Nominations opened for Community Council elections on 6 February 2025. Noominations close at 4pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.
The quickest method to return completed nomination forms is by email to the Governance Team at community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk
If you choose to return by hand or by post please ensure you allow sufficient time for the nomination form to be received before the deadline at 4pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.
Example completed nomination forms are attached to this email. All sections that must be completed are highlighted in yellow.
Attached is a breakdown of every valid nomination received for each individual Community Council as of 20 February 2025.
For each individual Community Council, you will also note the column with the minimum number of nominations required to establish the Community Council. We have highlighted in green the Community Councils that have already met the minimum elected members threshold.
Nomination form – further clarification
- We being persons residing in and appearing on the electoral register for the area of’ – ‘area’ means the community council area that you are being nominated for. Please ensure that you include the correct name of the Community Council and not the constituency or ward information. You can check the name of your community council on our website.
- An individual can be both a single proposer and a single seconder, e.g. They could propose Individual A and second Individual B. They cannot propose or second any other individuals.
- A nominees family member (e.g. Wife, husband, brother etc.) can propose or second them in compliance with the point above.
- Please only submit 1 nomination form via 1 method of submission e.g. via email OR by hand OR by post. Please do not send multiple copies of nomination forms to the Governance Team as this creates additional administrative pressures. The quickest method to return completed nomination forms is by email to the Governance Team at community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk
Since nominations opened we have received a number of nominations which have been assessed as not valid. All candidates have been provided with advice on how to rectify and re-submit by the closing date of 4pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.
Common ‘not valid’ reasons
Below are common reasons why nomination forms have been assessed as not valid
- The nomination form does not detail the name of the Community Council area that the candidate has been nominated for.
- The nomination form has not been signed in ink by the proposer, seconder and candidate.
- The nomination form has not been dated by the proposer, seconder and candidate.
- Photo of nomination form and signatures must be legible.
Below are common reasons why Local Interest Group nomination forms have been assessed as not valid
- The LIG nomination form has not been signed in ink by the President/Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer.
- A copy of the LIGs constitution has not been supplied.
- The LIG nomination does not include the name(s) of the Community Council.
If you need any assistance with completing a nomination form then please do not hesitate to contact us at community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk
Governance Team
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