Community talks transport at Inverleith conference

Around ninety people attended Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s ‘On the Move’ event held in Broughton High School last week. The theme of the evening was transport, and local residents were encouraged to share their opinions at the ’round-robin’-style event.

Participants moved from table to table to discuss a new topic, with each conversation supported by and helped along by an expert from that particular field. The six themes were  public transport, winter weather planning, cycling and walking, road maintenance, road safety and parking – and unsurprisingly each topic generated healthy discussion and debate!

The views expressed at the event were all noted and the main findings and suggestions will help to guide transport planning policy both in Inverleith and further afield. Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership convener Councillor Gavin Barrie thanked organisers and participants and said: “It was great to see so many people here at Broughton High School, with everyone contributing to an interesting and informative debate. I’ve no doubt that all of the councillors and officers here this evening are listening ans want to hear what you have to say, but we can only do that when you talk to us and you’ve done that tonight. We may not like everything we’ve heard, but this has been a very useful and worthwhile exercise for all of us – thank you for participating.”

Broughton High School students were heavily involved in all aspects of the event, and they did a superb job – from providing the  music and technical support to presenting and live ‘tweeting’ – posting discussions as they happened around the tables out to the worldwide web, sharing Inverleith’s thoughts on transport with the whole of cyberspace!

And the Broughton students haven’t quite finished yet – the NEN’s been promised a report and pictures of the conference; we’ll share these with you as soon as we have them!

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer