Scottish government announces funding support for Gaelic heritage

New projects announced

The original manuscript of a Gaelic love song written during the Battle of the Somme is to be housed at a new cultural centre.

North Uist Historical Society will receive £165,000 of Scottish Government funding to convert Carinish Old School and showcase items from its collection, many of which are currently kept in storage.

These include an original copy of Gaelic love song “An Eala Bhàn” (The White Swan). The song was written by a former pupil of the school during the Battle of the Somme and performed by local musician Julie Fowlis at a commemorative service at the Thiepval Memorial in France to mark the centenary of the Battle in 2016. It will be available for centre visitors to view.

Other items include historical artefacts from St Kilda, war memorabilia from local soldiers and press cuttings, posters and photographs from Gaelic rock band Runrig. The centre will also operate as a tourist information point and offer tours to the site of the Battle of Carinish and the ruins of Trinity Temple.

A further £200,000 will be made available to support the construction of an auditorium for Gaelic lectures and music events at Cnoc Soiller in South Uist.

Deputy First Minister and Gaelic Secretary Kate Forbes said: “Protecting and promoting the Gaelic language can attract tourists into the country, grow the economy and contribute to community wellbeing.

“This funding will enable people to learn about Uist’s Gaelic heritage from the Middle Ages up to modern day.

“To support the growth of the Gaelic language, we have allocated an additional £5.7 million for Gaelic in the draft Budget for next year.

“The Scottish Languages Bill will also create a system to enable all parents to apply for Gaelic early learning and childcare services and introduce measures to strengthen the provision of Gaelic education.”

Musician Julie Fowlis said: “I am delighted that North Uist Historical Society has been awarded this funding support.

“The organisation and the wider community have collected and made safe hundreds, if not thousands, of precious items pertaining to cultural life in North Uist and the wider Island community. It is only right and proper that these artefacts are brought home to this building, which has been at the heart of the community for decades. 

“It was a great honour and privilege for me to be asked to sing An Eala Bhàn by local bàrd Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna, at the 100 year memorial of the Battle of the Somme in Thiepval”.

This investment is being delivered through the £4 million Gaelic Capital Fund.

A’ cur taic ri dualchas Gàidhlig

Pròiseactan ùra air am foillseachadh.

Thèid an làmh-sgrìobhainn air an deach òran gaoil Gàidhlig a sgrìobhadh aig àm Blàr an Somme a thaisbeanadh aig ionad cultarail ùr.

Gheibh Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath £165,000 de mhaoineachadh bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba gus seann taigh-sgoile Chàirinis a leasachadh mar thaigh-tasgaidh far an urrainn dhaibh stuthan bhon tasglann aca a thaisbeanadh, agus an t-uabhas dhiubh sin an-dràsta air an stòradh.

Nam measg tha a’ chiad dreachd den òran “An Eala Bhàn”. Chaidh an t-òran a sgrìobhadh aig àm Blàr an Somme le fear a bha na sgoilear aig Sgoil Chàirinis. Bha e air a sheinn le Julie Fowlis aig seirbheis cuimhneachaidh aig Carragh-chuimhne Thiepval san Fhraing – gus ceudamh ceann-bliadhna a’ Bhlàir a chomharrachadh ann an 2016. Bidh e air a thaisbeanadh do dhaoine a tha a’ tadhal air an ionad.

Cuideachd air an taisbeanadh bidh stuthan eachdraidheil à Hiort, cuimhneachain cogaidh le saighdearan às an sgìre agus pìosan naidheachd, postairean is dealbhan leis a’ chòmhlain-ciùil roc Albannach, Runrig. Bidh an t-ionad cuideachd air a chleachdadh mar ionad-fiosrachaidh do luchd-turais is thèid tursan a thabhann gu làraich Blàr Chàirinis agus tobhtaichean Teampull na Trionaid.

Ann an Uibhist a Deas bidh £200,000 eile air a thoirt seachad gus cuideachadh le bhith a’ togail talla aig Cnoc Soilleir far an tèid òraidean Gàidhlig is tachartasan ciùil a chumail.

Thuirt an Leas-Phrìomh Mhinistear is Rùnaire na Gàidhlig Ceit Fhoirbeis:

“’S e a bhith a’ dìon is a’ brosnachadh Gàidhlig rud as urrainn luchd-turais a thàladh don dùthaich, a bhith a’ fàs na h-eaconamaidh is a bhith a’ cur ri math choimhearsnachdan. Bidh am maoineachadh seo a’ cuideachadh dhaoine gus ionnsachadh mu dhualchas Gàidhlig Uibhist bho na Meadhan Aoisean chun an latha an-diugh.

“Gus taic a chur ri fàs na Gàidhlig, tha sinn air £5.7 millean a bharrachd a chur ris a’ Ghàidhlig anns an dreachd dhen Bhuidseat airson na h-ath-bhliadhna.

“Tro Bhile nan Cànan Albannach thèid cuideachd siostam a chruthachadh far an urrainn do phàrantan uile cur a-steach airson seirbheisean tràth-ionnsachaidh is cùraim-chloinne Gàidhlig is far an tèid foghlam Gàidhlig a neartachadh.”

Thuirt an neach-ciùil is seinneadair Julie Fowlis:

“Tha mi air mo dhòigh glan gun d’ fhuair Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath an taic-airgid seo. Tha a’ bhuidheann agus daoine eile sa choimhearsnachd air ceudan, no fiù ’s mìltean, de nithean prìseil a chruinneachadh is a ghleidheadh, nithean a tha a’ buntainn ri cultar Uibhist a Tuath agus cultar muinntir Uibhist air fad. Tha e air leth freagarrach gu bheil na rudan sin gu bhith air an taisbeanadh san togalach seo, a bha aig cridhe na coimhearsnachd fad iomadach bliadhna.

“B’ e urram glè mhòr a bh’ ann nuair a chaidh iarraidh orm an Eala Bhàn le Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna a sheinn aig Thiepval gus 100 bliadhna a chomharrachadh bho thachair Blàr an Somme.”


Tha an taic-airgid seo air a lìbhrigeadh tron Mhaoin-chalpa Ghàidhlig aig a bheil luach uile-gu-lèir de £4m.

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