Forest Bound art exhibition opens today at Out of the Blue Drill Hall

We would like to invite you to the opening of Forest Bound – adaptation, resilience and uncertainty, a Community Group Exhibition of artwork and more, created as part of Forest Bound, a public engagement project.

Please see the event details below. Everything in wonderful The Out of the Blue Drill Hall !

The project 🌱🌱🌱

Forest Bound is a project working to engage ethnic minority groups in Edinburgh with forest landscapes by using arts approaches grounded in environmental science. The project aims to create spaces so communities underrepresented in nature can engage with forest environments, while bringing attention to their experiences and values. We organised forest walks and a workshop session. Find out more about the activities by watching the short film produced by Written in Film.

Forest Bound is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and is a partnership between the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC), artist Tamsin Grainger, and Written in Film.

The exhibition 🌱🌱🌱

This multi-media, multi-sensory and interactive exhibition includes collage, painting and drawing, film by Written in Film, sound, recipes, and an experience of the smell and touch of the Scots Pines and fungi found in the Autumn in Scotland.

The groups were interested in, and learning about, how we, as part of nature, share the ability to adapt, maintain resilience and manage uncertainty. Created by people who live in Edinburgh, including members of the Chinese, Syrian, and Polish communities, in this exhibition you will be surrounded by the infectious laughter that comes from walking together in such special places.

Evening opening event 🌱🌱🌱

The evening opening of the exhibition is on Thursday 16th of February 2023, 6pm – 8.30pm.

The venue is Out of the Blue Drill Hall (Main Hall) in Edinburgh (EH6 8RG). See how to get there here.

We encourage you to bring along others with you to the evening opening and share the invitation with your network.

Please note the exhibition is cost-free and will be open to all from Tuesday 14th of February 2023 until Saturday 18th of February 2023 (inclusive), so if you are unable to attend the evening opening you can visit during normal opening times these dates (10am – 5pm Tuesday-Friday, 10am – 3pm Saturday).

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer