Support for families “at the end of their tether” as restrictions change

AS coronavirus restrictions tighten, charity Children 1st is making sure that parents and carers can always get the support they need through their Parentline service.

Children 1st Parentline helps families with emotional, financial and practical support, over the phone and online. Throughout the pandemic Children 1st have helped families come together, deal with stress and cope through the continued changes to everyday life.

Families can also be put in touch with Children 1st Money Advisors, who help parents and carers deal with money worries and take control of their finances.

Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive, Children 1st said: “Parents and carers are telling us that they feel like they’re at the end of their tether. After so long living with restrictions, they’re exhausted. Many families are struggling to make ends meet and are looking for support to keep the lights on and put food on the table.

“We want families to know they don’t need to go through this alone. Children 1st Parentline is here. Our staff and volunteers give confidential, non-judgemental support over the phone or online. You can call free on 08000 28 22 33 or start a webchat at”

One parent who reached out to Parentline said: “I would have been in a totally different place if it hadn’t been for these conversations.

“No one seems to be there to support the people who are supporting the children. I was really struggling. It’s fine talking to friends and family, but they aren’t in your shoes.”

Another parent said: “It feels really good just to be heard and not feel judged.”

Children 1st Parentline is open seven days a week, from 9am-9pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 12 midday Saturday and Sunday.

If your family are struggling get in touch by calling free on 08000 28 22 33 or visit to start a webchat.

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