (LD) and Keils (Lab) elected. Labour gain.

CORSTORPHINE/MURRAYFIELD: Balfour (Con), Edie (LD) and Ross (SNP) elected.

State of play: SNP 3, LD 3, Con 2, Lab 1.

NOTE: Congratulations to independent candidate Professor Pongoo (not pictured, that’s a penguin) who gained over 400 votes in Pentlands, beating one of the mainstream parties!