Young climate activist reunited with her protest artwork ahead of major exhibition 

A placard created by an eight-year-old climate activist during the School Strike for Climate in 2019, will go on display for the first time in a major new exhibition at Perth Museum.

Bridget, now 14, from Edinburgh has been reunited with her artwork at the National Museums Collection Centre before it goes on loan to Perth Museum for Waters Rising, opening 8 November 2024. 

The placard depicts the Earth as a melting ice cream cone, drawn in felt tip pen on a used cardboard box with a tree branch from Bridget’s garden as a handle. It was created for the School Strike for Climate, or Fridays for Future, demonstration outside the Scottish Parliament on 15 February 2019.   

This youth-led protest movement was started by Greta Thunberg in 2018 and has since involved millions of young people around the world who skip Friday classes to demand action against climate change.  

Bridget said: “My design was inspired by School Strike for Climate protests around the world, thinking about the climate emergency I could imagine the Earth melting like an ice cream.

“When I took part in the protest I was 8 –years old and I felt involved in a really big thing, but I never imagined my artwork would end up in a museum collection or part of an exhibition. It’s a really lovely thought that future generations might see this movement and hopefully know that we made a difference.” 

Waters Rising is an exploration of the impact of flooding and climate breakdown on local Scottish communities and around the world. Bridget’s placard is one of a collection of objects going on loan from National Museums Scotland to the exhibition with the support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Highlights include a medallion and passport for citizens of the ‘Govan Free State’ produced by GalGael Trust to coincide with COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow in 2021. 

Ashleigh Hibbins, Head of Audiences and Learning at Culture Perth and Kinross said: “We are so excited to be able to include this important piece of modern Scottish history in the Waters Rising exhibition at Perth Museum.

“Young people are the least responsible yet most impacted by the climate crisis, so it is critical that their voices and perspectives are heard. We hope visitors to the exhibition will be inspired by Bridget’s piece and others to take action against environmental breakdown.” 

National Museums Scotland is committed to positively engaging audiences with themes of climate change and biodiversity loss through public programmes, research, and by collecting contemporary material associated with these themes. 

Mhairi Maxwell, Curator of Modern & Contemporary History at National Museums Scotland said: “I am delighted that Bridget’s protest artwork is going on display for the first time. The placard perfectly captures a young Scot’s perspective on the climate crisis.

“I am so pleased we can work with Perth Museum to share our contemporary collections and highlight the experiences of Scottish people in the face of this global emergency. Thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery for their support of our national partnership programme.” 

This loan is part of National Museums Scotland’s National Strategy, which sees collections and expertise shared through loans, participation in national projects, community engagement, funding for acquisitions and free knowledge and skills development opportunities for museums across Scotland.

Over 2500 objects are currently on loan to Scottish organisations, bringing the National Collection to audiences across the country. 

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