Divided We Fall? Exciting forum theatre event in Leith next month

Divided We Fall event flyer

Living Together in Difficult Times …

We live in a diverse society in terms of ethnicity, class, ability and many other factors? But what do Identity, Diversity and Integration really mean? How can diverse communities such as Leith find ways to develop interconnections and build solidarity especially in the context of cuts to public services, the Welfare Reform Act and other divisive policies and influences from above?

Over the past three months a group of Leith residents and visitors have been working with Active Inquiry to develop pieces of Forum Theatre exploring these questions for this event. Forum Theatre encourages an audience to become involved by enabling them to change the action onstage!

We hope to encourage as many people as possible from many diverse groups to attend this event and enjoy the performances, food, music, exhibitions and workshops to help develop an Action Plan for moving forward.

Highlights over the two days include:

• Forum Theatre performances by local people

• Debates and Action Planning

• Jock Tamson’s Bairns exhibition and work from local groups

• Food from Out of the Blue Café and World Kitchen

• Music performances from Edinburgh’s Got Soul and Wildfire Choirs and others as part of Out of the Blue’s Bruncheon event.

• Special performance of Hotel Europa – a play exploring the effects of the European crisis with a cast from across Europe including France, Portugal, Spain, Croatia and Germany

When: Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May 2013

Times: Saturday 11am-7pm, Sunday 12-7pm

Where: The Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 36 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG

Cost: Free! (although donations will be appreciated!)

For catering and room capacity reasons it is essential that people book for this event. Please register and book tickets at:


or email


Divided We Fall event flyer

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