Drylaw cars damaged in ‘senseless’ attacks

image (2)At least six cars had windows broken during a half-hour wrecking spree in Drylaw last night. Vehicles on Ferry Road and Easter Drylaw View and Drive were damaged in what one victim described as ‘senseless vandalism’.

The vandalism started at around 7.30pm last night. One Easter Drylaw resident said: “We were putting the kids to bed when a neighbour turned up at the door to tell us our car had been damaged – the back window had been put in”.

He went on: “There was nothing on show in our car, there was nothing to take so this wasn’t breaking in to steal, it was an act of senseless vandalism. While I was outside trying to make some temporary repairs there were car alarms going off all over the place, and when I walked up the road into Easter Drylaw Drive there were more people out inspecting the damage to their vehicles. All told I saw five or six but there could be more.

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“It’s not just the cost of repairing the damage, although that’s bad enough – especially at this time of year. It’s the inconvenience it causes – we have a hospital appointment with one of the children on Monday but the child seat is totally covered in shards of broken glass so we are going to have to make other arrangements.

“Then there are the calls to the police and the insurance, the calls to arrange a day and time to get your car window replaced and all the stuff that goes along with that. It’s all totally unnecessary stress we could all do without – I can’t say what I’d like to do if they were to catch the people who do things like this.”

Similar attacks happened in Drylaw in October and there has been a recent spate of vehicle damage and thefts in Granton Mill.

Police investigations are ongoing – if you have any information telephone Police Scotland on 101 or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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