Briggs backs Stockbridge Duck Race

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs has tabled a motion noting the 30th annual Stockbridge Duck Race that will take place next weekend.

The annual duck race has become one of the most popular community events in the area, raising tens of thousands of pounds for charity. This year’s chosen charities are St Columba’s Hospice and the Yard.

The Après Duck party and kids’ disco will be hosted by the team in the pub, The Antiquary.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative Lothian MSP, said: “I commend all involved in organising the event and the businesses that donate prizes and considers the event to be a great example of community spirit.

“I wish everyone taking part in the duck race an enjoyable day and all the best for raising a significant amount for local charities.”

Motion Number: S5M-17859
Lodged By: Miles Briggs
Date Lodged: 20/06/2019

Title: Stockbridge Duck Race’s 30th Anniversary

Motion Text:

That the Parliament notes that the 30th annual Stockbridge Duck Race will take place on 30 June 2019; notes that the first race was organised by Susie Gregor and that, in the subsequent years, it has become one of the most popular community events in the area, raising tens of thousands of pounds for charity; notes that this year’s chosen charities are St Columba’s Hospice and the Yard, and that the Après Duck party and kids’ disco will be hosted by the team in the pub, The Antiquary; commends all involved in organising the event and the businesses that donate prizes; considers it a great example of community spirit, and wishes everyone taking part an enjoyable day raising a significant amount for local charities.

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