People in Edinburgh invited to join Scottish Parliament summit

People from across Scotland are being invited to the Scottish Parliament’s first Summit to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Holyrood.

Taking place on Saturday 25 November and in partnership with the Cross-Party Group on Disability it will be held just ahead of International Day of Persons with Disabilities (Saturday 3 December). It is hoped it will bring hundreds of people together both in Edinburgh and online.

The event will recognise and value the role disabled people play in our society whilst also focusing on some of the barriers that continue to exist.

It will feature a number of speakers including Baroness Grey-Thompson DBE, a renowned athlete and a multi-gold medal winner in Paralympic sport and Jim Elder-Woodward OBE, a disabled activist and prominent campaigner for equality and human rights.

The Scottish Parliament’s Presiding Officer, the Rt. Hon Alison Johnstone MSP who will chair the Summit said: “The Scottish Parliament is here for everyone across Scotland, but we know that for some people there are barriers that can make it harder to access and get involved in the work we do.

“This Summit is an opportunity for us to come together, share experiences and learn from each other. It also provides a platform to discuss what can be done to help more people overcome barriers that still exist.”

Jeremy Balfour MSP, Convener of the Cross-Party Group on Disability said: “‘I am very excited about this event. It is the first the Scottish Parliament has held this type of event for the disabled community.

“I hope it will be a positive opportunity for individuals to learn and celebrate together”.

Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP, Deputy Convener of the Cross-Party Group on Disability said: “Too often disabled people are shut out of decisions that affect them. There should be nothing about us, without us and so I’m excited we’re opening the Parliament to bring disabled people from across Scotland, right into the room where it happens.

“The Scottish Parliament is everyone’s Parliament and I can’t wait to look across the chamber for the first time and see all the glorious diversity and talent of the disabled people of Scotland looking back at us. It really will be a moment for celebration and I’m proud that we’re able to do it”.

To register your interest in attending in person or online, please go to:

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