Community Shop closed until further notice

Community Shop to remain closed after holidays

community shop

The Community Shop on Pennywell Road will remain closed for at least the next month to allow repairs and redecoration to take place.

In a statement on the TRIM (Tenants & Residents in Muirhouse) Facebook page, shop organisers explain:

TRIM would like to make all residents and partners aware that Muirhouse Community Shop will remain CLOSED until further notice.

Volunteers and Muirhouse Link Up will meet this week to discuss a few new ideas for the shop, this includes a mini make over, a fresh look at what is stocked and who we will invite in to the shop ( Organisations / Groups ) –

Your community shop has now been open over 2 years and has served the community well, it is hoped that with a mini make over it will continue to serve you until such time a supermarket or similar opens.

The shop is fully dependant of Volunteers, NO staff get paid and NO profit is ever made from the shop.

Please share this with your friends and family, we may be asking for some support to get the shop looking good as it’s a little old and tired

Of course you can still conatct the shop and TRIM 24/7 via the mobile telephone 07914 942 026

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