Swinney issues call for peace in the Middle East

One year since Israel’s invasion of Gaza

Marking a year since Israeli forces began their ground invasion of Gaza, First Minister John Swinney said: “The ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is now entering its second year. The horror, suffering and killing we have watched unfold in Gaza in real-time, on such a devastating scale, has now spread across the region.

“The need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza is at the heart of reaching wider peace in the Middle East, and we must see the unconditional release of all hostages.

“International recognition of the sovereign state of Palestine, as part of a two-state solution, is also a fundamental pillar upon which we can build lasting peace.

“There have been repeated breaches of international law and violations of human rights since the conflict began, and Israel must stop blocking essential humanitarian aid from reaching wounded and starving civilians who are surviving in nightmarish conditions.

“I repeat the Scottish Government’s calls for an end to all UK arms sales to Israel.

“Tens of thousands of lives have been lost, and millions more have been directly affected by this catastrophe.

“I stand with our communities in Scotland who have lost loves ones and face the daily torment of not knowing if their family members will make it through the day.”

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