A Conservative MSP has expressed concerns over a possible delay to vaccine rollout in Edinburgh.
Lothians MSP Miles Briggs was reacting to a news story that appeared in the Daily Mail group’s i newspaper yesterday, which quoted a Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership (EHSCP) email sent to GPs on Friday (8th January) which said supplies of the vaccine are not expected to ‘become reliable’ until 25 January.
Part of the email reads: “Our best understanding is that the supply will increase and become more reliable and proportionate to practice numbers from week beginning 25th January, so a couple more weeks of frustration during which some 80+ patients will be getting the vaccination whilst others have to wait longer.”
EHSCP also suggested that mass vaccination centres may not become operational until the middle of February, partly due to delays with creating a national booking system for patients.
Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “This is hugely concerning, SNP Ministers need to get their act together and sort the logistics to deliver the vaccine rollout.
‘The vaccine is our key weapon against this virus, we urgently need to see SNP Ministers accelerate plans and focus on rapid effective vaccine delivery.”
EHSCP have not responded to the news story but the Scottish Government says the email contains ‘inaccuracies’ and that EHSCP will be issuing a correction.
Genuine concerns or political point-scoring? We’ll see – Ed.