Scots are drugging themselves to sleep

DEPRESSED and anxious Scots say they are medicating themselves to sleep – and over a quarter say they have had to see their doctor about the problem. More than two in five (44%) Scots say they have used medication or alcohol to get to sleep.

Eight per cent of those surveyed said they had taken antidepressants and six per cent said they had taken anxiety medication just to get to sleep, according to a survey for Gravity Blankets by Atomik Research.

A further seven per cent say they have taken narcotics such as codeine, morphine or other opiate painkillers to get to sleep while nearly one in five (18%) have taken sleeping tablets.

And two thirds (66%) of all adults in Scotland say their worries keep them up at night, tossing and turning over their health, family and money.

Just over a quarter (27%) of Scots surveyed said they had been to the doctor about their sleep problems

The research showed that anxiety and depression play a major part in Scots’ inability to get some shut-eye.

A third (32%) of Scots surveyed said they suffered from anxiety and 28% said they had suffered from depression.

And nearly one in four (37%) described themselves as ‘TATT’ – or Tired All The Time.

A quarter (25%) of Scots say they struggle to get to sleep at least three nights a week, with some of the biggest factors being unable to switch off, restlessness and thinking over to-do lists.

Tired Scots drink an average of three cups of tea or coffee when they are tired, although nine per cent say they have seven cups or more.

Scots also tuck into more calories when they are feeling tired, with 22% saying they eat extra cakes or sweets, 21% saying they eat extra biscuits and 14% saying they nexk more fizzy drinks

Therapist and Gravity Blankets co-founder Joanna Goliszek said: “Britain’s inability to get a good night’s sleep is a huge cause for concern. Sleep is essential for healing the body and the mind but the demands of modern life mean that we are on the go from dawn till dusk.

“Many of us feel compelled to check work emails before bed or we find ourselves worrying about our families, our health or our money problems in the small hours.

“All of this weighs heavily on our minds and, as our survey shows, this accumulated anxiety or depression affects our ability to get to sleep.

“It is particularly worrying that young people are turning to medication to get off to sleep and, while it is understandable, we would encourage anyone who is having trouble sleeping search out more natural alternatives.”


10 effective ways to fall asleep

1. Get out of the bedroom and find yourself something to do

You feel tired, you lie ready to sleep in bed, but you feel that it is difficult to fall asleep? Then let go for a moment… Leave the bedroom and do something for 10-15 minutes.Your body needs to remind you that the bed is for sleeping and that the process should be done smoothly without any disturbances.

2. Do not look at your watch

The more you struggle to fall asleep, the more you look at the phone, counting how many hours you have left before the next hard day? Stop doing that! Doing so, you will make the level of cortisol rise in your body, which will put you in a state of stress, not a relaxation and calm rest that you need.

3. Use a special weapon – Gravity Blanket

When choosing bedding, we are guided by price or intuition to make a decision. This is another mistake made by a large part of consumers. What is inside of the bedding has a significant impact on our relaxation in bed, if improperly selected it irritates the skin, does not absorb moisture (when we sweat) and stops the airflow.

4. Rinse yourself with cold water

Such a procedure will be like “resetting your body”. The nervous system, which is most likely overloaded, needs “shock therapy”. Go to the bathroom, rinse your face with cold (even ice-cold) water and repeat this operation for a minimum of 30 seconds. This way you will align your heart rate, lower the pressure and allow your body to restore its balance. This treatment will allow you to go back to bed with a “restarted” body.

5. Wear socks in bed

When anxiety and stress accompany you in bed, the next good method to relax yourself is to warm your hands and feet.. The heat expands the blood vessels, which facilitates entering a state of relaxation and rest.

6. Check the “4-7-8” method

This method should introduce us into the sleep phase in a minute. First you place your tongue on your palate, just behind your front teeth. Keeping this arrangement, go through the following phases: the first step is a strong exhale through your mouth; the second step is inhaling the air with your nose for 4 seconds; next hold your breath for 7 seconds, and finally exhale for 8 seconds. The whole series should be repeated four times. Such a procedure is supposed to introduce us into a state of relaxation, inducing us to fall asleep.

7. Go on holidays – in your mind

Imagine relaxing on the beach, swimming in the pool among palm trees or the scenery where you feel very happy. Such a sweet distraction is usually enough for you to relax your body and free your mind from everyday problems.

8. Have your supper by candlelight

This action cannot only “start a fire” in your relationship, but also ensure a good night’s sleep. All kinds of light stop the production of melatonin, which is necessary for a peaceful sleep. Blue light is much worse, this is why it is not recommended to use your phone or watch TV in bed. Take a break from all the lights and indulge in a romantic dinner in the candlelight.

9. Blow soap bubbles

No, this is not a joke! According to professors from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, blowing bubbles is an excellent calming method, that works by aligning and lengthening our breathing. Furthermore, the very process of blowing bubbles and observing them, also has a hypnotizing effect, leading to the relaxation of the mind and the body.

10. Listen to music

Choose the sounds of classical or relaxing music with timing between 60 and 80 beats per minute. Students between 19 and 28 years of age, who listened to calm rhythms for 45 minutes before bedtime, achieved amazing results with the quality of their sleep. Furthermore, they also reported a much better focus and improved mood the next day.

Good luck !

If you are losing sleep over debt or anxious about mounting bills, help is at hand: visit the Talk Money event at The Prentice Centre today from 11am – 2pm, or call Granton Information Centre on 551 2459/552 0458 

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