Dear Editor,
We are proud to be supporting Safer Internet Day (Tuesday, February 11) again this year.
Today’s young people enjoy spending time online, and it is a great way for them to learn, socialise and have fun but avoiding online harm has become more complicated in recent years.
This year’s Safer Internet Day theme ‘Protecting yourself and others from scams online’ will look at the prevalence of online scams and invite young people to share their experiences and ideas on how to tackle the issue.

It is great that young people are involved in Safer Internet Day, we think it’s important to ensure their views and experiences are heard so they can help shape decisions that are made about how to keep them safe online.
And that’s why we are running a campaign in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Youth Council and West Dunbartonshire Council called ‘Shameless Youths’ which is being led by the young people themselves.
We hope to encourage more conversations between young people and the adults in their lives about being online and help them to have healthy relationships online and offline.

We are also working with a group of 14 enthusiastic young people from across the UK and Scotland – the NSPCC’s Voice of Online Youth – so they can influence decisions about to make the online world safer for them.
Advice and support about online safety is available for parents, carers, teachers and young people on the NSPCC website.
Children can get in touch with Childline on 0800 1111 or via childline.org.uk to speak with a counsellor confidentially if they are worried about something. They have a tool called Report Remove for under 18 year olds who have had a nude image of them shared online, to help them get it removed.
Yours sincerely,

Euan MacLaren
NSPCC Scotland Local Campaigns Officer