Support for Boyack’s Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill

Over 130 organisations, including NGOs, social justice charities, think tanks and economists, have come together to urge First Minister John Swinney to give the government’s backing to Sarah Boyack MSP’s Member’s Bill.

In a letter organised by WEAll Scotland, they tell Mr Swinney that “fhis is a key opportunity for the Scottish Parliament to work together to pass world leading legislation that delivers for the people of Scotland”.

Ms Boyack’s Member’s Bill aims to create better outcomes for future generations by placing new definitions of sustainable development and wellbeing into legislation.

It also seeks to establish a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Commissioner to end short-term thinking in policy decisions.

The bill received cross party support but has not yet been formally endorsed by the SNP.

In the SNP’s 2021 manifesto they committed to bringing forward a Wellbeing and Sustainability Bill, however only put a consultation forward after Ms Boyack published her bill.

In the open letter, signatories highlighted the benefits of this bill and urged Mr Swinney to support Sarah Boyack in bringing it into law

Commenting on the support, Ms Boyack said: “It is great to have such a wide range of support from stakeholders across sectors, for my bill.

“There is clearly a deep recognition of the benefits that this bill can bring Scotland.

“This gives us in Scotland the opportunity to be a real leader in this field.

“I hope the First Minister listens to these stakeholders and supports my bill to ensure that we can finally embed wellbeing into the heart of Scotland’s politics.”

WEAll Director Aileen McCleod added: “In a just and compassionate Scotland, everyone should have the opportunity to live a good and dignified life.

“We know that people are struggling as we face multiple crises for people and planet. It doesn’t have to be this way.

“Right now, the Scottish Government is not utilising the full extent of their devolved powers. The recent Programme for Government was a missed opportunity to deliver lasting change.”

Sarah Davidson, Chief Executive of Carnegie UK also commented: “New wellbeing legislation could help Scotland make headway with the biggest challenges of our time by forcing more long-term thinking.

“The Scottish Parliament should get behind Sarah Boyack’s Bill because the only way we’re going to tackle issues like climate change or child poverty is through thoughtful action, co-ordinated across government and the wider public sector.”

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